how do you know how namy calories your burning??

I workout for about 50 mins a day, sometimes in the morning and sometimes in the evening. I go to a bootcamp class, most of the time it is set up in a circuit with 5 different exercises and you go hard for 45 secs, then break to go to the next station for 15 secs then right back into something else. It is a great workout and you feel it at the end but I have no idea how many calories I am burning. Is there a way to figure it out?????


  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    This will be a common answer: the best way is a heart rate monitor.
  • jenhudgins
    You could invest in a heart rate monitor since you seem to be doing a lot of exercises that aren't tied to a machine. It will tell you exactly how many calories you burn based on your heart rate, how tall you are, how much you weigh, etc. Or you could just guess using the exercises on the site. Something like bootcamp would be a lot of aerobic exercises and strength training, which are both in the database. Those are my suggestions
  • tmaksparkie
    tmaksparkie Posts: 279
    I would invest in a bodybugg or HR monitor, I have a bodybugg by they have a new one that has an app. I love mine you can wear it all the time and it counts everything you do unlike a HR monitor that you wear one you workout. I have the display watch with my bodybugg so I can see at all times what I burn without hooking it up to the computer and it has a feature on their that you can clear it and see how much you burn just for your exercise time and that is what I do then I log it. Best of luck
  • beckymike36
    beckymike36 Posts: 105 Member
    thank you so much for all the helpful information!! I have really thought about a Budybugg but they are so expensive....guess I'll have to start saving :)
  • feliciapeters
    For the time being, put "circuit training" in exercise, and put in the number of minutes. It will give you at least an estimate untill you get a hrm