Any vege/pescetarians want to be friends?

MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
I love the support and encouragement I get from my friends on here and from seeing them accomplish their goals and stay under calories, etc. But since I am mostly vegetarian with just a small amount of fish in my diet, I would like to have some friends with similar eating habits that don't mind sharing their diaries. Anyone interested?


  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    you may certainly add me--I'm vegetarian, kinda vegan, definitely try to eat whole, clean foods--my huge weakness is pizza--if you can stand to see that pop up on my diary, I'm happy to share.
  • MsSaturday
    MsSaturday Posts: 89 Member
    I'm a Pescetarian, friend invite being sent now :)
  • alexj8403
    alexj8403 Posts: 38
    I'd love to! I'm vegetarian, and would like to be vegan someday. Currently I have given up cheese for lent, so you may see some yogurt on my page, but pretty much vegan other than that :)
  • veganjeanie
    veganjeanie Posts: 158 Member
    I'm strictly vegan. I'm not a health freak (as you'll see from my diary!), I'm an animal lover. My weakness is cocktails! I'm motivated to exercise to be able to have a cocktail every day. I'm new at this, I've only been a member for a few weeks. Do you friend me and I accept?

  • seatern
    seatern Posts: 15
    I'm vegetarian and would love to be friends with others who are too for some diet inspiration!
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    Thanks for the response! I have been a vegetarian since I was a little girl. Always hated meat and hated killing animals. I started eating fish in my late teens. I eat fairly healthy, except I love sugar! I wish there was a pill to cure me my sweet tooth! Hopefully sharing with you guys will give me new meal ideas and help keep me on track.
  • tarazena
    tarazena Posts: 93 Member
    sending you a friend request..I am pescetarian but really into raw food too!
  • Talazws
    Talazws Posts: 101 Member
    I am a lifelong vegetarian, and recently returned to being a vegan. I joined MFP pretty recently and I am looking for veg/vegan friends as well. I will send you a friend request-- and maybe some of the other people who have posted as well! My diary is open, so feel free to browse it for some ideas!
  • jtns
    jtns Posts: 11
    Hiya. For 10 years I was a pollo-vegetarian (which is an oxymoron, but I didn't coin the phrase.) in July of 2011 I became a real vegetarian but time and money constraints have made me a "junkatarian". ( hmm i have 5 minutes to grab food and $2 in my pocket. Everything here has dead animal in it except greasy cheese pizza. I'll take the greasy cheese pizza. Whoops I've gained 20 lbs.) I don't want to "quit" or "fail" so i am sticking with it until my one year anniversary as a vegetarian (July 25th) and then converting to pescetarian. I'm a struggling student right now but when i have more time and money for carefully balanced nutrition I can totally see myself ending up a vegan.

    If you are somewhere in the humane rainbow between pollo-veg and vegan feel free to add me, but please include a note about why you are adding me. I don't accept "blind" requests here or facebook or any other site. Thats just how I roll. :-)