What camera should i buy? Not weight related

Cori615 Posts: 100
I currently have a camera that cost me around $80 bucks. It works fine I just want something that takes pictures with a better quality. Any brands I should look into?


  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    What is your budget, and how advanced are you trying to get? I recently bought a Canon Rebel and I am in love with it. It is typically around $500 but I got it on ebay for $380. It takes amazing pictures.
  • jesseBYAH
    jesseBYAH Posts: 446 Member
    If you're looking for a point and shoot (a simple small camera), I really love Sony Cybershots. They're easy to use and take great pictures. There are many different cybershot models, all in different pixels and zooms, etc. You could probably find a nice used one on ebay- that's where I got my last Cybershot. If you're looking for something more heavy duty, Canon does make amazing cameras as the above poster said. I have a Canon 20SX IS and it's awesome!
  • Lisardgirl
    Lisardgirl Posts: 13 Member
    Canon and Nikon are your best bets for affordable quality. I've always used a Canon so that's what I can speak to, but I trust my friends at Nikon as well. If you want a point and shoot camera, the Canon Powershot Digital Elph is a great family of products. If you want to bump that up to something with more zoom and more manual features, the Canon SX lineup of Powershot cameras is a good choice. Beyond that, you start getting into DSLRs. You can get a nice pocket sized point and shoot camera for under $200. $300-$400 will get you into something a bit more powerful and with more features.
  • tekiegirl
    tekiegirl Posts: 78 Member
    I have always gone with Fuji myself. You tend to get more for your money with the cheaper models compared to other brands.

    I used to have an E900 and I now have an F80 EXR, which I bought in the UK for £160 (this is their top of the range compact model though, you can get them much cheaper).

    Have fun! :o)
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    I take my camera hiking so I wanted small, but big zoom for the wildlife. Got a Canon SX210 and love it! I also have a much older Canon Powershot S3IS with a telezoom attachment. Basically, I love Canon. Have had other brands and not been impressed, but that is just me probably and the fact that they were cheap entry cameras. I was considering a Panasonic Lumix Z7 as well.