Champion's League anyone?

Anyone one here follow the Beautiful Game? Watching the Champion's League?


  • trigrrl
    trigrrl Posts: 104 Member
    spurs fan here
  • thesuburbansound
    You guys have had a great CL run this year.
  • Nysie5
    Nysie5 Posts: 215 Member
    i wish.. but have to work...
  • han182
    han182 Posts: 82
    Not following the champions league religiously, but I check on the scores!

    ...wigan fan!
  • thesuburbansound
    Yeah if I was a Wigan supporter, I probably wouldn't be watching it either....

    Or the EPL for that matter ;)
  • han182
    han182 Posts: 82
    You see why I avoid watching... My latic optimism hasn't faded though! :)
  • thesuburbansound
    Hey there is literally 5 points between the bottom 6 teams in the Premiership. Wigan could escape relegation easily.

    What do I know though? I'm just an American Glory Hunter!
  • han182
    han182 Posts: 82
    We're not going down this time. Our defence may be a little shakey but with Al-Habsi in goal and Rodellaga up front we're strong when we want to be!

    Nothing wrong with following from America! I live 300 miles from Wigan so it's almost the same...:-P
  • thesuburbansound
    Oh its not that I follow, its WHO I support! If I could be young again, I would have maybe picked a different team just to spare the embarassment....but you know, when you're a kid you like who you see, and as a kid in American in the late 80s and early 90s, we got to see Manchester United if we got to see any games at all!
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    Glory Glory Man United. I've been a United fan since 1980. :drinker:
  • thesuburbansound
    Man, I still remember watching a match in 1995 here in the US. I was about 15 years old and it was that whole Cantona, Becks, Giggs, Scholes, Neville, Keane, era. That was the last time as a kid I got to seriously watch them play and I was just enthralled w/ how they played. Then after I got married and bought a house, I ordered Dishnetwork and got Fox Soccer Channel. The first game I watched was United vs Portsmouth, in which United lost. Still, I was shocked to see Giggs, Scholes and Neville were still playing! It was like a connection to that game I saw when I was 15. I haven't missed a match since!
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    Man, I still remember watching a match in 1995 here in the US. I was about 15 years old and it was that whole Cantona, Becks, Giggs, Scholes, Neville, Keane, era. That was the last time as a kid I got to seriously watch them play and I was just enthralled w/ how they played. Then after I got married and bought a house, I ordered Dishnetwork and got Fox Soccer Channel. The first game I watched was United vs Portsmouth, in which United lost. Still, I was shocked to see Giggs, Scholes and Neville were still playing! It was like a connection to that game I saw when I was 15. I haven't missed a match since!
    It's frightening to think that when Gigg's started playing for the senior team the da Silva twins and Macheda were only babies.
  • thesuburbansound
    When he went into the game against Arsenal on Saturday, I was watching the match w/ a guy who doesn't know much about English football. He couldn't believe Giggs was like, 37. He was outrunning all those 25 year olds.

    I saw them play in Philadelphia last summer on their US tour. Giggs was w/ them. My seat was 3 rows up from the corner flag so when Giggs took corner kicks, I was right on top of him. So awesome.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    When he went into the game against Arsenal on Saturday, I was watching the match w/ a guy who doesn't know much about English football. He couldn't believe Giggs was like, 37. He was outrunning all those 25 year olds.

    I saw them play in Philadelphia last summer on their US tour. Giggs was w/ them. My seat was 3 rows up from the corner flag so when Giggs took corner kicks, I was right on top of him. So awesome.
    He will be 38 in November and recently signed a 1 year extension on his contract so he will still be there next season. He is a legend.

    He has broken almost every one of the records that Bobby Charlton set with United back in the 50's and 60's. About the only one that he hasn't broken yet is the number of League goals scored.
  • thesuburbansound
    When he went into the game against Arsenal on Saturday, I was watching the match w/ a guy who doesn't know much about English football. He couldn't believe Giggs was like, 37. He was outrunning all those 25 year olds.

    I saw them play in Philadelphia last summer on their US tour. Giggs was w/ them. My seat was 3 rows up from the corner flag so when Giggs took corner kicks, I was right on top of him. So awesome.
    He will be 38 in November and recently signed a 1 year extension on his contract so he will still be there next season. He is a legend.

    He has broken almost every one of the records that Bobby Charlton set with United back in the 50's and 60's. About the only one that he hasn't broken yet is the number of League goals scored.

    Agreed. I'm glad I got to see at least ONE footballing legend play (unless you want to count that hand balling son of a b@tch Henry when he came to Philly w/ the New York Red Bulls....or David Bechkam when he came w/ the Galaxy haha!)
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I DVR the games. I'm a huge FC Barcelona Fan. Pulling for them. Best team in the world.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    Agreed. I'm glad I got to see at least ONE footballing legend play (unless you want to count that hand balling son of a b@tch Henry when he came to Philly w/ the New York Red Bulls....or David Bechkam when he came w/ the Galaxy haha!)
    I'm Irish, don't mention Thierry Henry.

    We might have had a chance of going to the World Cup if it hadn't been for him and his left hand :explode:
  • LOVEsummer
    LOVEsummer Posts: 304 Member
    AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally. I have been hoping for the day when someone, anyone who gave a hoot about soccer started talking about it. I'm a United fan myself, loving the theatre of dreams photo on your progress ticker!! I sneak out for 2 hour lunches during champion's league tues/weds United games ;-) Anyone see the Sir Alex match ban... crap... serious crap.
  • LOVEsummer
    LOVEsummer Posts: 304 Member
    Giggs may be old (seasoned if you will) but when he comes out on the pitch the whole team calms down, they sort of look at him and think "Dad's here, all will be ok" I love it :-)