Mastering your Metabolism

I am reading this book right now and so far I am really enjoying it. It has so much information and is a little scary actually! Has anybody else read it!????


  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    I did read it about a year ago when I was really at the beginning of all of this . . .It was overwhelming, but I think it may be something I wouldn't mind reading now that I am a bit further along in this journey
  • aanaya56
    aanaya56 Posts: 136
    NO but i want too.. Its one of the books I definately want to read... Are you learning a lot of stuff?
  • Dreamgirl97
    Dreamgirl97 Posts: 106 Member
    I just started the Audiobook.
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 309 Member
    I have. You are talking about the one from Jillian Michaels right? I read it in like 2 days. Afterwards I started looking at EVERYTHING differently...even my make up and shampoo. It was eye opening for sure. The menus are pretty easy to navigate as well. I think basically it all just comes down to eating fresh, whole foods and leaving the processed mess alone--along with plastics and cans if it can be helped. It's crazy how we created all this processed mess to make life easier and all it's doing it hurting us.
  • sarakaufman
    sarakaufman Posts: 58 Member
    Yes I have read it. there is so munch info I think I have read it at least 3 times to review certain things. And the cook book has really good recipes in it. good luck with it.
  • cem2168
    cem2168 Posts: 205 Member
    yes! i love the book! its definitely one of my favorites! I love everything Jillian Michaels, shes my hero!
  • lotrisneat
    lotrisneat Posts: 36 Member
    Yeah, I've read it. I also spent one week following her guidelines to the letter and lost four pounds. However, it was very, very hard for me to follow long-term as a lifestyle. Financially, it can be very expensive buying everything organic and fresh. Also, NEVER eating processed food is just too difficult for me. I definitely recommend eating that way, but it was just too difficult for me to do long-term.
  • missie21
    missie21 Posts: 103 Member
    thanks for the info .... i am getting the book....
  • RunnerInTraining
    RunnerInTraining Posts: 51 Member
    It is very overwhelming, but very informative!

    JIllian is my hero as well!

    Also now that I look at my books it is actually Master your Metabolism!!! I want to get the cook book!