Am I doing okay? Worried

indigochilds Posts: 69 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I am a bit worried about my weight loss journey. Since we're approaching the 90 day mark. I managed to hit the 11 lb mark sometime in early March. And gaining back about 2.lbs, which now puts me at 8.8 lbs. I just want to break my 10 lbs already.
I'm very worried. Can someone take a look at my journal please and give some suggestions.

Here are my stats

5 feet tall,
167.2 lbs
Doing Turbo Fire and I'm week 10 right now.
I try to eat about 1200 NET calories.

Thank you


  • toodleton
    toodleton Posts: 82
    I don't see any water recorded, you must drink lots of water to keep from retaining fluid....the more you drink, the more fat/toxins/waste that your body flushes out,,,adequate water intake is key to weight loss
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    It looks ok calorie wise but you aren't tracking sodium. I was STUNNED when I started doing that and dropped another 2 lbs within a week. I notice now that when I am over my sodium, I gain or or stay static.

    You are doing fine. Sometimes our bodies put us on "hold" because of stress, etc. Try changing it up. Eat your biggest calorie intake at a different meal one day. Do a completely different exercise from normal (even if it burns less than the usual number of calories) to get your body to wake up.

    Also, measure yourself. Often, when the body is dropping fat but gaining muscle, the scale doesn't move but the tape will. It's a good way to see continued progress.

    Best of luck! I know you can do it!
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    I am a bit worried about my weight loss journey. Since we're approaching the 90 day mark. I managed to hit the 11 lb mark sometime in early March. And gaining back about 2.lbs, which now puts me at 8.8 lbs. I just want to break my 10 lbs already.
    I'm very worried. Can someone take a look at my journal please and give some suggestions.

    Here are my stats

    5 feet tall,
    167.2 lbs
    Doing Turbo Fire and I'm week 10 right now.
    I try to eat about 1200 NET calories.

    Thank you

    I would do two things. 1 - Start tracking your sodium. Subway sandwiches, bacon, pizza...all things in your diary that have a lot of it and that can definitely affect things. 2 - Water!! I don't know if you aren't drinking it or just not logging it, but proper hydration is VERY important.

    Either of those things individually can set you back, but if you are eating a ton of sodium and not drinking water, that would definitely be a double whammy and could explain a lot.
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    add two more columns to what you are tracking in your diary. Add sodium and sugar and see what those values are. you might also add fiber. and where is your water?????
  • bbruske
    bbruske Posts: 8 Member
    Are you eating your exercise calories? If you are only eating 1200 calories a day and excercising you are not getting enough calories. Your body wil go into starvation mode which will make it so much harder to lose.
  • larsonp
    larsonp Posts: 55 Member
    The important thing is to stick with it and be honest with yourself about what you eat.
    I floundered for three months (over the holidays) because I would consistently eat too much to lose weight, even if I kept to 1200 on the weekdays. I tended to overeat on the weekends.
    If you aim to lose a pound a week, there will be some days/weeks where it shows more than 1 pound lost, and some weeks where it shows no loss, or even a small gain, depending on what (and how much) you ate in the last 24-48 hours.

    Just stick with it. You're going for long-term average calorie deficit.

    You could also be putting on some muscle weight, given your exercise routine. Have you noticed your clothes beginning to feel any looser, despite the weight not actually coming off?
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    The posts above nailed the sodium and water...The combination of those can add or drop pounds overnight almost if you keep an eye on them.

    I noticed that you seem to be eating A LOT of white enriched style carbs. My first recommendation would be if you need breads and pastas that much, move to wheat entirely. That alone helped me and added other good nutrients into my diet. If possible, try to take away some of the overall bread carbs. Sometimes, you have white breads and/or pasta three times a day. Cutting this down or out could really be helpful.

    I would also take measurements. I have only lost five pounds, however, my pants that almost fell off at work told me I was losing, but also gaining muscle/toning....That might help with a little added encouragement.
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    As above re salt and water! Mixing up the exercise seems to work quite well - I just switched to a week low intensity cardio, which is 65-70% max heart-rate, and I lost 3lb. When I go on the treadmill, I set a distance then mix up running with walking uphill and jogging - working well so far!

    best of luck!
  • tam8374
    tam8374 Posts: 270 Member
    I agree.. add in more water.

    Another thing I noticed was that you are not eating all of your calories. When I was on weight watchers and seeing a nutritionist regularly, that was my big issue. I had lost 23lbs and plateud. I was stuck there for months, then they told me that I am not eating enough calories my body was going into starvation mode. Even though I was eating, my body needed more calories to burn the fat since it wasn't getting enough, it was hanging on the fat because my body thought I was starving myself. Once I started eating close to calorie goal I dropped the rest of the weight.

    I am on here and doing this again because of a major car accident and birth of a child (years ago), I just trying to get back into the swing of things now.
  • Keep an eye on your salt intake and drink tons of water. For me, carbs kill my diet. I would try and stay under 100 if possible. Everyones different but if i eat a lot of carbs i gain weight. which really stinks because i love carbs! anyways ur doing great !! so keep on going!
  • KKOLB1
    KKOLB1 Posts: 53 Member
    How is it possible to cut sodium if you don't try & eat much of it to begin with. Someone mentioned this and I was thinking, well I don't eat out, we don't eat 'boxed' meals, Yes of course packaged meals like cheese or sometimes an occasional fish stick but pasta, etc comes in a box! We can't make everything from scratch!
    It looks ok calorie wise but you aren't tracking sodium. I was STUNNED when I started doing that and dropped another 2 lbs within a week. I notice now that when I am over my sodium, I gain or or stay static.

    You are doing fine. Sometimes our bodies put us on "hold" because of stress, etc. Try changing it up. Eat your biggest calorie intake at a different meal one day. Do a completely different exercise from normal (even if it burns less than the usual number of calories) to get your body to wake up.

    Also, measure yourself. Often, when the body is dropping fat but gaining muscle, the scale doesn't move but the tape will. It's a good way to see continued progress.

    Best of luck! I know you can do it!
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    You've been counting for long enough that your metabolism has probably compensated, which is why you've hit a plateau. The recent weight gain is likely water retention, which can come from many things: not enough water in the body, too much sodium, heck, even exercise can cause water retention.

    So don't freak out about the weight gain just yet.

    How big of a calorie deficit are you maintaining? I mean, how many calories under your maintenance calories are you cutting? If you're cutting more than 500 calories per day, you may need to recalculate and aim for 1/2 of weight loss per week. In other words, you may need to eat more and take it slower, especially since you're not starting at a high weight.

    You could also try a load day to get your metabolism moving again. I'm noticing more and more how these load days (eating just above your maintenance level one day) are helping people lose weight.

    Also, does Turbo Fire include strength-training? If so, you may be gaining muscle. Try measuring yourself. If not, add strength-training. It is really important for over-all fitness. People who strength-train will lose weight faster and--more importantly--are able to lose fat instead of muscle.
  • Hey there,

    I took a look at the last two weeks of your diary and I have some tips for you, ones you may not like! :-) I noticed you eat/drink a lot of foods high in sugar, cut them out of your diet. No more snapple, pop, ginger ale or kettle corn. Some easy substitutes are water, water flavored with lemon, lime, orange or cucumber. Sometimes I get sick of water so I drink Vitamin Water Zero. Instead of raspberry snapple, switch to unsweetened iced tea. It tastes bitter at first but you learn to love it! And you can flavor it with lemon/lime. If you must drink pop, I would suggest diet although I think its best just to skip it all together. As for your popcorn, switch to low-fat light salt. Kettle corn is delicious however there's a reason for that. It's covered in sugar, butter and salt! I make my own air-popped popcorn which is yummy and healthier. Also, eat your carbs earlier in the day. Your body has a hard time metabolizing them at night. And eating too late at night of anything is bad for weight loss, which was my biggest downfall! I did notice you are eating lean meats and steam fresh veggies, those are great choices! I am consistently losing 1 or 2 pounds a week, so if you ever need any tips, friend me and I love to help!
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    How is it possible to cut sodium if you don't try & eat much of it to begin with. Someone mentioned this and I was thinking, well I don't eat out, we don't eat 'boxed' meals, Yes of course packaged meals like cheese or sometimes an occasional fish stick but pasta, etc comes in a box! We can't make everything from scratch!

    Since you are already tracking it, I'm sure you've been surprised by some things you've found. I LOVE Subway but their sandwiches have a ton of sodium. So on a day I eat there (like today), I need to be aware of how much the rest of my day has. It's like anything else. Start doing it, start being aware and it gets easier and easier to manage it over time.
  • indigochilds
    indigochilds Posts: 69 Member
    Wow, thank you for the responses. I didn't think I would get any so quickly. I turned on the Sodium and Sugar option. and noticed that I don't consume alot of sodium *phew*.
    I drink water, :) I forget to push that button. So far salt isn't the enemy but sugar is.

    But I seem to be over sugar about 50 to 100 (how ever you measure them). I will try my best and avoid drinking the juices and the soda's.

    I'm trying to maintain a 1000 calorie deficit, But since I'm short it might be a bit less. I'm going to change it back to either 1 lb or 1.5 lbs.

    Also Turbo Fire does have some resistance training. I do it about 3 times per week about 30 minutes each.
  • indigochilds
    indigochilds Posts: 69 Member
    Any suggestions though. Since I showing the sodium and sugar. Also why is too much sugar bad?
  • gburkhart2
    gburkhart2 Posts: 72 Member
    Sugar is a simple carb, and when your body has excess carbs, it stores them as fat.
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