Hydration and weight loss

ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey guys. I just wanted to say that i find that if you have a drink when you are feeling hungry, before you eat, it helps reduce the amount that you do eat. This because not only does it take up space in your stomach but your brain often has trouble distinguishing hunger from thirst. Therefore you feel hungry when in fact sometimes your actually thirsty. Having the correct water balance in your body is very important as it helps to flush out toxins and keep your brain and other vital organs working at their optimum. :smile:


  • yeah thanks i totally need to make sure i do that, its just that i dont like drinking water unless my throat is dry, you know any way to combat that?
  • AshleyNicole8686
    AshleyNicole8686 Posts: 103 Member
    I have a hard time drinking enough water these days but I bought a really cute water bottle and for some reason I drink a lot more now. Since it measures it it helps me know when iv'e got the right amount. I know that is kind of dumb but it works for me. You could always try adding something to your water like crystal light. Good luck :)
  • menchi
    menchi Posts: 297 Member
    Thanks for the reminder! My Dad explained this to me long ago, but it's good to hear it again. Sometimes when I'm feeling munchy, I'll mumble to myself "I wonder if I'm hungry or thirsty..." and my BF finds it funny. So I get a glass of water for both of us and have a chugging contest :drinker: . He always wins... :grumble:
  • Try using it as a way to get you to do things. For example, if you are aiming for 8 glasses of water per day, drink one glass before each hour of work (if you work 8 hours) or drink one before each time you eat, etc....
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    yeah thanks i totally need to make sure i do that, its just that i dont like drinking water unless my throat is dry, you know any way to combat that?

    Well i hate drinking plain water too. I only drink it if i have to, but i do drink low calorie low sugar flavoured water and dilted fruit cordials. Try picking a flavour you reallly enjoy (for me this is blackcurrant :heart: ) it helps you to drink more. Or have a bottle of water with you all the time and place it somewhere you can see it this usually makes you want to take a drink now and then. I tak one with me to college. Hope this helps!
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