I need some honesty...

So, against my better judgement, and after NUMEROUS people told me yesterday NOT to do it, I got on the scale this morning.

Can someone please tell me how after walking 4 miles, an hour long Body Pump class, and 30 minutes on the elliptical I gained another pound? I've gained 3 pounds since Monday, and I've been working out at the gym, watching my calories, and EATING my exercise calories every day...Hello? What's up with that??

Is it normal for someone to gain weight when they start working out?? I'm just not understaning any of this weight loss business and it's driving me crazy.

I thought if calories in were less than calories out I would lose weight...Well I'm doing that, and no, I'm definitely not in starvation mode. Somewhere my math must be getting messed up. Either that or I'm a freak of nature and the whole calories in/calories out equation doesn't work for me.

Any advice/explanation/personal story to help me understand where I'm going wrong? Anything at all??


  • NewMK08
    NewMK08 Posts: 399 Member
    So, against my better judgement, and after NUMEROUS people told me yesterday NOT to do it, I got on the scale this morning.

    Can someone please tell me how after walking 4 miles, an hour long Body Pump class, and 30 minutes on the elliptical I gained another pound? I've gained 3 pounds since Monday, and I've been working out at the gym, watching my calories, and EATING my exercise calories every day...Hello? What's up with that??

    Is it normal for someone to gain weight when they start working out?? I'm just not understaning any of this weight loss business and it's driving me crazy.

    I thought if calories in were less than calories out I would lose weight...Well I'm doing that, and no, I'm definitely not in starvation mode. Somewhere my math must be getting messed up. Either that or I'm a freak of nature and the whole calories in/calories out equation doesn't work for me.

    Any advice/explanation/personal story to help me understand where I'm going wrong? Anything at all??
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    My weight flucutates up to 5 pounds from day to day. There are tons of factors that figure into it. This is what I do. I always weigh myself on Wednesday morning right after I get up and pee. I weigh with out any clothes. I try to drink tons of water on tuesday and try to eat the samething every tuesday. Usually it is pretty low sodium to make sure I don't retain any extra water. This has kind of helped with all the ups and downs and it's definately better for my mental health.
  • bostongirl987
    bostongirl987 Posts: 104 Member
    You are definitely gaining muscle if you're working out that much. Also, women tend to go up and down for many reasons, usually our menstrual cycle plays a role. Make sure you weigh yourself only in the morning to get the most accurate number, and don't stress out - there's always tomorrow. Fluctuations are normal and nothing to worry about. :)
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    I gained 4 lbs in a week while my body adjusted to working out, change in diet, etc.
    I have sense relost them, slowly...but them came off.
    Our bodies adjust in it's own time and pace.

    If you are doing exactly what MFP suggests you should eventually get to the losing period. It MAY NOT be at the pace you want.

    Also, I suggest NOT weighing yourself tons. Some do to keep them on track, but our bodys fluctuate a lot within a week, even within a day. Typically you are just setting yourself up for a "beat up" session.
  • raincloud
    raincloud Posts: 405 Member
    I honestly hit a plateau/gained a pound once I started working out everyday (2 weeks ago) and am now finally losing again. I thought for me it was just my plateau, but at the same time I thought it might be exercise related. So who knows.

    Stick through it and I am sure in a week or two you'll be down to the same weight you would hit if you steadily lost for 1-2 weeks. It seems to work out that way for me.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    It could very well be muscle. Also I heard recently that if you are building muscle you may also start retaining water, as muscle is mostly water. So just keep that in mind. Pay more attention to how your clothes fit. The scale is the devil! :devil:
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I gained about 6 pounds when I started working out before I started to see the scale move the other way.

    However, I lost inches and noticed I was slimming even though that scale was going the opposite way.

    Keep with it!! :flowerforyou:
  • mjfer123
    mjfer123 Posts: 1,234 Member
    avoid the scale as much as possible.
    that way when you check back, the results are larger. you are much more pleased.
  • jenn10
    jenn10 Posts: 161
    Mucsles store more water than fat -- so I heard which could explain why you are putting on weight while toning up but after you muscles recover you will shed the water too -- that one reason the weight can go up and down all day long on the scale :grumble:
  • HustleRose
    Check out some of what songbyrdsweet says in this post about glycogen and water storage if you haven't read it.


    It should help explain. That girl's a genius on this stuff. :laugh:
  • blink14
    blink14 Posts: 57 Member
    I would definitely say to only weigh yourself once a week, if that. it also depends on when you are weighing in - its best to do it in the morning, without clothes on, after you've been to the bathroom. remember that b/w water retention and food intake, you can go up or down a couple of pounds during the day.
  • mlillie
    mlillie Posts: 302
    I gained and became VERY discouraged. I have decided the best for me is to measure because the scale just "does me wrong". However, I still get on it many days and just scoff at it. My legs look better, My clothes fit better and I am stronger....but the scale...it shows me no help. Hasnt SINCE I have joined- months ago.

    DO some measurement early to keep your sanity through this and dont let that metal hunk of junk control you!
  • NewMK08
    NewMK08 Posts: 399 Member
    Thank you all for the input-I guess I should toss the scale and pull out the measuring tape instead. I feel like I look better, and I feel better about myself just in general, so that has to account for something!

    Instead of a goal weight, I'm just going to go with goal measurements from now on...Size 8 pants that I love and never get to wear, here I come!