I need motivation!

az1cowgirl Posts: 82
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone. My name is Linda, I am 41 years old, and I have been on the weight loss yo-yo for the better part of the last 10 years. I have watched both of my sisters get gastric bypass surgery and have great results but they are sick all the time. I'm gonna come right out and say it...I'm jealous as heck of their weight loss but I hate being sick more than I hate being fat.
My husband is full time military and gone most of the time. He is a stud with how good of shape he is in for his age and I feel ashamed that I can't keep up with him. I just joined today but I am a regiment kind of woman so I think tracking my calories, blogging, and participating won't be a problem. LOVE the app by the way!
Looking forward to getting to know you, getting some encouragement, and giving it back along the way. Thank you. :)


  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457 Member
    Hello & welcome Linda!! This is a great site. . .make the most of all the tools & support here and you will be passing your sisters up in no time! :smile: Much success to you!!
  • kstoll
    kstoll Posts: 10
    Hi Linda,
    I only joined this site a week or so ago and have found it to be so helpful. Everyone on here that I have chatted with had been really helpful. If you have a question just ask and I am sure someone will have the information. Good luck along your journey and if you need anything just ask. Feel free to friend me if you would like. Here's to happy times!

  • ccadartist
    ccadartist Posts: 35 Member
    Welcome, Linda!!! :flowerforyou:
  • robinmath
    robinmath Posts: 59
    HI Linda, and welcome. This site is amazing and you'll get all the support you need. Feel free to friend me and I'll be sure to post comments on your goals.
  • kma1988
    kma1988 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi linda,

    You can do it! Step by step!
  • Welcome Linda!!!!! Together we can do this!
  • Hi Linda,
    i feel you about the yo yo dieting, i had a friend tell me about this program and i started on Feb 10 and i have lost 14lbs just by following the program, its hard the first two weeks but if you can just push yourself you can do it. i follow the program to the tee, i made it fun for myself by using my cell phone and i always check calories before i eat the food! I also ate Lean Cuisines for the first week to train myself and then moved to regular food and what I mean by that is fast food. anyways i would love to see your progress. GOOD LUCK and ALWAYS BELIEVE THAT YOU CAN INSTEAD OF YOU CANT! GOD BLESS!
  • lilsweetslol
    lilsweetslol Posts: 68 Member
    Welcome to Site, you will find all the tools, resources and support you need here to reach your goals!! Feel free to add me.. keep logging in every day :flowerforyou:
  • Hi there Linda and WELCOME!!! My name is Raquel. I am a 35 year old mother of 3 boys ages 9,5, and 2. I stay at home. I live in the suburbs of chicago. Home of beef sandwiches, loaded hot dogs and deep dish pizza (meaning: if i can do it you can too!) I started on MFP January 8th, 2011 and have lost 21 lbs so far! The smallest I became after high school was right before my wedding. After 3 kids I gained quite a bit. We are all on the same road and are here to support one another. As long as you are serious and stick to a healthy diet within your calorie range you will do just fine and when you hit that bump in the road (which we all have) we will be right here for you!
  • Laelee
    Laelee Posts: 36
    Hi Linda,Welcome!
    I look forward to watching you achieve your goals:)
  • Hello Linda... I too just joined today. I've heard others have great success. I'm here to help motivate others as well as keeping me Accountable by doing just the same. Add me as a friend. Others too.. brand new to this site.
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    I think your beautiful hubby is quite a bit of motivation! I have a good imagination. ;)
    Simple rules:
    - Drink lots of water (put in a tiny bit of lemon juice and/or a tea bag, if you cannot take plain water.
    - Watch the sodium, reduce sodas, deli meats, salty chips.
    - Walking is a really good exercise. I speed walk after my very active grandson, park fairly far from stores, eat before I shop for food, little things that add up.
    - The first week is wonderful--losing several pounds. After that, the trick is to be happy with one pound per week lost.
    - Measure your waist and hips (and anywhere else you want). Then, when you do not lose weight one week, remeasure yourself and you may find that you have lost inches, but gained muscle in the fat's place. A cup of muscle weighs more than a cup of fat, but causes your body to burn more calories. Fabulous, isn't it! ;)
    Fave Fun! :drinker: (lots of water)
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