brdk620 Posts: 2 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
I have completely fallen off track. It has been a few weeks since I've even logged on to MFP. I have completely gone off watching what I eat and definitely no exercise. Has anyone out there gone through the same thing? How did you get back on track?? Any ideas or words of encouragement would be helpful. I don't know why I have such trouble keeping myself motivated!


  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    Hi, u come back on so thats the 1st step, now for motivation u need a goal, cmon u can do it:smile:
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Definitely been there, time and time again. My best advise is to JUST DO IT. Go shopping and fill your fridge with healthier choices. Plan your meals, and commit yourself. If you mess up, don't let it ruin your next day or week or month. Mistakes are allowed, but don't let one mistake turn into anything bigger.
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    Just think of it for what it was, you fell off track, and now you are picking yourself up, dusting yoruself off and moving along. Dont let it get you down, we all have our moments for whatever reason!
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    we're still here to support you, not to judge or condemn you, because we've all been there!!
  • kimw328
    kimw328 Posts: 5
    I'm having problems myself, but have the advantage of having co-workers to help me.
    I've had to call upon them a few times in the last week to help keep me on track. I also have a really good
    friend who I can call at anytime and he will encourage me to move my butt!

    I've lost 19 pounds since joining myfitnesspal, but have lost almost 35 altogether and it's way to easy for me
    to say I'm happy with where I am. I am happy buying smaller clothes, I'm happy the way I look...BUT, I'm not
    at my goal. Maybe if you can get a "buddy" to help you - help get you re-motivated, it will help.

    It's a struggle for me everyday.

    Good luck.
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    confession over , welcome back !
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    That sort of happened to me during December. I was so busy I couldn't get to the gym and I didn't watch what I ate. Thankfully, I didn't gain, but I didn't lose either.

    The only thing that helps is getting back into the routine. Log your food every day, do your best to get to the gym. Try ti plan your meals ahead of time and stick to that plan.
  • I literally just got back on track after a 3 week hiatus from my workout/healthy eating program. I ate what I wanted (and alot of it) and didn't touch and exercise video. I guess what got me on track is I just kept thinking about how when this summer came, I would be so disappointed in myself for not taking care of my body. I'd be embarrassed about how I looked and insecure all the time. I didn't want to wind up feeling that way so I made myself up a workout program and eating regimen that is doable but tough and then just said its GO TIME! No turning back, no falling into my old habits. Sure I have a day where I'll eat something extra, but not for a month, lol! Do ALOT of positive self talking. ALOT. Its tough, but you can say nice things to yourself, and that helps me keep going. A biggie for me too, is to plan a week in advance everything I'm going to eat that week, including snacks and enter it on mfp. Along with the workouts I've got planned for that day. That's not to say I don't switch something up here and there when something in my week changes, but having it all planned out on here, sort of forces me to workout or I'd have to cut out half the calories I was planning to eat that day. And nobody wants to minus food off of their plate!
    I hope some of this helped, its just how I got myself out of that rut 2 weeks ago! You CAN do it! I promise!
  • Degren
    Degren Posts: 80
    I had the same problem. I think a lot of us do. I just have to keep reminding myself that I lost 15 pounds when I was using the program, and not surprisingly, gained a few back when I stopped.

    Make it fun, get the ap for your phone if you can. Set myfitnesspal as your home page (or one of them). I agree with others who said to get all of your friends to join. Make friends with people here who will cheer you on when you achieve your daily goals and when you lose weight. You can do it!!
  • Yes I have been their. I have been trying to lose weight since 2003. I didn't find out about till like Nov. 2010. But it's kept me motivated. I finally looked in the mirror one day and said how did you get like this. All through grade school and high school I was fit and athletic but after having children couldn't get my body back but now I am determined. Try Acai Vitamin super chews a great vitamin that can help control hunger plus it's good for you. It gives you great energy, healthy for skin, hair and nails. Healthy weight control. You can get it at Wal-mart. And it's not that expensive. Since staying on track with I have lost 8lbs . But before that I have lost 12 lbs doing proper diet and exercise. Giving up pop was the best thing I ever did. I have lost 20 lbs so far and I need to lose 40 more. Wish me luck. And I will pray for you that you will get motivated. :happy:
  • reander
    reander Posts: 175 Member
    I've been there and I found the best thing was to fill my house with healthier food. I also planned out my day to every drink I drank and every snack I ate, so that I wouldn't have to think about what I was eating, I had it there already.

    It also helps me when I have friends to talk to, so maybe join one of the challenges so you have a reason to log on daily, or add some MFP friends who will support you when you're struggling.
  • I have completely fallen off track. It has been a few weeks since I've even logged on to MFP. I have completely gone off watching what I eat and definitely no exercise. Has anyone out there gone through the same thing? How did you get back on track?? Any ideas or words of encouragement would be helpful. I don't know why I have such trouble keeping myself motivated!

    We have gone through this at one point or another.... Today is a new day stand up dust your self off and start again. Start eating and logging and start working out. 20 min a time at least... don't get a schedule just do what you can. Don't go crazy and super restrictive you'll burn out. One step at a time one day at a time.

    You can do it, don't get discouraged or down cause you got off track just start again and maybe get mor motivational friends who will help you push through and continue! Friend me if you need support!
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    I am doing it now! This last week has been a battle but I am going to win the war!! I feel that if I keep at it as hard as I can I will soon be riding back on track!!! Hang in there and keep recording your food and your exercise and it will happen...for both of us! Best wishes!!

    ps..stay on MFP because these guys have no idea just how much they inspire me and keep me motivated!! See you at the end of the track!!!
  • I JUST WENT THROUGH THE SAME THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Honestly what made me get back on track was going through my clothes and realize all my old stuff that still dosen't fit and a few things I thought fit but now don't! It's hard....I know how you feel....I've gotten to the point where I have signs on my fridge and pantry saying "Remember 96 lbs to go!" Good luck :) Don't worry you'll find it in you to get back on track, it's good that you know what your doing. make the change now! Remember it's never too late!
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    Don't worry about what happened in the past. Just start from today and do what you know you need to do. Forgive yourself, and move on. :)
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