New and very curious about this.

plantbasedbreezy Posts: 33 Member
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hello All.
I stumbled upon this site this afternoon while looking for good nutrition facts. Turns out that this place has an amazing database! So I'm using the android app in conjunction with the main site in hopes that this will help me get down about 25 pounds.
I'm wondering how everyone who is already here feels about this site and the app. How is it working for you all? And how well are you able to follow your diets with the help of these tools?

And and all opinions, stories or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

~TBrizzee :)


  • monkeybuttsmommy
    monkeybuttsmommy Posts: 343 Member
    I LOVE THIS SITE! Helpful, fun and supportive. Everything you need to reach your goals! Welcome!!! Add me if you would like.
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    I love this site TOO!!!! It is awesome and really has everything you need on it. :)
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I wish I could tell you about the app, but alas, I do not have a 'smart' phone. I just have a phone that makes calls! (that's all a phone needs to do, right? :wink:)

    But I can vouch for the website itself. It is so full of information, generally awesome people, and great tools, it will help guide you on a path to a better you. Very VERY few items have I eaten that don't show up in the database. And those? I can just add them in as "my foods". I was never on a 'diet', but I wanted to eat less junk food. So I came here, followed my suggested calorie amount, and lost weight! I've got more weight to lose but it has been MUCH easier than I expected. All I need to do is watch what I eat, and move around more. For some reason I really thought it would be harder than that! (Don't get me wrong, some workouts are REALLY tough, but overall, it's been easy for me)

    I hope you love this site as much as I do!
  • Perfectlycrooked
    Perfectlycrooked Posts: 275 Member
    This site is the only thing helping me lose weight, I loveeee it(:
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    Site and App are brilliant as are the motivational and supportive members!!

    You are in the right place here, good luck, you will find yourself hooked in no time!! lol

  • I'm using the iphone app and the site, I like that there is no excuse to not journal what I'm eatting....since I never go anywhere without my phone. doing good so far, a little frustrating trying to enter in new food on the go but it worked.
  • plantbasedbreezy
    plantbasedbreezy Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you all for the feedback! I live a pretty sedentary lifestyle. Not that I want to, but I have some health issues that prevent me from doing too much. I take an hour walk a few times a week.. and my car broke down yesterday, So I'll be walking a lot more now. lol.
    So far, the app is easy to use. It's equipped with a bar code scanner so it makes adding foods VERY simple and quick. I'm following today's recommended calorie intake and finding that I have plenty left.

    I think that I just might fall in love with this place :D
  • The site is fantastic and the Android app works very well. I have never had any problem syncing the 2. Good Luck!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    This site won't lose the weight for you, but it's an excellent tool to help keep you on track.
    It helped me become aware of what I was putting in my body.

    My first week I tried not to diet. I just wanted to know what I was eating so I could decide what needed to change.
    I was amazed at how a tiny taste of this and just one of these and a sip of that all added up.
    and how simple common sense things really were the answer for me.

    I didn't think I would be participating in the message boards, but I've found them quite helpful even when I completely disagree with someones approach to weight loss. I really helps clarify my own perspective and helps me understand myself better.
  • I have been on the main site since August 17th and using the tools and tips have lost 67 pounds. I can't wait to get a phone that has this app so I don't have to write so many notes to enter when I get home. From my success at losing weight with this site I have inspired about 10 people to join. Not all of them are as dedicated to the daily entries as I am, but each person has their own ways at doing things and making daily entries or keeping track at what I have left to do for the day is a big help to me. I get in a little panic if my internet goes down and I can't get on to enter things. I have tried for many years to lose weight and have tried many diets. I am finally on a diet for life. By that I mean that I am on a diet now to get to my goal weight, but the diet I am on is not a fad diet that I can only be on for a certain time. It is all about learning to eat healthy and stay active, which is what I need to do for the rest of my life to maintain my health not just until I get done losing weight. There are also a lot of great people with great ideas on this site that can help. So all in all, I would have to say this site has saved my life becuase I was headed down the road of heart disease and diabetes before I started here. Now I am headed down the road to an active healthy lifestyle.
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