bathroom issues. how often are laxatives okay?



  • kevbrinks
    kevbrinks Posts: 42 Member
    Please keep in mind that the average bowel movements for humans is in the range of 3 times per day to once every 3 days. It's a huge span, and everything in that range can be considered "healthy". Your gut bacteria play a huge role in your personal nutrition and is considered by many experts to be the "lost organ" because the affect of your gut flora is equal to that of a virtual organ.
  • mpatternmaker
    mpatternmaker Posts: 20 Member
    I was having this problem also, I went to specialist & she suggested her "favorite" thing was miralax. It is gentle, & non-habit forming, meaning your body will adjust well without it. I started off taking it every evening but that was way too much. I now take it every other day and feel much better. There are generic forms of it, wal-mart & target have their own so you don't need to pay the name brand price.
    Good luck!
  • loganaw
    loganaw Posts: 62 Member
    ive been having the SAME problem. at first, i thought it was because i ate so little and barely got any fiber. but then, i started eating NOTHING BUT foods high in fiber and nothing has helped. i've taken laxatives pretty much every other day for the past two months. i even take a fiber supplement and still no luck. there are days when i'm up to 30grams of fiber a day...and not a thing happens. it really does suck.
  • kendallan
    kendallan Posts: 79 Member
    hydrocolonic . . .well help and they are relaxing and you feel so much better after wards. i wojuld fnd one in your area. this is how i find my and even though ive done it rest i will incorporate in my life forever...
  • kent4j
    kent4j Posts: 391 Member
    I take a couple of stool softeners (colace) not a laxative every night before I go to bed. I asked my Dr about it and he said it was ok. It doesn't make me go every day but most. I also eat tons of fiber and drink loads of water. This has been a lifelong problem for me and a big joke in my family.
  • miranda75
    miranda75 Posts: 14 Member
  • VickieMW
    VickieMW Posts: 285 Member
    Wow you got a lot of great advise! I use Physillium Husks. I only use 1 teaspoon in 8 ounces of water per day (breakfast). You have to be careful not to take to much because it will have you runing to the bathroom. This is a very natural fiber and work fast!

    I do think that you need to take care of yourself - love yourself enough to go see a specialist. Best of luck! :bigsmile:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member

    It can be bought over the counter but force your doctor to write you a script. OTC is expensive. The massive bottle with a script is relatively cheap. I get the big bottle for my daughter. Lasts about 3 months and my copay is a mere $10.

    My daughter has experienced chronic bowel issues since birth. The worst was seeing her in pain, often crying while on the potty. It's heartbreaking! I experienced the same thing as you -- a bm every week or two -- until almost 18. It was MISERABLE.

    My pediatrician put my daughter on Miralax. It's a odorless, tasteless powder. Blends right in to any drink or can even be sprinkled on food (mixed into applesauce, whatever). I expressed concerns about giving it to her daily. She -- a PEDIATRICIAN - said that studies had been done and found no negative repercussions from daily use of Miralax.

    Talk to you doc. Research a bit yourself. You need help. Too much fiber can clog you, too little fiber can clog you. If you use Miralax now, you can get yourself 'clean', so to speak, and then try diet elimination until you can pinpoint what foods bind you.

    GOOD LUCK SWEETIE!!! I remember the torture and pain and my heart goes out to you.
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    Bump for layer
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Ah-ha. I see a few other recommendations for Miralax.

    If you wanted to try more natural ways, I'd still suggest Miralax first, simply to clean you out NOW. Take a day this weekend and FLUSH your body out. My pediatrician told me to give my daughter twice the regular dose size three times daily (over a weekend) in order to flush her system out. It worked. After flushing your system, you could try all natural remedies. I only recommend this because of my experience with my daughter.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I take miralax every other day.
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    Metamucil 1-3 tsp daily with the right amount of water is important....And Miralax once a day have been my best friends for over a year now. I go everyday :) They are not habit forming. I was just like you - frustrating.

    Was Dr. recommended after years of trying to eat too much fiber - the insoluble kind (broccoli, whole grains) all the fiber they tell you to.

    It's the insoluble fibers (apples, peas, potatoe, rice and psyillium husks) that make a sort of gel in the intestines and make it easy to go! Also takes out cholesterol with it - that's a good thing too!

    do a little web research on the difference between the two types of fiber, it's pretty amazing.

    Best of luck!
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    I had the same kind of problem but then I ended up abusing them..taking over 50 at a time...well my bowel perforated, ended up with a colostomy(bag on outside of your stomach) and now I have no large intestine. Oh yeah did I mention that I almost died? Aslo had an eating disorder to, but please be careful in what you take. The ones that stimulate your bowel are the ones that your body gets used to. Senna is natural ,but keep talking with your doctor. Dont try this on your own. If your doctor seems to blow you off then go to a colon rectal doctor. I dont have the bag I have the opposite problem and am lucky if I make it to the bathroom. Guess I am never happy! lol