Hey yall

jujugulia Posts: 3
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, I'm new to this whole diet thing. I was just recently diganosed with high cholesterol and i'm 22. I would really like to eat better and lose a few pounds while i'm at it. I'm also getting married next year and every woman wants to look stunning on their wedding day so that is another reason why i want to lose weight. I have a problem with sweets, i get a sweet tooth at least three times a day. I need to pull that dang tooth lol!:laugh: I would really like all the help and tips i can get!! Thank you!:smile:


  • AmberLiscous
    AmberLiscous Posts: 644 Member
    hey....you will love this site and as for your sweet tooth try the weight watchers smart ones...the cookie dough sundae is to die for:tongue: add me if you want encouragement
  • ardavis23
    ardavis23 Posts: 95 Member
    Welcome!!! I joined not that long ago so I am pretty new as well!! Im 22 as well, I have the BIGGEST SWEET tooth ever! I work at a desk all day and there is Candy everywhere so it is super hard not to resist! your high cholesterol and your wedding date should be the things that keep you motivated!! it will get hard but you just have to keep pushing at it!! I love this site and they people who are on it are GREAT!! Good luck with this!!
  • pdcarrell
    pdcarrell Posts: 101
    There are actually plenty ideas for what can cure a sweet tooth! Adding friends and supporters who have open Diarys you'll get some ideas I love this website! I feel like I hit the jackpot finding this website I got all the tools I need now!
  • Valentine3
    Valentine3 Posts: 2 Member
    You will like it here. Everyone is so positive and you can track everything so easily.

    But I am sure that you will look great in a year.
  • Thank ya'll I hope we can all help each other out here! I'm excited to start my journey to skinnyness!! lol
  • Hey jujugulia!!

    One thing that I did to stop my craving of sweets was to eliminate all fake sugars like corn syrup and Fructose syrup. These process sugars leaves our minds to think that we need more. Unfortunately, a lot of the processed foods we eat contain these ingredients. Whole foods sells a Chocolate Chip. Oatmeal. Peanut Butter , cookies that are organic and taste GREAT. The more natural sugar I ate, I realized the less I was eating because it is so much sweeter than the processed sugars.

    You can also make fresh Fruit Smoothies and add Agave Nectar as the sweetener with 100 % Juice ( no sugar added).

    I hope this helps :happy:
  • jlopez87
    jlopez87 Posts: 22
    Hi Jujugulia!!

    When reading your introduction I felt like I was reading something that I posted myself!
    I am 23 years old and overweight. I do not have cholesterol problems but if I continue on the path I'm on, I'm afraid I will.
    I was married last summer (July 2010) and tried desperately to loose weight before my wedding. My weight-loss attempts were all unsuccessful. I have gained even more weight since my wedding =( My husband and I want to start trying to have a baby by the end of this year and I want to be in much better shape than I am, so that's THIS YEARS serious motivation. I find that myfitnesspal really helps by keeping me aware of how many calories (and other nutritional values) I've consumed.

    I also have a serious sweet-tooth! My husband was watching a "modern marvels" show yesterday and they were making donuts and other sweet snacks. I actually had to get up and leave the room because I felt an out-of-control craving approaching.

    If I can be of any support to you, please feel free to send me an e-mail! JLopez87@sbcglobal.net
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