breakfast anyone?

I am really struggling to find low calorie breakfasts that actually fill me up till lunch time. I get up about 7/7:30 each day and eat my breakfast about 8 but I can never seem to stay full until lunch, which I have about half 1/2 ish.
I've tried loads of wholegrain cereals but they all seem to be just over 100 calories per 30g which would be fine if i was an elf but 30g is not enough for me. I've also tried weightwatchers bread but 2 slices don't fill me up and i've recently started having porridge but I have the same problem with serving size.
I don't need to eat much at lunch and dinner to feel full but breakfast is always a problem. I normally eat about 500 calories for breakfast but I could quite happily eat 700!
Any suggestions would be appriciated :)


  • ceri1980
    ceri1980 Posts: 92 Member
    Im not sure where you live but i find weetabix keeps me going until lunchtime.

    I warm the milk slightly so that it soaks into the weetabix and it seems quite thick. I then add a bit of sweetener.

    Ceri x
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    weetabix for me 2 but with hot water instead of milk or poached egg on toast
  • chrismisterx
    I wouldnt worry about it unless your going over your daily kcals because of your breakfast.

    I have read more than once that having a larger breakfast can help you lose weight, but I dont know if that is true or not.

    What I do is have around 30/40g of branflakes and milk and then have a breakfast bar around 2 hours later, the breakfast bar just helps me keep going to lunch time, its only 85 kcals but really hits the spot.

    Some advice I was given:-
    "The most important thing is find something that works for you, this isnt or shouldnt be a fad diet but a healthy way to live, so if your unhappy doing something or find something to hard, you wont stick to it. so find something that you can stick to and the weight will come off"

    I took that advice on board and its really helping me.
  • sweetsunlover
    maybe have less calories for breckfast and save some for a snack at 10/11 . i have oatmeal porridge with cinnamon . which is only 160 . u cld have a piece of fruit with it to. you shdnt really go without food for over 3 hrs or it will slow your metabolism down . maybe have a pot of small nuts for snack ay 10ish to keep you going till lunch :-)
  • ashtenr
    ashtenr Posts: 19 Member
    I have found that one slice of wholegrain toast spread thinly with butter topped with 2 scrambled eggs seems to work for me. Its about 350 cals but fills me up til lunch. However I eat at 12.30. Can you eat lunch a little earlier or have a piece of fruit for a snack at 11 ish?
  • caitlyn365
    Hi, I always have the Oats so simple sachets with a banana in and a large spoon (100g) of greek yoghur with honey to to give it some sweetness. If still hungry increase it to 2 sachets. Worksout around 350/400 cals for brekkie but keeps me full and then have light lunch.
  • dnndavie
    dnndavie Posts: 26 Member
    Try some thicker breads. We eat Burgen Soya and Linseed bread. The seeds make it more calorific and helps curb your appetite as nuts and seeds tend to do. Have that with scrambled egg or some cream cheese.

    One of my favorite breakfasts is oatmeal made with water and I add a chopped apple, cinnamon and a scoop of natural flavoured whey protein powder (vanilla would work too). Top it with some flaked almonds and agave nectar or syrup if you want it sweeter. It's about 400 cals but the protein and complex carbs will keep you full until noon-ish.

    Another one is heat some broccoli and mushroom in 1 tbsp veg stock until the stock boils off. Add garlic and herb cream cheese, mix together until creamy then spoon the whole thing into toast. There's protein, fiber and two of your five-a-day in this one. Should keep you going.

    Watch out for cereal with too much sugar as this will just spike your blood pressure and make you hungry again earlier than you'd like. Try no-sugar added muesli with yogurt and chopped fruits and nuts. Lots of really good stuff without the insulin whiplash.
  • clahut
    clahut Posts: 211 Member
    I get up about the same time as you, but hold out until about 9ish for breakfast (eaten at my desk in the office!). I have a Mullerlight yoghurt and a low cal cereal bar - which comes in at less than 200 cals. I then have a mid morning snack at about 11 (fruit, nuts, low cal snacks like small bag of pretzels) also less than 100 cals. Doing this and drinking loads of water and herbal tea keeps me going until about 12:30 or 1:00.

  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    I am really struggling to find low calorie breakfasts that actually fill me up till lunch time. I get up about 7/7:30 each day and eat my breakfast about 8 but I can never seem to stay full until lunch, which I have about half 1/2 ish.
    I've tried loads of wholegrain cereals but they all seem to be just over 100 calories per 30g which would be fine if i was an elf but 30g is not enough for me. I've also tried weightwatchers bread but 2 slices don't fill me up and i've recently started having porridge but I have the same problem with serving size.
    I don't need to eat much at lunch and dinner to feel full but breakfast is always a problem. I normally eat about 500 calories for breakfast but I could quite happily eat 700!
    Any suggestions would be appriciated :)

    Umm...wrong approach. You don't want to go that long without eating. You want to be eating 5-6 small meals per day. When you don't have food in your stomach your metabolism sloooowwwsss way down. You want to keep food in there so it keeps working. Looks at some of the peoples diary's that have had success. You'll see a common thing. We eat often. Losing weight doesn't mean starving yourself. It means eating smarter.
    Here is how my day typically goes.
    Preworkout supplement -5am
    Post workout supplement 6:30am
    Breakfast 7:00am
    Snack 9:00am
    Snack 10:00am
    Snack 11:00am (not everyday)
    Lunch 11:45am
    Snack 2:00pm
    Snack 3:00pm
    Snack 4:45pm
    Dinner 6:15pm
    Bedtime Protein 9pm
    All my snacks are 90-170 calories but It keeps the metabolism going and burning all day.
    Hope this helps.
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Look at my Breakfest in my Diary
  • Groentje85
    Protein at breakfast is quite a filler (slower gastric emptying) and boosts your metabolism (higher glucagon levels > higher glucose production from stored fatty acids). That works quite well for me, a cooked egg at breakfast with 2 crackers (with light jam) and some skim milk keeps me going till lunch :) You can also bring some sliced cucumber or fruit to work as a low calorie pre-lunch snack?
  • FreyaDH
    FreyaDH Posts: 31
    Thanks for all the ideas. I will try them all and see which one works best. I don't really have much time in the mornings but they all seem easy enough.
    I like eating my lunch around 2ish because then i stay full until dinner but I will try taking a piece of fruit or a cereal bar with me and eating it at 11.
    I been having porridge with a bit of honey and some sultanas but I will try it with cinnamon and fruit, and vary it each day.
    Thanks guys :)
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Also depends on your schedule when to eat. but try to eat every 3 hours if not 4 hours and not longer then 5 hours. :-)
  • FreyaDH
    FreyaDH Posts: 31
    Thanks everyone!
    So maybe try a slightly smaller breakfast but eat more often during the day? i don't think i'll have a probelm doing that! :)
  • samantharae121205
    im not a big breakfast person bt maybe try taking some fiber pills??. like metamucil or somethng else you prefer. :):):) oh and take a banana to work with you if you cant hold off untill lunch. :):):)
  • mandysjourney
    mandysjourney Posts: 260 Member
    I tend to either have porridge (oatmeal) or museli. I have about a 60g serve of either. Add milk . Also have an orange juice with it. All about 300-400 cals depending on the milk I use and the serve for the day.
    I have a mid morn snack if hungryand not working but usually this fills me up till lunch at 12. brekky is usually at 7 or 8 depending if I am working.

    Yoou can save a few calories on oatmeal by making up with water or part water part low fat milk. I add a dash of honey for flavour
  • higgldy_piggldy
    Protein in the morning helps.

    I have 1/2 cup egg whites scrambled up with 1/2 chicken sausage link, one slice of whole grain bread (no high fructose corn syrup, or crazy ingredients....just bare bones bread ingedients) with a tablespoon of hot pepper jelly (stonewall kitchens).

    I eat this with a cup of black coffee at 5:30 am and don't need anything else until my 10:00 banana (so 4.5 hours between!)

    It comes out to 280 calories and 4 grams of fat (4g of fat from the sausage and 145 cal from a slice of bread and jelly). If you want to make it lower cal....add leftover veggies like tomato, mushroom, shredded zuchinni...etc. The bulk keeps you full while being more substantial than cereal (including oatmeal...)
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i am terrible with breakfast. if i eat breakfast, i'm famished and need something before lunch.

    but if i have a shake (i use ultra slim) i don't need anything til lunch time.

    if i really felt the need to eat something at breakfast, i'd probably go eggs, they tend to fill me up better than any cereals or breads.

    or i'd have something small for breakfast, and something small as a morning snack to get me though to lunch.
  • thephatliz
    thephatliz Posts: 6 Member
    Have you tried protein? Rather than focusing strictly on carbs/calories I find that some protein and then a snack midmorning really helps.

    I alternate between Greek yogurt (lowfat homemade) with fruit and a high fiber cereal mixed in one day and oatmeal with peanut butter and dried fruit.

    Hard boiled egg whites are another great idea, only 17 calories each.
  • marielw
    marielw Posts: 126 Member
    I usually have either some muesli or oat granola (Quakers do a nice one which isnt' too high in calories) with some low fat greek yogurt and have just started adding some raspberries and blackberries to it. It's absolutely delicious and if you choose the yogurt/cereal carefully it can be less than 300 calories (depending on the amount of muesli/granola you have of course). I have this at around 8am.

    You have to watch the sugar content also though, as some of the greek yogurts can be high in sugar.

    I then have a breakfast bar (usually Alpen Light bar) at around 10 - 10:30 which keeps me going until lunchtime.
    Good luck!