Breastfeeding and Calorie intake

.. I set this app up on my food to make me more accountable for eating healthy.. I feel if I limit my junk food and certainly no pop I can be more healthy and in turn drop some baby weight.. I have read up on dieting while breastfeeding and know that at 2 months of age I am able to safely begin some form of dieting,,
What is a recommended intake of calories since I burn about 500 cal just feeding my son.. I dont have much free time to exercise so am limited mainly to walking and lowering my calories..


  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    Personally, I lowered my calorie intake to 1700-1800 calories (prior to exercise cals)
  • swtchrypie
    I am breastfeeding as well and I kept my calories as they are I just go over. I played around with the amount of which I go over if I go over more then 400 I gain weight, so I try and stay around 350. I would weigh myself everyday and see what works for you.
  • JesslBlackwell
    JesslBlackwell Posts: 1 Member
    I'll be curious to see if anyone else knows this. I'm breastfeeding too and don't want to hurt my supply by cutting calories too much but also need to lose weight. I'm trying for 1650 calories a day thinking that will cut excess but leave my milk supply. I'm hoping that with that and walking I will start losing because that's all I have time for also. Good luck!
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    I would use the site to set your calorie intake as if you're not breastfeeding and then add your 500 calories to that. Those calories should come from whole grains, low fat protein, fruit, and dairy- and a variety of each every day. Don't set your weight loss goal to more than 1 pound per week. To "trick" the site, you could add in a phantom 500 calorie exercise each day. Then add your real exercise on top of that.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    be careful with this. I "dieted" while breastfeeding and my milk supply diminished significantly leading to having to introduce formula b/c my daughter's weight was dropping off. I have heard many success stories of people making it work, but for me, I was producing just enough and reducing my calories made a big impact. Good luck!
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    You can actually set it up like you normally would, and log the breastmilk you produce. like it's a food, it adds back the calories for you. search in the food database for breastmilk, mother nursing, something like that, it does it by the ounce. I pump, so I know how many ounces, but you are least making 24 oz in a 24 hour period.
  • Lauraenright
    This was very helpful! I am actually cutting out carbs because my cousin told me this was the best way to drop way.. high protein no carbs
  • piamaria85
    Dropping cabs while breastfeeding is not a good idea.

    In fact dropping carbs at all is a bad idea. It's just not sustainable and you will put the weight back on.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    Maybe set your lifestyle as more active than it really is in the settings, because youll be using up loads more calories breastfeeding. Make sure you try and notice whether your milk supply stays ok though, because while some women maintain a good supply while dieting, a lot of women dont.
    More than anything, you need to make sure your calories are good calories, to make good quality milk. Dont cut out any major food groups.
    I personally think while its good to watch what you eat, its not really the time for heavy dieting
  • sgk0411
    sgk0411 Posts: 105 Member
    I'm bf-ing and I just set it to where it requires I get 1600 a day. I don't eat junky food so it's good calories anyway. I produce plenty of milk so that's definitely not an issue.
  • Tisha247
    Tisha247 Posts: 849 Member
    Why not just wait until you finish breastfeeding your baby and then start dieting. Such a small time span, enjoy your baby and forget about your weight. Having a baby is a massive stress as is without worrying about weight loss!
  • Elijah0630
    I am set to take in 1200 cals a day but normally I take in about 1500 or a little less bc of breastfeeding and this has worked for me, I have lot around 20lbs I just add breastfeeding to my cardiovascular section, just make sure you are taking in good cals, lots of protein and good carbs... also another huge help is lots and lots and lots and LOTS of water. Doing all of this has not effected my milk supply at all but my son is 8months so its pretty much established, just start out slow and do what works for you and your baby :)
  • CCJ13
    CCJ13 Posts: 165 Member
    I am breastfeeding a 10 month old. I log it under snacks everyday. Just put breastfeeding in & do a search. It will give you more calories to eat everyday.
  • MaKisMom
    MaKisMom Posts: 65 Member
    I add BFing as a cardio exercise and set it at 300cal. That means I can have abiut 1600cal/day. I tend to eat around 1500. It worked with my last pregnancy, and my supply was fine. My baby is 11.5wks right now.
  • SevenisHeaven
    SevenisHeaven Posts: 163 Member
    Why not just wait until you finish breastfeeding your baby and then start dieting. Such a small time span, enjoy your baby and forget about your weight. Having a baby is a massive stress as is without worrying about weight loss!

    I did this. This lead to me being 300 pounds. NOT a good idea here. I am still breastfeeding my 9 month old and I am "dieting"...I have not had ANY problems with supply. You just have to be smart about it, and do your research.
  • SevenisHeaven
    SevenisHeaven Posts: 163 Member
    btw: I have a special section in my food tracker that is JUST for breastfeeding...I add it daily to my food log.
  • Tisha247
    Tisha247 Posts: 849 Member
    I'm sorry I wasn't thinking of people who are obese, more so someone just a little over weight. I breast feed both my boys till about 9 months, my first son I breastfeed while being pregnant with my youngest son. My boys are 14 months apart. That was a huge pressure on my body being pregnant and breastfeeding at the same time, to be honest it was exhausting. I just feel that you only breastfeed for such a short amount of time, such a magical period in your life just focus on your baby. I didn't reply to this thinking of people who are obese or with serious food additions.
  • SevenisHeaven
    SevenisHeaven Posts: 163 Member
    Well, and I guess I took your first post as kind of back handed...kinda snide...Maybe it wasn't ment that way. All I was trying to say can be done..healthy..
  • kabailz13
    kabailz13 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm breastfeeding my 8 week old twins. I simply add it in as a phantom exercise so it says "breastfeeding 1min 1000cals)

    So, at the moment my daily goal is around 2500 but I find it REALLY hard to get to that when eating healthily so I generally add in some treats such as small chocolates and nut mix etc.

    Please don't cut carbs while breastfeeding!!
  • CCJ13
    CCJ13 Posts: 165 Member
    I'm sorry I wasn't thinking of people who are obese, more so someone just a little over weight. I breast feed both my boys till about 9 months, my first son I breastfeed while being pregnant with my youngest son. My boys are 14 months apart. That was a huge pressure on my body being pregnant and breastfeeding at the same time, to be honest it was exhausting. I just feel that you only breastfeed for such a short amount of time, such a magical period in your life just focus on your baby. I didn't reply to this thinking of people who are obese or with serious food additions.

    I still don't understand what you are saying. I was 270lbs & obese when I had my last son 10 months ago. Because I was obese, you think I should have waited until after I was done breastfeeding before I started to lose weight??? The AAP recommends breastfeeding until the age of 2. I don't want to wait that long to get healthy. As long as you get enough calories, there is no reason why you can't lose weight while breastfeeding.