Silly Special Abilities?



  • beautifulnow
    LOL I just tried the elbow thing lol yea I can't BUT I can look like a dummy trying xox
  • beautifulnow
    LOL I just tried the elbow thing lol yea I can't BUT I can look like a dummy trying xox
    I can lick my nose,
    I can also lick my elbow, even though it is suppsoed to be impossible,
    I can roll my tounge
    I can put my legs round my neck and walk on my hands Iyeah yeah yeah)
  • KristenAnn711
    I can make my toes do "the worm". Creeps out my sister, I love it.
  • KristenAnn711
    I'm good at estimating things. I can pull a number out of my *kitten* and I seem to be close or right on the money more often than not.

    Also, I can fix your computer.

    Fix mine! :D
  • KristenAnn711
    What is "hitchhiker" thumb
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    I can apparently guess how many pieces of bread are in a loaf....ok I only did that once.
    I can walk on my hands the shallow end of the pool.

    I can make friends with anyone, despite being a total jerk.
    I can turn off my emotions.
    I can touch my tongue to my nose.

    I can hear a tv just being on w/o anything actually being on.
    Apparently I can hear that its raining w/o hearing anything water related. (just noticed it last week)
    Basically I cant do much of anything neat, but I can do stuff.
    I can read people ridiculously well and forever make them feel better...whether I volunteer to be "that friend" or not
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I'm good at estimating things. I can pull a number out of my *kitten* and I seem to be close or right on the money more often than not.

    Also, I can fix your computer.

    Fix mine! :D

    I must lay hands on it. The process is similar to that of a faith healer.
  • Bdmiller42
    Bdmiller42 Posts: 149
    I can run on my hands
    do a 2 1/2 Gainer off a high dive/cliff
  • DOTY1
    DOTY1 Posts: 97
    I can turn both my eyelids inside out and I can blow bubbles with my tounge :blushing:
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Okay, it's not really an "ability", it's considered a "neurological disorder". But I see music. It's called synesthesia, and it's when stimulus in one sense produces a response in another, usually unconnected sense. Like seeing sounds as colors, lines, shapes etc. or tasting musical notes (C minor is bitter, etc.)

    Some forms of synesthesia, like tasting musical notes or smelling colors, are more rare. The most common form is having colored weekdays (ie. monday is red, tuesday is green) and months. Letters/numbers to color is also very common. I have that one as well.

    Oh, and in synesthetes there are two types- projectors and associators. Associators don't actually "see" the synesthetic response, they see it in their minds eye or have a very definite association. Projectors actually see their responses outside of their bodies, like on a screen in front of them. I'm a projector with my colored sounds and have associated colored letters.

    Synesthetes are born with synesthesia and have it their whole lives. Some people experience temporary synesthesia after taking LSD, and a few people develop synesthesia after an accident/brain damage. It's true synesthesia, though, if the responses are always consistent (they don't change day to day or even year to year) and they're involuntary (you can't turn them off).

    *takes off nerd glasses, shuts off PowerPoint*

    I have heard of that before. I'm guessing you got into some trouble with teachers when you were learning the alphabet. Because I'm a nerd as well, is it genetic or random?
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Almost forgot, apparently I can get sick at some of the most inopportune times as it is midterms week and I woke up this morning with a 101.4 temp. And I haven't been sick for almost 10 years.
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    This is such a cute post!

    I can

    Tie a cherry in a knot without my hands
    Touch my tongue to my nose
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    I have the ability to completely blank out my boyfriends drunken mutterings, it's taken me a while, but now it's like a superpower.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    I can make a single lady give up guys.:smokin: you mean a single lady stops looking at other men after she finds you b/c you are the one for her :smooched: :love:
    or do you mean after meeting you she changes teams? :wink:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I'm totally just busting your chops - !!

    Never thought of it that way.:laugh:

    The second one.:embarassed:
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    I can make a single lady give up guys.:smokin: you mean a single lady stops looking at other men after she finds you b/c you are the one for her :smooched: :love:
    or do you mean after meeting you she changes teams? :wink:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I'm totally just busting your chops - !!

    Never thought of it that way.:laugh:

    The second one.:embarassed:

    @Carl01: ZOMG - I was TOTALLY kidding! :wink: I was SURE you meant the former.

    I will armwrastle you for the right to be the official Thread Killa over on that other thread - :laugh: :glasses:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    @chrissyh: I can do a pretty good shrieking chimp sound - I challenge you to a monkey-off!

    Ok, ready, let's do it!
  • Arester
    Arester Posts: 138 Member
  • KristenAnn711

    Ohhhh! I have that!
  • SerenaBeans08
    SerenaBeans08 Posts: 83 Member
    Okay, it's not really an "ability", it's considered a "neurological disorder". But I see music. It's called synesthesia, and it's when stimulus in one sense produces a response in another, usually unconnected sense. Like seeing sounds as colors, lines, shapes etc. or tasting musical notes (C minor is bitter, etc.)

    Some forms of synesthesia, like tasting musical notes or smelling colors, are more rare. The most common form is having colored weekdays (ie. monday is red, tuesday is green) and months. Letters/numbers to color is also very common. I have that one as well.

    Oh, and in synesthetes there are two types- projectors and associators. Associators don't actually "see" the synesthetic response, they see it in their minds eye or have a very definite association. Projectors actually see their responses outside of their bodies, like on a screen in front of them. I'm a projector with my colored sounds and have associated colored letters.

    Synesthetes are born with synesthesia and have it their whole lives. Some people experience temporary synesthesia after taking LSD, and a few people develop synesthesia after an accident/brain damage. It's true synesthesia, though, if the responses are always consistent (they don't change day to day or even year to year) and they're involuntary (you can't turn them off).

    *takes off nerd glasses, shuts off PowerPoint*

    I totally have that too! It's way awesome!
  • travelprincess
    travelprincess Posts: 73 Member
    I can purr like a cat. Its not using my tongue either, just something I can do at the back of my throat.
    My daughter can make the exact sound of a billy goat. :)