lower belly fat



  • sarbear24
    sarbear24 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm getting married in about 5 months, so hopefully kids aren't too far in the future, but I still have the belly fat!! And I've heard the same thing.. cardio, cardio, and more cardio... haven't seen too much of a difference yet, but I'll keep workin' at it!
  • joystica
    joystica Posts: 9
    I found out that treadmil on a level 10 incline or above with moderate speed of 3.5 and above does the magic
  • zatknees
    zatknees Posts: 9 Member
    OMG - I'm dying of laughter here. I have the same "fat sack" (first time I ever heard it called that - but that is the perfect name for it) and yes it DOES seem like you should be able to just lay it on a cutting board and chop it off. Crack me up!!!! Everyone is going to have that one spot that is the last to go - and it sounds like most of us have it in our bellies. If someone find what works best I'm interested as well.
  • 3LittleMonkeys
    3LittleMonkeys Posts: 373 Member
    Everyone is saying cardio..... Would walking on the treadmill be considered cardio? thanks to everyone whom replied.

    Only if you get your heartrate up there.
  • patrickkallie
    Doing ab crunches with the stability ball will help especially if you don't like being on the floor. I put on a elastic belt ( I got it at Walmart) I wear it when I'm exercising...it seems to help.
  • kalli4
    kalli4 Posts: 13
    Ugh...I hate my lower stomache! I've never had c-sections, but I've had four kids who have given me some nasty battle scars. I have a "fat sac" as someone dubbed it (LOL) and some grand canyon sized stretch marks that go up to my belly button. It's nasty!!! I am petite and on the low side of a normal BMI but still have that nasty lower belly bulge. Cardio is definitely the way to go so I've heard but it's still there. I'm currently doing P90X hoping that will get rid of it. Now if I can find a way to get rid of the stretch marks I think I might actually be able to get in a bikini again some day.
  • kangababy
    kangababy Posts: 187 Member
    Ok So I have two kids, neither of which are by c-section, but I haev that aweful belly fat that won't go away after pregnancy...

    A month ago Pure Barre came to my town. They had livingsocial special and then a 1 month unlimited class new client special..
    it is a mixture of Pilates/Ballet focusing on ABs, Thighs,"the seat" and for the first time since kids I am actually starting to see results through this program in 14 classes... Yeah 14 55 min classes...

    If they have a studio in your area.. It is a little pricey but to me well worth it! I will keep doing it after my new client deal runs out and I have to start paying for price... I love it and as a former dancer trained in ballet, tap, jazz and acrobatics this is my thing..

    They also have dvds you can order but I can't speak to them just yet since I just got them in yesterday and only plan on doing them when I can't make it to a class!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    I've had 2 c-sections and have this problem. My OBGYN said surgery was the only way to get rid of it. I refused to believe that so I set out to to exercise and eat right to do it on my own. Last year I achieved it by doing cardio, lifting weights, tracking my food and eating "CLEAN". Once I got where I wanted to, i got lazy, stopped tracking and even though I exercised as much as I usually do, because I didn't eat right, the pooch came back.

    Nutrition is an important piece of the puzzle. No matter how many crunches you do, if you are not eating properly, you may not get the abs you're looking for. Here is a link with some info:


    here is a link with food suggestions:


    I'm here logging so I can get my abs back!

    Good luck!
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    did you have any complications from the tummy tuck? Did your health insurance cover any of this? Sorry if I am being too nosey.

    I want to know too!!!!!
  • jaydensmommy2010
    jaydensmommy2010 Posts: 129 Member
    I know how you feel!! I've only had 1 baby , and he was by c section. I defiantly have that problem!!! The treadmill seems to be helping me in that area, it seems to be "lifting" the pouch. UGHH I know soo gross!
  • Angierae75
    Angierae75 Posts: 417 Member
    I call mine my "lap flap" which makes my husband laugh. He loves my body, no matter what it looks like, though. :) I had a pooch even when I was thin, and now that I've gained like 80 pounds since high school it's utterly disgusting. I'm hoping to at least get it under control when I lose 40-50 pounds. I doubt it'll ever be flat but man, it's gross.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I've had 2 C-sections also.

    Planks & Reverse Crunches & Cardio. Make sure you are tightening your stomach when doing these. Even if your lower abs are numb just focus on holding them in.
  • audjrey
    audjrey Posts: 360 Member
    As it has been mentioned before in the many replies, cardio is essential to burn the excess fat from all over the body, including the mid-section. However, your ab muscles are just that - MUSCLES!! So train them like they're muscles. I seldom do any ab work that does not include weights of at least 8lbs. Yes I still have a little fat on my mid-section area, but only because I'm not a huge fan of cardio (well, except running, which I can't do anymore, and cycling, which I only do from Spring to Fall (we get snow here in the winter months and it's too cold to ride). That said, I have extremely firm ab muscles that help keep the fat that is there close to the body.

    Never be afraid to work your ab muscles with weights ladies!!!