How do you stay motivated

RunnerInTraining Posts: 51 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
One thing I always seem to have trouble with is the staying motivated aspect of weight loss. I always start so strong and then slowly do you keep yourself motivated!


  • I usually buy an article of clothing I project to fit into soon and try it on once in a while, more of a mental thing :) Also take lots of pictures and enjoy the progress.
  • i have to say for me its fitting into new clothes, and seeing my body change, and also my friends here on mfp constantly losing weight and exercising pushes me to not be the slacker =)
  • Being on MFP has helped a lot. Everyone on here is very helpful and very motivating. Also, achieving smaller goals is very motivating for me. When I first started dieting I started running as well. I could only run about half a mile without having to stop, and I set a goal that I wanted to be able to run a mile, then two miles. I reached both of those goals and my new goal is to be able to run two miles in under twenty minutes. Reaching the small goals keep me motivated to wanting to do more because I feel like I'm actually achieving something along the way.
  • Viviana02
    Viviana02 Posts: 7 Member
    That is what I struggle with!! At this time I have lost all motivation. I was stuck at 5 lbs lost and couldn't get past that mark. Now I find that I have gained a pound back and my motivation went straight downhill. I want to be healthy and I want to lose the weight I suppose I just hit a road block. Sorry didn't meant to vent!!! I didn't even answer your question!!! When I first started out my motivation was getting rid of my muffin top. At least if it is going to be a muffin...let it be a small one and not an oversized 1!!!
  • zoibas
    zoibas Posts: 31
    Yes, small goals. One of my goals was to see if there was any "6 pack" left in my abdomen. Yesterday my son said, hey dad I think I see the some six pack showing... there was my motivation ;-)
  • I'm interested in the answers since I haven't been able to maintain my motivation!
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    One thing I always seem to have trouble with is the staying motivated aspect of weight loss. I always start so strong and then slowly do you keep yourself motivated!

    Since you are a runner (or training to be one), sign up for a race. I have a 5K this weekend, my first triathlon on April 10, then tris on May 1 and June 5. I know I have to be ready to go, so that keeps my motivation strong. Plus, I have friends doing all of these races with me so I have to kick their butts too!! :wink:
  • mfigurski
    mfigurski Posts: 23 Member
    I draw motivation from a lot of things. Some positive, some negative. When I see someone that I haven't seen in awhile and they notice, I get motivated. On the negative side, I had a friend videotape me at karaoke a few weeks ago and when I watched the video, I was disgusted at what I saw, so it made me want to strive even harder.

    I also have a good support system. Several of my best friends are trying to get in shape as well and I will feel very guilty if they go to the gym and I don't.
  • RunnerInTraining
    RunnerInTraining Posts: 51 Member
    These are some great ideas! Thank you so much! Hoping this site really helps me keep my head up and keep pushing forward!
  • aljernon
    aljernon Posts: 6
    Wow, I think that keeping motivated is even harder than eating correctly.. To keep myself motivated, I actually found a picture of a body that I would like to have and PhotoShopped my head on it. I know that's a bit hokey, but when I look at that picture when I am feeling like I don't want to work out or just pig out on sweets - it snaps me back into line. I also do what a lot of people on this site do and set mini goals and rewards for myself. It's a lot easier to do this in 5-10 lb increments instead of looking at the total amount that I would like to lose.

    When I get to my target weight I am donating my ENTIRE WARDROBE to Goodwill and starting fresh with my new body.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Wow, I think that keeping motivated is even harder than eating correctly.. To keep myself motivated, I actually found a picture of a body that I would like to have and PhotoShopped my head on it. I know that's a bit hokey, but when I look at that picture when I am feeling like I don't want to work out or just pig out on sweets - it snaps me back into line. I also do what a lot of people on this site do and set mini goals and rewards for myself. It's a lot easier to do this in 5-10 lb increments instead of looking at the total amount that I would like to lose.

    When I get to my target weight I am donating my ENTIRE WARDROBE to Goodwill and starting fresh with my new body.

    I thinks these are really good ideas. Visualization is a very important technique in staying motivated. If you can VISUALIZE how you will look, leaner, stronger, thinner, you are more likely to stay on track! Then getting rid of the things that fit before will keep you moving forward instead of falling back into old habits. Very smart.

    Another thing I think the OP should do is fill out your profile page. When you fill out the part about who you are and why you are here. Once you do that I bet you'll find all of your motivation staring back at you written right there. It's different for all of us and it's important for you to figure out what will keep you going each day. A lot of times that's the hardest part. Be honest. We all want to be healthy and live long, but I really wanted to look good in a bikini on vacation. The bikini kept me coming back :wink:
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    I start aligning treats with goals - like now I hold off on shopping sprees, that new pair of shoes I wanted etc, until I hit whatever mini-goal I've established for myself.

    Mini-goals (and rewards) are your friend. As long as you have something to look forward to at each weigh-in, it might help you strive harder to meet your goals
  • jules0516
    jules0516 Posts: 158
    I've been a failure at changing the way I eat in the past, but I'm finding motivation through the success pictures here on the site. Good Luck to all!
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