Single parents- Working mothers** Help



  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I wake up between 4:30am and 5am to work out, depending how long my workout is going to be. I could work out after the kids go to bed around 9pm, but I really don't like to work out at night because I can't sleep afterwards. Mornings are my only option, so I do what I have to do.
  • menahstarr
    menahstarr Posts: 5 Member
    I too, am a mother of two boys... one being 16 and the other 8! I try to incorporate at least 1/2 hour of recreation time....that is have them exercise with you. I don't have to worry about my 16 yr old, but my 8 year old is a busy I tell him it's exercise time...and he gets all excited. He even changes his clothes to his "work out" clothes... It's cute. That way, I get the 1/2 hour of cardio that I need....and so does he... which tires him out quicker as well. I do this about 2x's a week. Try it...might work out for you.... :wink:
  • I am a single mom of a 2 yr old daughter and 3 month old puppy :) I too work a desk job 45 min from home, 8:15 - 4:45, drop her off at daycare every morning and get home around 5:45, I try to make quick meals ahead of time as well to keep for a day or 2, since I have no time to go to a gym or one close that has a kids area (as some do), I have a treadmill in my house and just set up a kickboxing room, I get her settled to eat and then go work out, even if its only 30 min. My treadmill is in my living room so I can pop a movie in for her and get a quick workout in from home, or I can get up earlier in the morning to get one in before she wakes up! Also, as it gets nicer I am going to invest in one of those bicycle cars that are netted in to attach to my bike and take her and the puppy with me and get a good bike ride in, you could also bring snacks in a bag for the kiddos to snack on in there so you can get them something to fill their tummies. Just thoughts that have helped me :)
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Hi! I am a single mom, two kids active duty , and attend onine college Navy- First get a HRM or a Body Bugg, it's easier to track what your doing i recommend a Body bugg i just upgraded if you can afford it. Here's my schedule

    Up at 4am work out till 445 - wake up kids (3 and 5) give them their cloths while they get dressed i take a QUICK shower
    5:15 kids are dressed watching amorning show, i give them a ceral bar
    Continue to get ready

    540 help them with their shoes and we are out the door by 550, daycare by 6 at work by 630
    3X a week the navy lets me pt for an hour - either way off work at 1530
    1600 at home-1630 home work
    1630 - cook dinner
    1700-1730 go get kids
    home by 6 eat dinner
    630-7 play with kids ( burn a lot of calories there)
    7 kids in bath - I clean the kitchen (more calories)
    730 kids bedtime show
    8pm bed time story kids in bed 815 finshi cleaning, and do homework- in bed myself by 9

    My work outs are at home I do jillian micheas 30 day shred, power sculpt, cardio max
    Billiy Banks Boot camp, rock solid abs
    just recently purchased INSANITY
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I am sure you heard this alot in the posts, but I am "single" mom of 2 babies (2 and 8 months). I get up early, so I can do my workout DVD before my babies get up. I do Jillian Michaels 30 Day shred for now, but when I am finished I am either getting her ripped in 30 days or Turbo jam. I get up about 45 mins earlier than I used too, but I kicks off my day right. I also thought I didn't have "time" to workout because of my babies, but I find time to do it because it is "my time". You can do it!!!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I don't go to the gym anymore, I work out in my basement once the child is in bed...I have basically the same schedule as you do, but my son goes to bed at 8pm...from 8:30 - 10:00 is when I work out, from 10:00 - 11:00 I eat and drink my protein shake, and I'm in and out of the shower by 11:30 and then bed time...repeat 5 days a week...sometimes 6...and I'm on my own.
  • changling82
    changling82 Posts: 137 Member
    I'm a single mom of 2 kids (3 and 5), and I take them to the gym with me every night after I get off of work. I work 8-4:30, I pick them up around 5, throw them a quick snack, go to gym and work out for 1-2 hours, go home, get dinner cooked, baths, stories, then bedtime. After bedtime is when I get my stuff together for the next day, or I clean. I also try and make sure that i have about 30 mins to sit and write, update on here, or just veg for a while. I'm usually in bed by 10 and up at 6. I solicit the kids for help whenever possible. Like my 5 year old hanging up his clothes, or helping his sister get on her jacket.

    I feel guilty about the amount of time I spend with them, but I find that my time with them is of a higher quality now. I'm much happier, and less stress. Plus we make sure we spend as much time together on the weekend as possible.

    also, they beg to go to the gym with me on the rare days we don't go. They love going as much as I do.
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    As a single mom working full time (with 1 hour commute) I TOTALLY depend on help-- and shortcuts. Do what you can to make meal prep easier- pre cook and freeze or crock pot, this way you get home and warm up whatever you need to and eat right away.

    Does the Y have a daycare? Is there a park nearby? I think a dvd option would be good for you once your kiddos are asleep or first thing in the morning. If you have a library nearby you can see if they have any to check out- or look for something online.

    I know its hard- and stressful- but you can do this. :)
  • I'm trying to figure out something myself right now but I think it's important to find what's right for YOU because if it doesn't work for you then you won't stick with it. Try all these wonderful ideas you have been given & don't give up until you find something that you can stick with!
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    I'm trying to figure out something myself right now but I think it's important to find what's right for YOU because if it doesn't work for you then you won't stick with it. Try all these wonderful ideas you have been given & don't give up until you find something that you can stick with!

    I agree .... try these wonderful ideas and see what works for you. At home DVDs are great when the kids are asleep. Pre-cooking meals is also a great idea. Me personally, I have a 3yo and I get up at 5ish to do my workout, and yes I am dragging out of the bed and still yawning halfway into my workout but I manage to complete an hour. Somedays I take him outside to play after I get off. It can be done, trust us.
  • kms1981
    kms1981 Posts: 207 Member
    You can do it! I work 3 jobs (one is 40 hours a week 8:30-5, one is 9 hours a week 7pm-10pm 3 daya a week, and last I have a 2 hour shift on Saturdays from 10:45-12:45). I make the time with a really early workout or a late late gym session. I know that I have to take this time for myself if I ever want things to change. I have 2 kids, ages 10 & 8 and they are both in soccer and other activities so I am always on the go. I always plan my meals ahead, have snacks handy at my desk job or in my car and really think before I eat.

    Good Luck!
  • 2blossom
    2blossom Posts: 27 Member

    I understand your schedule very well. I attempt to get up at 5:50 am to work out. However, I 've been waking up at 6:30 am lately. I don't know if it's because of the cold weather or not. I have no problems in the late spring and summer. Last month I started the Leslie Sansone walk at home DVD. I have to admit I received a vigorous work out. In addition, I do the 30 day shred two to three times a week. My next goal is to committ to the Shred for thirty consecutive days :smile: . Pick up a few DVDs and try to do them on the weekend and modify the rountine for weekday mornings to fit your schedule.

    The advice given on the posts are great; they have motivated me to prepare Everything in the evening. I hope you settle into a schedule you can adjust to.
  • sam363
    sam363 Posts: 204 Member
    Wow ladies thanks for all the tips and support. This is the reason i love this site. I made time before when i had one child but its just a little harder with two. The bad thing is my aby daddy is living with me and yes he helps out but he works a second job so he brings my son home and then off to his second job. But the YMCA has a child daycare and i can work this out. It will be hard but i can do it. I just got to get a routine and stick to it. My baby daddy is not a routine type person and i will have to kick his *kitten* in to swing. lol

    Making time to exercise with little ones is VERY hard!!! I like to do Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred because I can get it in under 30 minutes and see the best results. The trick to having little ones is distracting them enough for you to make it through. One of the things that I do is lay down an extra exercise mat and instead of weights for them I find something that looks the closest like a tv remote minus the batteries or paper towel tubes. This ensures that I get to do my work out and my girls are right there next to me doing jumping jacks or laying on the floor while I do sit ups. I also like having someone sit on the couch saying 'Mom keep going" Find ways for them to be involved and you will be able to keep it up.
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