What the heck??

K so I stepped on the scale this morning and it informed me that I had gained 8 pounds in 5 days! Is that even possible. It is my TOM so I'm hoping that that accounts for some of that. And may I mention that for those 5 days I stayed under my calorie count and exercised for an hour three times.

Any ideas?? This is quite discouraging.


  • M1ssBehave
    M1ssBehave Posts: 33 Member
    water? also muscle weighs more than fat. have you seen the wax figures showing the difference. they used to have some at the local health food store that represented 5lbs of mucle vs 5lbs of fat. the muscle was less than half the size. good luck next week, maybe it'll be gone.
  • melischemitz
    melischemitz Posts: 46 Member
    It's because of your TOM. I don't even step on a scale for that whole week. You can carry up to 10 lbs of water weight during that time. Being a woman is so fun, no? ;)
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    My daughter noticed about a 5 lb gain during her TOM. Just wait until it is over and then look at the scale again. Right now you are retaining tons of fluid.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    It's definitely TOM. You haven't gained either fat or muscle. Don't worry or stress, it should go away a few days after your TOM ends.
  • josavage
    josavage Posts: 472 Member
    I'm betting it's your TOM. Just stay away from the sodium, stay within your calories, and continue to work out. You'll probably have a great loss next week.
  • rks6902
    rks6902 Posts: 29 Member
    But that can happen to me from time to time too and I had a hysterectomy one year ago today. I think some of it is sodium, it seems like I am affected by high levels of sodium more than others. I do not have high blood pressure so thats not an issues. I can relate to it being frustrating though, especially when you know you have not cheated and worked out alot.
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    I ALWAYS weigh more during that time! Dont get discouraged you will lose it keep eating right, and you'll be fine!
  • em_1284
    em_1284 Posts: 11
    Thanks guys! So helpful. I'll just keep trucking along then! Looking forward to next week.
  • CallMeMamaBoo
    Scales are highly inaccurate. When I was obsessed over my weight on the scale I would notice my own weight fluctuate anywhere from 2-10 lbs in a day!!! IN A DAY!!! I now know my body good enough to know when NOT to step on that scale. Don't be discouraged. It's all about those body measurements at the end of the day and about you feeling the changes within your own body. Don't let the scale be a controlling downer :-) G'luck!
  • jentoomey1
    jentoomey1 Posts: 34 Member
    Scales suck... You should also take measurments and then you can compare that week to week too! It will all happen eventually if your eating under your calorie goal. Don't give up! You can do it!!!
  • whatupskinnyjeans
    whatupskinnyjeans Posts: 229 Member
    K so I stepped on the scale this morning and it informed me that I had gained 8 pounds in 5 days! Is that even possible. It is my TOM so I'm hoping that that accounts for some of that. And may I mention that for those 5 days I stayed under my calorie count and exercised for an hour three times.

    Any ideas?? This is quite discouraging.
    weigh again after tom!! happened to me too...then i lost two pounds