Do you use an IUD?



  • brentrhodes
    brentrhodes Posts: 139
    Hey Ladies, I thought I'd throw my 2cents in the mix. My wife had the Merina IUD and it worked really really well. Complete protection from pregnancy and no period at all. Like someone said earlier though, it's not only painful in some positions for her, he can feel it too. Very strange and painful feeling obviously.

    Anyway, it worked really well but she started having some problems. When it was removed it was covered with Staph and other bacteria. Her OB said it just seemed to attract it. This is probably a very rare occurrence but it happened none the less. Just wanted to share a little bit of her story about it.
  • bkrchk04
    bkrchk04 Posts: 1
    I have the Mirena and have had no issues or periods since having it (almost 3 years)...I love it and highly recommend it!!
  • jsjlandy
    jsjlandy Posts: 41 Member
    I had Mirena first and used it for about 2 years. I loved that I had only 3 periods/year with it but then I started getting crippling headaches. I wasn't able to walk/move and would pass out. I was given all sorts of meds but it finally went away after having Mirena removed. I'm now using the copper one with no hormones and unfortunately it doesn't help periods at all, i've noticed the opposite but i haven't had any other problems with it.
  • showers1989
    showers1989 Posts: 63 Member
    I have a mirena. I has it put in after I had my son. It works wonderful. Love it. I dont have to think about it and I know I can't get pregnant. All you have to do is check the strings once a month which is very easy. Everyone told me it hurt to get it put in but it just felt like a pinch and it was all over. You will have spotting for a few months on and off but it will be well worth it once that's over. The only thing you haave to watch for is bacterial infections but if you're in a monogomous relationship this is less likely to happen which is why they suggest that as a guideline. Good luck. :)