Insanity/P90X Recovery drink alternative

Hi Pals,

So after losing 45+ pounds I am finally ready to take on Insanity. My official start date will be April 4th. Over the next two weeks I will continue with my current workout routine and marathon training (the big day is April 2nd yay!) along with taking start pics/measurements. So after purchasing the Insanity bonus set I am not too thrilled about the price tag of the results and recovery shake. I know there are several alternatives to the 4:1 ratio and wanted to know what my fellow fitness pals are using in place of the in my opinion overly priced branded shake. I am considering white grape or apple juice with whey protein.

Open to all suggestions. Thanks in advance for your help.


  • mwl40
    mwl40 Posts: 6 Member
    Nesquick low fat chocolate milk, cheap and good tasting.
  • ProjectSara
    ProjectSara Posts: 83 Member
    I do P90X, and I'm not sure what their recovery drink consists of, but after a good burn I always drink a vitamin-filled delicious Emergen-C. Maybe drink that and a small protein powder shake?
  • bethtoscan
    Personally, I like the recovery drink (flavor wise especially), but the emergenC recommendation sounds like a great alternative.
    I sometimes substitute the recovery drink for the vanilla meal replacement one (cheaper!) and add berries and whey to it, use just water or almond milk.
  • superjarrod1616
    superjarrod1616 Posts: 39 Member
    Chocolate milk and Dymatize Protein, or use skim in stead and throw in a banana or other fruit for simple sugar and you have a perfect recovery drink. (grape juice and whey would have the same effect, but the taste may not be too good)

    Good Luck on the Marathon! Finishing is one of the best feelings of accomplishment you will ever have!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I use Bluebonnet whey protein powder in strawberry, I make it with vanilla soy milk. It's made with all natural ingredients, no GMO's, no artificial sweetners, etc. The protein powder is made with stevia, which I'm not crazy about because I don't like the flavor. Together with the soy milk it has 31g protein, 11g carbs, and 6 sugar.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Can I address the fact that you want to start Insanity two days after a marathon. Not a great idea. With that said, you can simply take in a good whey protein shake. Dymatize was suggested, I know people that take that. I like BSN protein for their different flavors. A decent whey protein powder will help recovery directly after the workout.
  • terrivision
    terrivision Posts: 58 Member
    My husband and I use Myogenix After Shock Tactical Post-Workout it helps with the soreness; greatly decreases next day soreness for me (just my opinion). We got it from Vitamin Shoppe (on another thread I incorrectly said we bought it from GNC).
  • Nikki2Fit
    Nikki2Fit Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks everyone. All great ideas and I like options so Im sure I will try several of these before the 90 days are over. Oh yea, the marathon is only a 10k. Its 6.2 miles and I started out increasing mileage weekly and I am already doing 6 miles 3 times a week now. If starting Insanity with only 2 days off following the marathon is too much for me I will wait a little longer to start it. My body knows its limits and I respect that. Thanks for your concern.