When the going gets tough, the tough KEEPS GOING!

Well, I was a little discouraged this morning as I was doing my "3-week check-in." I had gained 1.4 pounds and 2.6 inches. Boo....

I had picked up the TurboFire/ChaLEAN Extreme Hybrid workout last week - and my muscles have been SO SORE!!

So then I decided to look at my nifty/nerdy spreadsheet of my results last fall when I went through the ChaLEAN Extreme workout. Turns out during the first week, I had only lost .8 pounds and 1 inch total. But 2.5 weeks later, I recorded an ADDITIONAL 6 pounds and over 7 inches lost.

So... that reminded me that perhaps my muscles are just retaining fluid to protect themselves as I start the strength training again.

So I will continue to stay encouraged and will keep pressing on... And will reevaluate my progress come April 1st. :-)


  • mcmcat13
    mcmcat13 Posts: 26 Member
    I really needed to see your post. I have been stuck at the 19/20 pound lost mark for a couple of weeks now. I have been doing more strength training and have been eating relatively good (never over my calories) and have not seen the scale budge. I was beginning to get very frustrated and tempted to go back to my old habits of eating bad foods.....Thanks for the encouragement and I will KEEP GOING!