HELP! fighting a serious pizza craving.

Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
I have a serious craving for cheesy greasy pizza. yummM! I'm trying to think of healthier alternatives though. I've been super good today, still 779 cals to go in my day beacuse i've been eating mostly veggies and fruits and under in all of my other counts. Any suggestions? I'm considering one of papa murphy's delite pizzas? I've had the lean cuisine pizzas before, they're not too bad. I don't want to deprive myself by not giving into the craving at all because I know myself too well and KNOW that i'll give in with a vengence sometime in the near future. I don't want to do a lot of prepping and cooking, had a long day. Hoping for an easy frozen something or other maybe. Anyone tried anything fantastic lately that's not TOO horrible? :wink:


  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    Pita pizzas!!
    I buy:
    Toufayan whole wheat pita bread : 150 cals for 1 pita
    Dei Fratelli pizza sauche : 30 cals for 1/4 cup
    Mozzarella cheese low moisture w/ part skim mik : 80 cals 1/4 cup

    and that's all I like on mine. They're soo yummy
    put the oven at 420 cook for about 10 minutes, mmmm!
  • Diem30
    Diem30 Posts: 92
    I know most slices of pizza can run from 200-350 calories per slice if you have so many calories left just treat yourself a little but in MODERATION if you feel bad about it after do an extra 20 minutes of high calorie burning exercise.
    I don't want to come off as tempting you but really this may be a life style change but life includes enjoying the little things
  • Xandi
    Xandi Posts: 319
    we got this Palmeros from Costco the thin crust is 350 cals for 1/3 pizza...
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Check your local stores, you might be surprised at what you find. Had half a four chees pizza for my dinner and it was only 375 calories.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I make it at home on whole wheat English muffins. I use a homemade marinara sauce (Tomatoes, onion, minced garlic, oregano, and basil cooked together and thrown in the blender), grilled chicken, low fat mozzarella cheese, bell peppers, onions, and tomatoes on the muffins for a crust. Bake until the cheese is melted.
  • DEE4560
    DEE4560 Posts: 139
    the new flat breads that are out at 90 calories make a great pizza. I had one tonight topped with pizza sauceonions and green peppers with cheese. Total about 200 calories and it was very good.
  • SeaShell33
    SeaShell33 Posts: 141
    I make my own with the thin buns, sauce and yummy and low cals...takes care of craving for me =)
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    I use pitas or flour tortillas for my crust (browned in the oven, brushed with a little olive oil and italian seasoning), add sauce, lots of veggies and low fat mozzarella cheese. One pizza is around 200 calories.
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    I agree completely. I've been on a pretty strict diet for almost three weeks and it's paid off, I think I need break dinner! I have to learn to enjoy in moderation for sure.
  • we got this Palmeros from Costco the thin crust is 350 cals for 1/3 pizza...

    Had this last night with steamed green beans. Love Palmeros ultra thin crust. 1/3 is more than enough to cure my pizza cravings.
    I recently went through this. What works is you eat bean sprout salad instead... this will utterly turn you off from your craving and throw your senses off.

    Worked for me.
  • Smartyfan
    Smartyfan Posts: 10
    HI!! I learned a neat trick from my many joinings of Weight Watchers - Split the pita in half across so you have 2 "crusts". Load both sides with veggies, sauce and low fat or fat free mozzarella. Delish!!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Lots of great ideas to try in the future, thanks!! Pizza's a weak spot for me. I swear I could eat different variations of it every day! My solution tonight:

    Rising Moon Organics - Grilled Veggie Pizza (Serves 2), 1/2 pizza cal 360 carbs 41 fats 15 protein14 sugar 3 sodium 480
    Generic - Green Zucchini, 1/2 cup Cal10 carbs 2 fats 0 protein 1 sugar 1 sodium 5
    Tomato - Raw, Red, 1 medium (150g) cal 27 carbs 6 fats 0 protein1 sugar 4 sodium 7
    Lucerne - Part-Skim Milk Mozarella Cheese, 1/2 cup cal160 carbs 2 fats 10 protein 16 sugar 0 sodium 0

    it's a whole wheat organic pizza about 12", grilled veggies, low fat mozz- i added fresh tomato & zucchini and a little extra cheese half the pizza's around 557 calories with everything i added. not bad for a cheat pizza! Really yummy too :o) Also still under my counts for the day, 200 to go for a skinny cow ice cream bar to make the cheat evening complete. Thanks!!!:happy:
  • humpalc
    humpalc Posts: 140
    the new flat breads that are out at 90 calories make a great pizza. I had one tonight topped with pizza sauceonions and green peppers with cheese. Total about 200 calories and it was very good.

    I second this vote!

    We also do pizza-dillas - put a little mozzarella, and your toppings on half a tortilla, fold it, toast it, dip it in sauce - I had a big ol' spinach salad with it, tasty :)
  • goldysgal
    goldysgal Posts: 23
    several yummy ideas here that I will use.... thanks everyone !!!
  • I really like the California Pizza Kitchen frozen thin crust pizza. I had the white pizza for dinner tonight. It's 290 calories for 1/3 of the pizza.
  • geeky1
    geeky1 Posts: 142
    Have the pizza. I get a hawaiian with mushroom and capsicum and allow myself 2 slices of the small pizza. Works out about 240 cal and SO worthwhile.
  • lpummell73
    lpummell73 Posts: 24 Member
    I use the lean cuisine pizza....i for some reason since the diet started always crave pizza so i feel for ya!!
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