What's Worse? Eating late or not at all?

Hi! I'm new to MFP but love it!

Question though.

I work 9 - 5, but by the time I've got home, worked out, showered and gone through the rigmarole of drying my hair it's normally about 8pm.

I'm really conscious of that old advice about not eating late because your body doesn't digest properly, so I'm tending just to have something small for tea, like soup.

Eating like this is bringing me waayy under my calories for the day, eg. I finished yesterday on about 400 after exercise! (even though I'm certainly not going hungry) I've lost about 12lbs but have now plateaued, and I'm wondering if this is the reason.

So, what's worse, eating late or not at all?


  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    I honestly think that your 1200 cals are for a 24hour period and no it doesn't matter about eating late. You are revving up your metabolism working out and you cOntinue to burn after your workout. Not eating enough is worse in my opinion coz your body soon learns to manage on the number of cals it receives very efficiently.... But I am no dr or weightlLoss guru!
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    IMHO it does not matter what time it is, as long as you aren't eating a tub of ice cream at midnight you are ok. if you are talking a sensible dinner after 8pm, that is totally legit. i am no expert either but i know that feeling hungry is not the point of watching your calorie intake.

    personally, i would normally eat between 8:30 and 9pm weeknights, just because of everything i had to take care of - including exercise - after work. i always made sure to eat or drink some protein (chocolate milk, peanut butter, etc) 30ish minutes before i worked out so i didn't feel like i was going to starve or pass out afterwards. works like a charm!
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    @ clio - you look amazing BTW! NICE WORK!!! :drinker:
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    All during my weight loss phase I would munch until about 11:00 or 12:00 at night and it had no negative effect on my loss. Honestly the only thing that slowed my weight loss was not eating all my calories.

    Now that I'm in maintenance, I still munch late at night and I haven't gain anything yet.

    Good luck on your journey. I hope you find a way that works for you.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    This topic is and always will be split 50/50 I think. IMO just so you don't eat a ton before bed, you'll be fine. My weakness is cereal. I have problems sleeping a lot. I stay up until 2-4 am. And not eating since around 6pm. I always get hungry. So I munch on a bowl or two of cereal.
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328

    on a usual day, I eat dinner between 8pm and 10pm and go to bed between 10pm and 11pm.

    Eating late isn't the problem, problem is digesting. If your body doesn't digest easily or if you eat really heavy food, you might not sleep well. Concerning calories, it just doesn't matter when you take them in, as long as you're within your allowed range.

  • Uronlydreaming
    Uronlydreaming Posts: 28 Member
    Here's the definitive answer....

    1. If this is one day a week, or less, don't fret; however...
    2. If this is common, then getting your cals is absolutely essential regardless of time; so...
    3. If you KNOW you are regularly eating late, then try to get the bulk of your carbs out of the way earlier in the day;

    Chowing carbs raises seratonin so you end up feeling great. But Serotonin will drop and your brain will scream for more carbs to get levels back up. But the main issue with eating late night carbs is related to insulin. As the day wears on, your insulin sensitivity drops which means the body has an easier time converting carbs into fat storage. Later at night, your body is winding down from a long day and you usually chill out. Your body is sedentary with very little energy being used. This is the worst time to be making up calories with a lot of carbs in it.

    That doesn't mean you can't have any carbs, but easy does it and have it combined with the other nutrients, protein and healthy fat. And, best if you stay away from fruit, at night, and use mainly complex carbs.

    4. Have a powdered protein on hand to help in this, and other, situations, where you need more cals, or to make some up on the fly.

    Here's what this really comes down to... you've discovered a lifestyle challenge to your weight loss plan. What you REALLY need is mental toughness, discipline and the ability to adapt. I already see the simple change you need to make:

    5. After your exercise, EAT... after exercise, there's about a 1-2 hour window where your body is at its most optimal for replenishing nutrients. You seem to jump right in the shower and dry your hair. I suggest you sit down to eat first, and THEN, after eating, you jump in the shower and do all that stuff. That's the simplest adjustment of all and these are some of the changes we have to make to help our body's.

    Best wishes,
  • Uronlydreaming
    Uronlydreaming Posts: 28 Member
    PS. Just found this:


    Cottage Cheese
    Grilled Chicken Breast
    Egg Whites
    Fibrous Veggies (broccoli, mushrooms, romaine lettuce, etc.)
    Protein Shake (ideally casein protein since it's a slower acting protein)
    Turkey Breast


    Try not to eat anything within 3 hours of going to sleep
    Try cutting out starchy & simple carbs after 6pm (fruit, rice, bread, potatoes, pasta)
    If you have to snack at night, stick to lean protein sources & veggies (low carbs)

    "Research also shows that HGH released at night has an amazing effect on the mobilization of fats transferred into the energy cycle rather than being stored as fat. By eating your last meal of the day 3 hours before bedtime, you can help your body release maximal HGH which in turn will help you lose fat and achieve a leaner physique!"
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    IMO, not at all is worse.
  • Hotbysummer
    thx for all the helpful advice!