How often should a person work out?

boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
How often should a person work out?

How often should a person work out thats only been working out? I seem to only work out Monday - Thursday and kinda slack the weekend. I can not seem to get motivated to work out on those days because I wanna relax.

Am I the only one with this problem?


  • octopusami
    octopusami Posts: 87 Member
    I have no idea how often one should work out.. I know that I run 3 miles during the week days and 4-5 on the weekends. If I give myself an "off day" every week then I tend to abuse it. I also have difficulties staying in my calories if I don't have some added exercise calories to work with.
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    I used to be, but I have motivated myself to keep it up on the weekends. I think it is different for each person. If you puch yoursel fhard during the week, then it may be a good thing for you to take a break on the weekend. I have a list of workouts that I want to get in, so if I don't do them during the week, then I do it on the weekend.
  • 3LittleMonkeys
    3LittleMonkeys Posts: 373 Member
    I take an off day every 4-5 days. Like I was off last Wednesday. Then I went Thurs, Fri, Saturday, Sunday. Off today and will go back tomorrow.

    I know some that workout two or three days off one day, Then workout two or three days and off. Others just work out M-F and have the weekend off.

    I think you have to see how it affects your weightloss.
  • 3LittleMonkeys
    3LittleMonkeys Posts: 373 Member
    Then again going to the gym is a mental health break for me. No kids! Woo Hoo! Hubby is with them. :laugh:
  • ChessRonin
    ChessRonin Posts: 160 Member
    You should exercise seven days a week. What you do and how intense it is should vary day by day, but you should definitely exercise every day.

    At least one or two days during the week I would make sure that it's very light, so that your body can adequately recover, and try not to make your workouts too intense more than three days in a week.
  • kriswigg
    kriswigg Posts: 95
    My schedule gets a little crazy, so I try to do a little bit of something everyday. That way, if I have a day where something comes up and I just can't find time to work out, I don't feel so bad.
  • Tarah1357
    Tarah1357 Posts: 139 Member
    I do Zumba Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays. I take a break on Wednesday from any intended exercise, though sometimes I end up burning calories unintentionally. (it's amazing how many calories you can burn while cleaning the yard/house etc...crazy!) The weekends I usually just try to incorporate no less than a 20 minute walk on either the Saturday or Sunday.

    Good luck!
  • Rawr1978
    Rawr1978 Posts: 245 Member
    Seven days a week worked for me. I found that if i dared a day off, i fell, hard. I did take one "slacker" day a week, where i shorted my routine.
  • SDLester
    SDLester Posts: 24
    I personally do nothing less than 30 minutes of cardio every day with 45 minutes being the norm. I also do light weights 4 days a week. I only miss a work out if the gym has closed for a holiday. Then I have been known to find one that is open and will accept a walk in for a small fee :) I really enjoy my work out time and find it relaxing after a day at work.
  • Fitzpoppa
    Fitzpoppa Posts: 66
    I Try to do some sort of exercise Mon, Wed,Fri and Saturday. Here lately my motivation has me doing 2 or 3 days a week.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    How often should a person work out?

    How often should a person work out thats only been working out? I seem to only work out Monday - Thursday and kinda slack the weekend. I can not seem to get motivated to work out on those days because I wanna relax.

    Am I the only one with this problem?

    It really depends on your goals, routine, and genetics.
    If you mostly want to loose weight, I would say as often as you feel you can with out 'burning out'.
    I doubt your into body building, but for that a beginner could do four or five days a week, and drop to three or four as you gain strength.
    Think the average person would benefit the most from 4 out of seven days with at least 30 minutes of exercise.