Depression and Exercise

Trista87Marie Posts: 180 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
So I have heard that Exercise can greatly help depression. Ive been really down the last couple days and I really want to get into the gym but how do you make yourself go when all you wanna do is lay in bed and cry. Not really sure where all this is coming from but the last two days Ive really just wanted to crawl in a hole in feel sorry for myself. Not even bc of my weight, just lots of other things in my life. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    try just going out maybe just for a walk, get urself out the house and into the fresh air:smile:
  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457 Member
    I agree, the combination of the exercise & the fresh air from a walk outside does wonders for my mood!! Good luck. . .and if you don't start feeling better seek some help before it gets out of hand. I am only saying this because I have struggled with depression (and still do at times) and I know it is not a fun place to be! :flowerforyou:
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    you really, really need to just....go. The difference between going and not, is only the tiny step out the door.

    I have been where you are, and I find that if I can make myself step out the door, the fresh air immediately makes me feel a bit better. So, even if you step out that door and take a 10 min walk, it's a start.

    Go for it hun - you owe it to yourself. Crawling into a hole doesn't make the issues go away, but a clear mind from exercise, gives better clarity on how to deal. (((hugs)))
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    I totally agree with this. I had issues with depressive tendencies when I was younger and I was a napper. When I'm asleep the world goes away and it would take all I had to get up and go rollerblading. But I knew it was worth it and it would start and upward trend. Exercise would make me feel better and then I would exercise more. Start small, don't make a big deal out of it or have a huge goal, just try 10 minutes then keep going if you want, if you don't want to try for 10-15 minutes again tomorrow. Also make sure its something that you like.
  • bitty1taz
    bitty1taz Posts: 309 Member
    It's hard, I know because I suffer from depression. I didn't do anything for about 8 months or so and now I'm struggling to get back into the swing of things. It's just something you have to take day by day and like missy1970eb said. Just getting outside for a walk helps. You may even find that you end up going to the gym after a bit of fresh air.
    Good luck and I hope things look up for you soon.
  • seriously does help hun i never want to get up and fill dreadfull in morning but i drag myself to gym on a monday and friday as my little one has pre-school them days and do a gym sesh them swim and then relax in spa sauna and hyro pool and come back feeling so refreshed and full of energy and feeling good. just have to force yourself to get there and normally takes 10mins in of exercise to start feeling gd . :-)
  • I wrote an article on this topic. It is based on an Exercise Psychology course I am taking.

    Maybe reading it will help you.
  • thor9424
    thor9424 Posts: 40 Member
    you need to find a friend to exercise with as well. The two of you will motivate each other. The best medicine is fresh air and exercise. Put some new music into your ipod and get out there for a walk. If the weather is not ideal, just a lap around the block should be good enough for today. Tomorrow add a little more! Each day you should try to do more than the last. And good luck!! If you need to friend some more people on MFP, do it, and use them for support as well!!!!!!!!!!!
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    I agree with everyone that recommended going for a walk outside. I was so blue this winter and realized I wasn't getting enough natural Vitamin D. Once I made it outdoors and into some fresh air, it made a huge difference! Even just 5 to 10 minutes will do a ton to lift your spirits! Good luck to you!
  • i also do pilates on the fri at gym instead of the actual gym and this is really gd for body and mind
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    You just have to force yourself to get to the gym the first few times. Once you start a normal routine your body will reward you for it. Think of exercise as a prescription medication for depression. You might not WANT to take it, but it will make you feel MUCH better.
  • artgirl0672
    artgirl0672 Posts: 3 Member
    Don't fret my are not alone!! I too suffer from depression, and due to being laid off now for 7 months, I have had to go without my meds...and have gained back 20 of the 40 I lost and was so proud of....makes me so angry!!! I have discovered that exercise does wonders....(and this is coming from a true!) You feel like the world has been lifted off your shoulders, the burst of energy is incredible..ya feel good!! Due to the huge amount of stress I have...I have come to be great friends with cardio boxing and kickboxing...Golds Gym has is on Wii....getting the chance to beat the crap out of something..or pretending to is quite frankly...awesome!! lol! I am getting ready to actually take those classes at a studio where I live...I am craving the contact. Now that the weather is breaking....strapping on my ipod and taking a fast walk is great too...feeling the sun on my face, breathing in fresh air...very welcoming!!! Riding my bike with my son is great too...both activities gives us time together, and the exercise we both need!! :) The first step is to get up and do it..I know how hard that is...TRUST ME. Depression is no all...and then feeling bad about yourself and the way you look just compunds it een more...making the battle seem overwhelming. Don't go full out the first day....set today, I will walk for 15 3 days I will step it up to takes time...but getting on here, talking to people is a step in the right direction for sure! We are all on here because we need support!!! ~Good luck!
  • Suzymini
    Suzymini Posts: 1
    I wouldn't worry bout the gym i have a gravity walker I use which you can get from argos an also a core ab from amazon with just alittle exercise an using these things in front of the tele at your leasure you have to persevere a little doesn't happen over night but it does male you feel better an nowhere near as expensive as gym I know how hard it is to get motivated just do a little each day you do great an go out walking as much as u can
  • Trista87Marie
    Trista87Marie Posts: 180 Member
    Thanks so much for all the support guys!! :) I really appreciate it. Gonna hit up the gym with a friend in a couple hours. Im feeling better already :)
  • themetra
    themetra Posts: 174 Member
    I agree with everybody - the best thing to do isjust go! Going with a friend is always good because then you feel as though you can't stand them up. Once you get into the habit of going regularly, your body WILL actually CRAVE the gym!

  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    I definitely know how it feels. I recently went in for a prenatal check-up and we learned that our unborn baby had passed away. Anyway, its been a long, drawn-out ordeal and has really taken its toll on me. I have been extremely depressed, angry, exhausted, cranky, all of it. But I know that if I stayed in bed all day, or ate my feelings, I would be even more depressed when I gained weight. So I've been working really hard to get up and just run on the treadmill for 20 minutes each morning. And it does seem to help, at least a little, because I am starting to see the numbers drop again, and that gives me a little mood boost. Hang in there and just take it one day at a time. Hope you feel better.
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