Slow weight loss

Hello all I started on this site about 8 weeks ago and began out with 1300+ calories I reduced my calories down to 1200 because I saw some of my friends was having better progress. But after the 1st couple of weeks I seem to not be dropping but going up and down the same 1-2 pounds given that I am somewhere stuck between 4-6 pounds. I see such great results from others and I am trying not to get discouraged :ohwell: . I have been doing 1200 calories and I work out at home 3-4 days a week which can be anywhere from 200-300 calories burned. My question is should I eat less, eat more, workout more, or what? Help!


  • 77LouLou
    77LouLou Posts: 75
    Try eating the calories the site sets for u! Give it a couple weeks. Are you eating pretty healthy or junk. Are you measuring your foods? I have never had this problem but pointing out what I see others go through. Don't go under 1200!! Your body needs this to survive! Cut back on white bread potatoes and pasta eat mote veggies and fruits..lean meats!
  • When I first started my weight loss I was only eating 1200 calories and then I couldn't lose weight to save my life. I upped my calorie intake to 1400 and started losing weight again. I would consider eating a little more worked for me! Good luck!!
  • Don't give up! I started on my weight lose journey last Feb 2010 and so far I've lost 40lbs of which some it is creeping back :laugh: It's ok though. I'm not as active as I used to be. However I am eating better & drinking water on a more consistent basis. Don't get hung up on the scale. Weight loss is about your happiness. I know I feel great in my clothes still. I keep increasing my workout time & changing up my routines. Keep working at it!
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    Try eating the calories the site sets for u! Give it a couple weeks. Are you eating pretty healthy or junk. Are you measuring your foods? I have never had this problem but pointing out what I see others go through. Don't go under 1200!! Your body needs this to survive! Cut back on white bread potatoes and pasta eat mote veggies and fruits..lean meats!

    I second this :)
  • ladiety
    ladiety Posts: 2
    Looking back over the last week most days I was not at my 1200 calories because my exercise gave me extra and so I ended up with less than my goal. Maybe I will try to be sure that even with exercise I get up to 1200 cals per day and see if that helps. I am a little weary of gaining my few pounds back but will give it a try.