B-12 Injections...

ChelDM Posts: 145
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
Is anyone getting B-12 Injections or oral B-12? I have heard it can really help with energy and weight loss...Is there any truth to this?

Has anyone considered getting it or heard anything more about it?



  • ChefJenn
    ChefJenn Posts: 350 Member
    since after WLS I have to do b-12 shots daily. I dont know about it helping me but it was something they told me to always do so I do.
  • kerinick
    kerinick Posts: 16
    i get b12 injections every 2 weeks for anemia. they give me A LOT more energy then i had before... but that is only because i have a deficiency. As for helping with weight loss, i haven't seen any results with that.
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    i recently tried it (b12) and it made me sick. i was told not to take them unless i was certain that i needed it. thought it couldn't hurt, but it did.

    i now take a multi and calcium.

  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    you can buy gummy b vitamins at cvs :o) idk about for weight loss, but they are helpful for energy. i doubt the dr would give you injections unless you are lacking the intrinsic factor or have extremely low labs.
  • tamiller93
    tamiller93 Posts: 195
    Is anyone getting B-12 Injections or oral B-12? I have heard it can really help with energy and weight loss...Is there any truth to this?

    Has anyone considered getting it or heard anything more about it?


    Had them before and I couldn't tell any difference whatsoever. But that's just me...
  • B-12 comes naturally from animal proteins, try increasing protein intake to get your required needs. B-12 is a vital component for daily living, I noticed those who go full vegan mode they manage for a while without till the B-12 reserves runs low then the system starts to react negatively. Some bodies can adapt while others cant, some eat synthetically created B-12 through supplements however some bodies will start rejecting that as well. Listen to your body on its needs and I would consult with a physician before taking B-12 injections, because you can get it from animal protein readily.

    Edit: Boy I went off topic fast, as for energy trying taking a Multi-V to help with energy problems, adjust your diet to include more fruits. It isn't just B-12 that gives energy its the combination of the B-Complex there is 8 in total, try taking a B-Complex supplement first and gauge how you feel.
  • I've had it before and couldn't tell the difference but I have known people who would get it and feel very energized. You should try it once and see how your body reacts to it.
  • cem2168
    cem2168 Posts: 205 Member
    Hi! I recently did Medi Weightloss Clinics and it required B-6 and B-12 injections and it really helped! Because my calories were so restricted, I really needed the energy. Its not a quick fix, but it helps to support you when you cut calories so much
  • ChelDM
    ChelDM Posts: 145
    Well...It was mentioned during my class at the hospital...yet when I asked the doctor about it the nurse acted like I had requested a steroid or something...So needless to say, I am quite confused now...Is there anything negative about getting it?

    Thanks for responding everyone!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I take a B Complex supplement orally. Once you're over a certain age (think it's around 50), your body gets less efficient at processing B12 from your food.

    The only downside would be with megadoses of viatmins. Niacin in particular can make you feel awful if you take to much of it.
  • mk820
    mk820 Posts: 137 Member
    I had the part of my colon removed that absorbs B 12. I take 2 pills that dissolve under my tongue so it goes directly into my blood stream. It helps with energy, but more than anything it lifts a "brain fog" I seem to get when low on B12 .
  • justevil00
    justevil00 Posts: 11 Member
    Chel, I take a B-12 super complex everyday that I got at Sams Club. My day is better with it. I rave about it, because I know when I miss it and when I don't based on my energy. I had to take a spare cache to my office for the days I forgot it. Although it makes my pee flourescent yellow (a side effect)..it is the best thing that I do--besides log calories, exercise, eat better....etc. I dont know about the injections or anything else but after taking my pills, I would love to try them! :)
  • The neon yellow urine usually indicates that the vitamins you are taking is getting flushed out of your system because the body doesn't need it. Try reducing the supplements by half the dose, so the body can utilize it more then just flushing it out, like my nutritionist friends like to say, that's some expensive pee~
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