Belly fat

Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
Hello everyone!
So all in all I like how I look, but my belly seems to be still the largest and most flabby part of my body. Its horrible. Usually if I hold it in, it looks all right, but when I let go its like WOHOW where did that come from?
Is it true that the belly fat is the last one to go?
I am fighting it with healthy food, jogging and weight lifting (to have some muscles when the fat goes away). I am eating back most of my exercise calories (I am not saying this is perfect, Im just saying I do that and it works for me). I am drinking tons of water.
I guess I just needed to rant a little, since the belly is so discouraging!

I also made a blog post about it to vent...


  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    it depends. For men, it's almost always the lat to go. But for women, generally the hips and thighs are the worst, but some women carry their fat in the belly as well, so you might just be one of them. Unfortunately there's not quick way to get rid of it, it just takes lots of fat burning, and lots of time. In the mean time, just feel good that you probably don't have the issues that many women have with their booty.
  • erica2h
    erica2h Posts: 42 Member
    my belly is my hang up too, I hope if we keep plugging away, the right way it will come off!Good luck, vent and move forward!!!:smile:
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I've always had trouble with belly fat, even when I was very thin. Now that I've had two kids, I also seem to have problems with my hips and thighs, so it's like one big ol' fat party in that whole region. :grumble: The more I work at this calorie-counting and exercising, it is going down, little by little, so I have hope. It's just going to take a while. Be patient, and dont' give up!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    For me, belly fat is the one of the last things that are hanging around. I am mostly toned, but my belly is really stubborn. I have been taking pictures, as I got slightly obsessed, and it's going down a lot. I'm doing P90X and half-marathon training and recently I have added workouts. I also try to eat 30% protein to help with that, and watch the amount of added sugars I am consuming. In the first two phases of P90X (lean) it has gotten so much smaller! I've gone down a few jeans sizes, but it's still there, taunting me. Oh, and I also try to run intervals once a week. That seems to really burn some calories.
  • the best i found to work is pilates and yoga...pilates is great for slimming down your tummy....pilates is all core work .
  • lripson28
    lripson28 Posts: 213 Member
    I've got the same problem. But I've been tracking what I eat, drinking lots of water, running, and doing a workout dvd every night. I've noticed my pants fit better, seem a little looser, but haven't had any weight loss yet. I hope with time we lose our bellies!
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    This is the reason I joined this site! Belly fat has been my nemisis since childhood and I am 41 now! I've lways had the little paunch under the belly button sticking out. Now after giving birth 11 1/2 years ago it is not only sticking out it is ewwwwwww! After being on this site, eating healthier, and exercising more regularly, it is finally, for the first time, flattening out!!! Not sure the skin on it will ever really tone up, but flat will be ok with me. I have done pilates in the past and that seems to really work well. Cardio burns the fat so I am focusing on that right now with my elliptical and Zumba classes. I bought the Beachbody Abs dvds that I will begin soon and I also have Jillian Micheals 30 Day Shread I want to start soon. Also, I have noticed that on days where I don't drink a lot of water, the belly is out more than on days when i drink at least the 8 glasses. So I'd say water is a definite necessity!!!! Good luck in your belly ridding journey!!!!!
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    it depends. For men, it's almost always the lat to go. But for women, generally the hips and thighs are the worst, but some women carry their fat in the belly as well, so you might just be one of them. Unfortunately there's not quick way to get rid of it, it just takes lots of fat burning, and lots of time. In the mean time, just feel good that you probably don't have the issues that many women have with their booty.

    This is pretty much spot on. Abdominal fat requires time and patience to shift but it tends to be far less stubborn than thigh and hip fat which is a nightmare for most women. You can consider yourself one of the lucky ones...

    To get rid of belly fat the usual routine of good diet coupled with strength training and some cardio chucked in tends to work wonders. From what I have read shifting thigh and hip fat tends to work better if you have a modified low carb diet as well (3-4 days of low carbs) as it inhibits alpha andrenoreceptors.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I believe the place you most want it gone will be the last place you lose. Our bodies hate us like that. :wink:
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    im sure i'll be right with ya! i carry most of my fat in my gut :(
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    Thanks everyone, Ill just tell my self Im lucky with my legs and booty and continue with what I am doing!
    From belly fat to belly flat hahah...
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I am the same. I never put on weight on my legs or hips, It's always on my abdomen. When I lose weight it drops from everywhere else first, and I end up looking pregnant.
  • amberleemoore
    amberleemoore Posts: 123 Member
    I am right there with you! My belly fat is so stubborn! I hope we can loose it soon!
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