Just beendiagnosed as Coeliac?!


I have just been diagnosed as Coeliac. Just wondered if anybody else on here is a Coeliac and has any tips?!

I am awaiting my formal nutirtionist appointment and have only been diagnosed today, so I will need to be gluton and wheat free as of tommorrow, for ever!!!

Am glad that I have finally found out what has been causing all my problems but worried about how hard this will be. I can give things up thats not the problem but I eat out/travel a lot...we have a month long honeymoon booked in South America and am wondering how in the world I am going to explain this....!?



  • dancer77
    dancer77 Posts: 249 Member
    I have been gluten free for 9months as of today :) I have celiac as well (I've seen it spelled coeliac and celiac just fyi you'll see both). I love Schar's gf pasta. Rice and asian stirfys I eat a lot of. You can friend me and message me. I know I have more ideas, but they aren't coming to me at the moment. When traveling I tend to say that i have a severe gluten allergy/wheat allergy because most people have no idea what celiac is and it can get annoying to explain it repeatedly. Plus some other countries actually are far better at not using gluten in EVERYTHING. I've heard that in Europe they are far more aware then restaurants are here (though they are improving). South America I'm not sure, but I do know that most of their food is corn based or mixed with which is celiac-friendly....so make sure to do your research but you should have options.
  • warrior_underdog
    I have celiac as well (I've seen it spelled coeliac and celiac just fyi you'll see both).

    It's Coeliac for most of the world, and spelled Celiac by the North Americans :)
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    Sorry this is something you'll have to deal with for the rest of your life. I don't have it, but I looked it up and was surprised to see that it affects at least 1 in 133 Americans! WOW!

    Best of luck to you and congratulations on your honeymoon.
  • vayax
    vayax Posts: 152 Member

    I'm not celiac but have a dear friend who is. We live in Costa Rica so you cannot find the same gluton free things you can find in the US but there are some. Here and the rest of South America we do a lot of things with corn flour instead of wheat and that is naturally glutton free so you can have corn tortillas, or arepas. In Costa Rica there are already some restaurants that serve gluton free pasta and there are some israely (sp?) places that do gluton free bread.

    At the supermarket you can find some gluton free cookies for snacking or if you'll be cooking there is pasta and other things as well.

    Hope this helps and good luck!
  • feathers1981
    feathers1981 Posts: 69 Member
    Ah thanks for the support messages/tips so far!

    Yep, I read that too about South America, lot sof quinoa etc, so hopefully I may be ok!

    Need to get down to the supermakret and stock up on Gluton free goodies!
  • dancer77
    dancer77 Posts: 249 Member
    I have celiac as well (I've seen it spelled coeliac and celiac just fyi you'll see both).

    It's Coeliac for most of the world, and spelled Celiac by the North Americans :)

    I wondered why I would find it spelled two different ways in medical journals, where in of all places it would be spelled correctly. Thanks! :)