Getting discouraged :(

I am on a totally low carb diet. I mean LOW LOW. Now while it spiked my body enough for it to start dropping again, i haven't stepped on the scale because of fear of no loss. My clothes fit looser and i even have a shirt that once fit like a speedo loose on me but my upper body is taking so long to shrink! I just dont get it. A

Does anybody else loose fat in their upper body really slow?

The low carb diet is working but i feel like the upper part of my body should be losing weight and shrinking much faster than it is. Everytime i look down and STILL see my breast, a little part of me dies because i want them to go away now cuz they make me look way bigger than i really am :(


  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    I have lost weight every where but the belly area. In fact, I have lost at least 5-6 inches around my waist but still have a pretty good amount of flab there. I try not to let it discourage me and realize that in time, with constant work, that too will eventually diminish...besides, I have a jaw line for the first time EVER! Try not to get discouraged, especially if the clothes is feeling looser. God bless!
  • kikibruce
    kikibruce Posts: 31 Member
    When i went to the doc when i was on the adipex pill she told me that counting carbs is for a lower body weight loss whereas counting cals is and upper body weight loss. Maybe this will help you.
  • marcyjane83
    Start running/jogging. Look at runners...they have NO boobs/upper body fat. I've done a few 25k (15.5 mi) runs and it's the first thing to go. Good Luck
  • RRodine
    RRodine Posts: 9
    I have been working out and loosing weight for two years. I have lost close to 80lbs now. When I first started loosing weight my bra size was a 42F and it stayed that size for a long time. It has only been in the last six months that I have been loosing weight in my bra. I am now a 38DDD. As a matter of fact it wasn't until I started really doing upper boday exercise that I saw much of a lose in my bra size.

    It is frustrating but it will happen.

    Hope this helps.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Low carb diets are very, very unhealthy - one of the ill effects is that your body doesn't necessarily burn fat, it will start burning muscle, and shut down your metabolism so that you don't burn the fat you actually want to get rid of. The best diet is a healthy, well balanced one with the right amount of protein, fats, and healthy carbs (fruits, veggies, whole grains), in combination with exercise - this will help you lose the bad, unhealthy fat you want to get rid of.
  • Gallen88
    Gallen88 Posts: 171 Member
    I do run! Thats why im scratching my head! I have been running since october