Accountability teams?

Hi there,

I'm looking for some friends who want to help each other stay accountable by checking up on each other. I'm hoping to find friends who are willing to ask me if I followed through with plans to go running (my exercise of choice) and friends to hound me if I'm not posting my calories for the day. :) I'm absolutely willing to return the favor.

Friend me if you're interested!


  • liljen79
    liljen79 Posts: 20
    I'm there...I'll do it!
  • JBatt123
    JBatt123 Posts: 24
    Yes please! I really need this.
  • runninginplace
    runninginplace Posts: 42 Member
    I'm in! I was in the best shape of my life while playing on the tennis team in college. I credit that fact to having a coach forcing me to run everyday! :) For some reason when there is no one watching, it's just too easy for me to find excuses for putting off my workouts.
  • komplexlysimple
    Me too
  • jodimitchell
    jodimitchell Posts: 86 Member
    Im all about calling people out and because i do im always scared to not hold myself accountable because they are all just waiting for me :) Feel free to add me.
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    I'm hoping to find friends who are willing to ask me if I followed through with plans to go running (my exercise of choice) and friends to hound me if I'm not posting my calories for the day.

    Careful what you ask for..... :wink:

    Friend request sent. Welcome to MFP!!