3lb gain???? Seriously



  • carlinip
    carlinip Posts: 1
    I had the same problem! Could not get under 200 lbs. and it seemed like I was ALWAYS dieting. I am 56 years old and it is sooooooo hard to lose weight as you get older! Then.... my husband reached his highest weight and joined Weight Watchers and I attended as well as his support person. That is where I realized what my problem was....I was "guessing" portions! You have to weigh your portions and I think you will be really surprised at how you may have been "guessing" portions incorrectly as now I eat probably only 1/3 of what I used to eat at "guessing" and learned what foods satisfy me without the calories....fruits and veggies...which are freebies on the new Weight Watchers program. With Weight Watchers you can eat anything you want....as long as you count the points for the portions you are eating! So far in 7 weeks, I have lost 10 lbs. Ya, it's slow, but I am eating VERY healthy and feel great...hopefully it will stay off longer because I lost it slow! I am now under 200 lbs. and NEVER intend to go past that ugly number again! I do intensive Bootcamp workouts 2x week, plus I workout 5x week in our gym at work on my a.m. break-lunch-p.m. break. A.M. break I stretch out. On my 30 minute lunch I do eliptical one day and next day the bicycle. For my last break of the day, I try to walk outside to get fresh air and enjoy our nature trail if weather permits, and if not, I do the stairs in our building. Also, be careful with WHAT you eat! Stay away from ALL canned foods as there is a ton of sodium in them! I always prepare homemade food in extra portions and freeze the extra for days when it's hard to cook fresh as I get home late on some days. I make a lot of soup with Organic Low Sodium Broth and simply add frozen or fresh veggies to it. Watch your beef, chicken and dairy product intake too as this adds massive hormones to your body (as they are pumping up the animals with hormones to make them produce faster) I rarely eat anything with white flour nor do I like sweets....which definitely helps! If you have a sweet tooth, like my husband does, make Jello Fat Free/Sugar Free Jello or Pudding and add Fat Free Cool Whip to satisfy your sweet tooth. Remember....working out will also make you gain weigh too because you are gaining muscle while you are losing fat. Drink lots of water to eliminate the fat and increase your muscle. Bottom line....weigh your food....and don't weigh yourself every day! It can discourage you that day if you see you did not lose anything and you will give up! Not knowing your weight every day will make you really try hard to watch your intake all week long...hoping for that end of week reward on the scale! When I used to weigh myself every day, I found that if I saw a weight loss...it tended to make me think I could cheat a little more that day! Plus Weight Watchers explained that a common problem of constipation in woman, which can throw off your weight too if you weight yourself every day. I take "Organic Smooth Move" senna tea every other night to keep me regular. It does exactly what it's title says..."Smooth Move" (one nice and easy movement in the morning...not too loose). As much as I hate preparing goals....that really does help too! Now go to Bed Bath and Beyond and buy the digital white scale (approx. 6" wide) with the round clear glass surface plate for $19.99 w/a 20% off coupon you can get online. This scale will actually calculate a tare weight of your bowl, so you can just weight the food in the bowl. I can't remember the name of the scale, but it was not a brand name, and it is a fine quality product! Wishing you lots of weight loss....good luck!
  • KELM0710
    KELM0710 Posts: 147 Member
    Thanks all for the responses.. I will read them all more in depth later..
    Here are a few answers to what you all are asking...
    I do drink a lot of soda..I have been trying to cut back but some days are harder than others.
    I do NOT get enough sleep at night..have an 11 month old with reflux who sleeps maybe 5 hours a night so I sleep about 4. Nothing I can do about that..
    Water.. I despise the taste of water..I put True Lemon in it and it definitely helps but if I drink too much water too fast I feel like I am going to puke so that doesnt help.
    As far as what I eat, I am super limited to what I can buy, finances, and I dont really have the money to be buying stuff for me and then stuff for my husband and kids.
    They will eat healthy food to a point, husband doesnt like to try new things so that makes this even harder.
    The weekends SUCK i fall off the wagon every weekend.. I guess I get the mentality that hey if my hubby can do it and not gain i can too and that is SO not the case.
  • KELM0710
    KELM0710 Posts: 147 Member
    I wish I could skip the soda and coffee. I add choc syrup to my coffee because I dont like the taste of coffee without it.
    Its almost like I have been drinking coffee or soda for so many years in the mornings that it is just habit. And especially with the lack of sleep I get, it helps wake me up.

    What are some food choices that you all suggest? I may take a look at some of your diaries to see if there is anything that I know I can please my family with as well as myself that is better for us.
  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    I saw that you posted that you dont have alot of money to spend on foods. I am 29 years old and on long term disability and Medicare the rest of my life. Some foods I would suggest buying are a bag of Romaine salad (you can always add some tuna to it), whole grain pasta, yogurt (with low sugar ), some fresh fruit to add to it, bear naked fit granola, zone bars (for your breakfast). They have tons of protein and nutrients and ground turkey. You could make turkey burgers for your family. They are really good! Also, try to get more whole grain in your diet.
    You also said that you dont like water. Have you thought of getting crystal light? There are tons of different flavors and that might help you drink more water. You also said you like soda.. Try getting coke zero or lite sodas. As for desserts, try sugar free puddings.. They sound gross but really they arent that bad and I feel better than eating ice cream or something.

    I worked out for three weeks straight and ate healthy and only lost 1 lb. I almost gave up but kept to it and so far I have lost 7 lbs. Add me as a friend and we can help each other!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    I saw that you posted that you dont have alot of money to spend on foods. I am 29 years old and on long term disability and Medicare the rest of my life. Some foods I would suggest buying are a bag of Romaine salad (you can always add some tuna to it), whole grain pasta, yogurt (with low sugar ), some fresh fruit to add to it, bear naked fit granola, zone bars (for your breakfast). They have tons of protein and nutrients and ground turkey. You could make turkey burgers for your family. They are really good! Also, try to get more whole grain in your diet.
    You also said that you dont like water. Have you thought of getting crystal light? There are tons of different flavors and that might help you drink more water. You also said you like soda.. Try getting coke zero or lite sodas. As for desserts, try sugar free puddings.. They sound gross but really they arent that bad and I feel better than eating ice cream or something.

    I worked out for three weeks straight and ate healthy and only lost 1 lb. I almost gave up but kept to it and so far I have lost 7 lbs. Add me as a friend and we can help each other!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Thanks all for the responses.. I will read them all more in depth later..
    Here are a few answers to what you all are asking...
    I do drink a lot of soda..I have been trying to cut back but some days are harder than others.
    I do NOT get enough sleep at night..have an 11 month old with reflux who sleeps maybe 5 hours a night so I sleep about 4. Nothing I can do about that..
    Water.. I despise the taste of water..I put True Lemon in it and it definitely helps but if I drink too much water too fast I feel like I am going to puke so that doesnt help.
    As far as what I eat, I am super limited to what I can buy, finances, and I dont really have the money to be buying stuff for me and then stuff for my husband and kids.
    They will eat healthy food to a point, husband doesnt like to try new things so that makes this even harder.
    The weekends SUCK i fall off the wagon every weekend.. I guess I get the mentality that hey if my hubby can do it and not gain i can too and that is SO not the case.

    The soda is not your friend. I think you're finding it hard to break the habit because you are so incredibly tired and the soda gives you a quick hit of caffeine and sugar. That will temporarily give you an energy burst, yes, but it's packing on the pounds which is in turn making you more tired! Vicious circle there.

    If you think you could switch to diet soda, then try this: mix your soda half regular and half diet for a few days. Then try going all diet soda. Ultimately, it would be better to get off the caffeine ride though.

    Or try something like iced tea with artificial sweetener (very inexpensive if you brew it yourself--a lot cheaper than soda too).

    Coffee: The Starbucks Verona actually tastes sort of chocolately. You can buy it at the grocery store, at Target or at Starbucks itself. It's a little pricey, but when it goes on sale (Target frequently has it on sale) I buy extras.

    Chicken is cheap and you can do a gazillion things with it. A big bag of brown rice is also cheap. Both of these can be cooked ahead of time and then portioned out for quick reheating when you're in a hurry.

    There are a lot of threads in the Recipes section that focus on healthy meals and even helathy and inexpensive meals.

    The kids will eat whatever you put in front of them. When I was a kid, we ate what was served or we went hungry. there was no way on God's green earth that my mom was going to make 6 meals (2 adults and 4 kids) just because someone complained. You don't have to either.

    There are a lot of changes you want to make, but don't try to do them all at once or you'll get frustrated and quit. Try to focus on one or two goals a week: Cutting back on soda, getting some vegetables into your diet, exploring lean sources of protein, etc. One or two a week is plenty, then just keep building on those habots as you develop them.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I wish I could skip the soda and coffee. I add choc syrup to my coffee because I dont like the taste of coffee without it.
    Its almost like I have been drinking coffee or soda for so many years in the mornings that it is just habit. And especially with the lack of sleep I get, it helps wake me up.

    Honestly, fruits in the mornings (with all their natural carbs and sugars) wake me up better than coffee!! You can get a BIG bag of frozen fruit at walmart for less than $10 and if you have a blender or in my case I have blender wand ($19 at walmart, Hamilton Beach brand) you can make a smoothie in less than 2 min. I throw 1-1.5cups of frozen fruit in a cup, half a banana, and fill to the top of the fruit with orange juice and blend. Gives me tons of energy in the morning! Better than caffeine!

    I have that for breakfast almost every morning along with a hard boiled egg white for protein.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I wish I could skip the soda and coffee. I add choc syrup to my coffee because I dont like the taste of coffee without it.
    Its almost like I have been drinking coffee or soda for so many years in the mornings that it is just habit. And especially with the lack of sleep I get, it helps wake me up.

    What are some food choices that you all suggest? I may take a look at some of your diaries to see if there is anything that I know I can please my family with as well as myself that is better for us.

    It's difficult when you have other family members to cook for - but healthy food doesn't have to lack flavor or taste like "rabbit food". And really, even if you make the same things that you buy at a fast food place (hamburgers, sandwiches, etc) - if you make them at home, you can make them a million times healthier and actually way cheaper.

    As for coffee and soda - I've been there. I drank at least 40 oz of soda (many times up to 72) and several cups of coffee. When I started this, I just made a commitment. I limit myself to one 12 oz soda a day, and 1 coffee in the morning. Period. It's a conscious decision. It was hard for a couple of days - and then I realized that I didn't miss it that much. I still want my one - but I'm ok with just one. And hopefully I can wean off the one. But no matter what, I've made a huge change that has drastically changed how I feel and my energy level. Soda does AWFUL things to your appetite and metabolism. You simply have to decide to change it. Get a water filter (faucet or pitcher) and start carrying a sports bottle - EVERYWHERE. It makes a huge difference in being able to get your water in. (I detested water too - now I get at least 48 oz a day)

    The other change that will make a huge difference is breakfast. I NEVER ate breakfast. I made a commitment to eat SOMETHING healthy every morning. Breakfast must have protein and good fats - that determines how your appetite and metabolism run for the rest of the day. Simple carbs (like a donut) will KILL that. Sometimes I still hate it - but I notice a huge difference in my energy level and the quality of my choices throughout the day if I don't have something good in the morning.

    You'll just have to experiment to find things that the family likes that are healthier. Just gradually add them in. Also might try getting a cookbook for cooking for kids - they show lots of ways to disguise healthy stuff to get kids to eat them, and that may help your husband. And yes, look at others' diaries to find recipes or foods that would be better choices. Cause at this point, almost anything is better than fast food and soda. Good luck with it!
  • kbray003
    kbray003 Posts: 52
    Exersizing is just plain healthy. Don't focus so much on what the scale says and losing weight... focus on being a healthier person. I personally don't weight myself when I begin exersizing after I've been lazy for a while because I don't want that feeling of being discouraged. Take measurements instead and keep a positive attitude because working out is good for you.
  • cfolkens
    cfolkens Posts: 27 Member
    Looking at your diary...you are consuming too much sugar and sodium (pop, pretzels) and not enough protein.. You need to drink A LOT more water!!!!
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    It is difficult when you have a family to cook for and if they're not willing to try new things, it can be a pain. I think first and foremost, you need to speak to your husband and let him know that you want to have a healthier lifestyle and it would be beneficial for the both of you if you start making healthier food at home.

    As for cost, I actually find cooking at home cheaper than eating out and you can make a big batch. Vegetable and fruit is not that expensive, especially if you can find a local market instead of a supermarket so you don't pay all the extra for packaging. If you just buy one type of protein and the rest veggies, you can cut the cost quite a lot.

    I tend to buy a whole chicken and roast it. I then discard the bones and use the meat for everything, from salad to stirfry to sandwiches. There are lots of ways to eat clean on a budget.

    I don't drink soda or coffee so I can't really relate to that addiction...so I think probably just listen to others and drink diet drinks. I'm sorry you find water horrible..my cousin and aunties are the same way...but the honest truth is, the more water you drink, the more weight you will lose...I don't know the science behind it but I know it works. Especially if you're eating high sodium food, you really need to replenish and not with sugary drinks...

    This journey is hard but nothing worth doing is ever easy, right? It's a life change and it is your choice when you take that step. Just know that your MFPs will be here to support you all the way.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    - Cut down your soda
    - Stop eating so much donuts
    - Cook your own food instead of going to fast food chain that often
    - Add vegetable & fruits to your diet
    - etc.

    From your diary, you are eating more empty calories, which doesn't give your body energy to do exercises. Your diet is not close to be balanced and nutritious.

    Look at others (those who knows to eat healthy) to see what they are eating, and change your eating habit.
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    take measurements .... I've been training for a half - running hours and hours a week, burning minimum of 500 cals per run - and I'm up 7 lbs - but I'm down 11 inches ....
  • barbarajean3
    barbarajean3 Posts: 132 Member
    If you haven't had a good check up lately go see your doctor. If all is well don't let it get you down it goes up and down for all of us. I gained 2 pounds this week. Smile and nod at the scale and keep going.:flowerforyou:
  • barbarajean3
    barbarajean3 Posts: 132 Member
    I wish I could skip the soda and coffee. I add choc syrup to my coffee because I dont like the taste of coffee without it.
    Its almost like I have been drinking coffee or soda for so many years in the mornings that it is just habit. And especially with the lack of sleep I get, it helps wake me up.

    What are some food choices that you all suggest? I may take a look at some of your diaries to see if there is anything that I know I can please my family with as well as myself that is better for us.

    Try sparkling water it might help you get off the soda and add more water to your diet. Plus the bubbles give you a full feeling
  • knowmydestiny
    knowmydestiny Posts: 104 Member
    crystal light has helped my husband and I switch away from deathly amounts of soda. if you are in the u.s. you can probably find the store brand which is cheaper and just as good.
  • Erica9903
    Erica9903 Posts: 156
    It could definately be water weight. Are your clothes fitting different??

    I took a peek at your diary and went back to the 1st of March. I notice that there were a few days that you were over on your calories and sodium (not picking on you at all...we all have those days) but also that you don't appear to be logging all of the water you drink. On the higher sodium days drink more water to help flush it out. What is your weekend eating habits?? There is nothing there to go by to help you there either. Watch your soda intake as well. Give it time and you will start to see with a good diet (low sodium if possible) and exercise the pounds will start to fall off. Good Luck!!!
  • Bviera
    Bviera Posts: 106 Member
    I second the suggestion for Crystal Light to get yourself to drink water. Crystal Light doesn't have sugar and only 5 calories per serving (which I believe is about 8 oz). Much healthier than soda! What I do is make a whole batch of it as per the directions on the package. Then I pour about 4 or 6 oz in my 20 oz water bottle and fill up the rest with regular water. That way, I'm getting the lemony taste and am not drinking 20 oz of Crystal Light. I take that with me to the gym when I work out and it really does wonders to quench my thirst.

    Also, if you don't like coffee, don't drink it! I personally love it and have been drinking it for years, but I limit myself to one cup a day (in the mornings) with skim milk and artificial sugar. There are healthier alternatives to regular sugar, such as agave or Stevia. Even honey is better than refined sugar. But if you don't like the taste, find something else to give you energy. Maybe caffeinated tea?

    Also, eating healthy does not have to be expensive or lack taste. It took me a while, but I've finally gotten my boyfriend to join me in my healthy eating and he seems to be enjoying it. Sit down with your husband, explain that he needs to cooperate because this is something you need to do for yourself (and for him too). Find healthy recipes he'd be willing to enjoy. Chicken is a lean meat that you can cook in many ways and do many things with. Add veggies and whole wheat pasta to your diet. Whole wheat pasta is actually pretty good now.
  • Remember that what we eat is more than half the battle. You could legitimately lose weight with no exercise as long as you're eating the right things. I took a look at your food diary, and I can see there are times when you are trying to make healthier choices which is great. But I see a lot of fast food, donuts, and soda in there as well.

    Working out is not enough, and counting calories is not enough. If you only have, say, 1500 calories allowed in a day, you want to make sure you're getting the most nutrition out of those calories. What we weigh is a direct reflection on what we put in our bodies. Put something healthy in, get good results. Put sugars and processed foods in, and you will be sabotaging all the hard work you're putting in though exercise and calorie counting.

    I think the best thing to do is go through your food diary and make some decisions on what foods you can do without and some healthy alternatives. Just take it one step at a time, and you'll get there. Good luck.
  • KELM0710
    KELM0710 Posts: 147 Member
    I have to give crystal light or even brewed tea another try. Aspartame gives me headaches so anything that is "diet" is out.
    I dont like going to fast food places but time escapes us on the weekends(mainly when we go) and by then its past dinner time and no time to thaw meat. I need to plan in the mornings which i am horrible at.

    You would think I would learn about fast food. I had my gallbladder taken out last May and everytime I eat crap like that it goes right thru me(without too much tmi). If I just need to find foods that I like at the store that can direct me away from fast food.

    It may be water weight, I have felt bloated today. That is why i am aiming for so much water to see if that changes anything.

    The choc syrup I put in my coffee is less than 2 tbsps. It is mainly for taste. I make iced coffee at home so its already got less calories than if I were to go buy it. I normally dont drink the whole glass either so basically those calories are the max that I take in in the mornings.
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