Has anyone on here tried phentermine as a weight loss aid or

Does anyone know anything about phentermine?


  • MereRae
    MereRae Posts: 39
    It is really popular around here where I live(Memphis, Tn) and it does help you loose weight FAST....BUT and this is a BIG BUT!! It is very unhealthy and has long term side effects. It ALWAYS made my BP skyrocket. Also, I would lose weight super fast, by just mainly not eating(it completely takes your appetite away) but once you stop taking it then you gain it all back PLUS some!

    After having my last baby I debated on taking it again because I knew it would work and work fast, but I decided to go about losing the weight the right way, where I can keep it off:)

    Good luck to you!
  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    If you want to lose weight the healthy, safe way.....don't use it.
  • kbickel
    kbickel Posts: 19
    I tried it once, I did have results with it, it does help you lose weight but there was a big price to pay! No sleep, I couldn't rest, concentration was very poor. It made me shakey and I also felt like I had to throw up. I always felt like I was dehydrated. I used it for about a month, I lost some good weight but then I totally plateued and my doctor said that was common, it usually only works for a while. The side affects just weren't worth it. I have also read some pretty bad things about it.
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    I took that back in the 80's, and it does produce weightloss, but it is not a safe way to do it. I dont know if you remember phen phen during the 90's but phentermine was part of that combination and it was deadly for some people. So I would stay away from it.
  • kristinwalker
    kristinwalker Posts: 100 Member
    I have used it in the past and have know a few people have substantial weigh loss. I would not recommend it if you have under 50 lbs only because it is a rapid weight loss pill. I used it twice in the past and really liked the results I had. You need to be sure if you do use it to still eat regularly small meals and be sure that everything is healthy. Also, drink LOTS and LOTS of water!!! It does make you more jittery with any caffeine you use and you will feel a difference in your resting metabolism. It was 1/2 of the fen-phen diet from years ago but the good 1/2 the other 1/2 (fen) is the one that was causing all the heart problems and death. There is a reason it needs to be prescribed, but if your doctor ok's you then go for it. Whatever you do...don't get it without one! My doctor gave it to me when I had about 35 lbs to lose previously and she monitored me reglarly! I know someone who used it to go from 365lbs to 180 and she was able to wean off of it, continue healthy eating and exercise and remain that weight for 5 years now. Amazing stuff but be careful. Know that any time you use supplements (drugs meds etc) to change your metabolism it can affect it long term. Talk with your doc and weigh all the pros and cons before you decide. But I liked it! -hope this helps!
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    I think that is the generic adipex. If it is, it will make you lose a lot, fast, but won't help you keep it off. If it is, I suggest, changing your eating habits, too. Don't just eat less, exercise, be healthy and plan to live that way the rest of your life and it may help you to succeed. I like the adipex I took. I lost a lot of weight on them.
  • sarahlasvegas
    sarahlasvegas Posts: 73 Member
    Its not available for prescription in the UK anymore -

    I had a private prescription for a few years - i had palpitations, lost about 20 pounds and fastly piled on that and more once i came off it.

    Don't do it!
  • BigBootyMimi
    BigBootyMimi Posts: 84 Member
    I used it for a few weeks years ago....it is AWFUL IMHO. It caused me to have heart palpitations.
  • shannonshock13
    shannonshock13 Posts: 355 Member
    I was on Phentermine 30 mg capsule for 2 months and i lost about 10-15 pounds but for some reason i stopped taking it (i think cos i have to pay $70 for the Dr visit each month to get my prescription and B12 shot, and then another $14 for the pills)

    Its mainly an appetite suppressant but i think it must do other things cos a good friend of mine was around 170 when she started taking them in November and she's about 138 right now, but she eats a VERY low fat diet like she never wants to go over 20 grams in a day but im sure she does cos she doesn't really pay attention to some things. She doesn't eat pretty much all day and then over eats at night but is still somehow losing weight. Oh and she never works out..... like ever.

    It seems to effect people differently she takes the 37.5 mg tablets and she said she feels like a crack head sometimes, and it never effected me like that. I just mainly had dry mouth and a raised heart beat while working out.

    I have been thinking if i should take it again, cos something must be wrong with me cos i eat pretty healthy and workout 5-6 days a week and im not losing ANYTHING.

    I would like to hear other peoples thoughts too.

    I would look into it and ask the Dr who prescribes it if does something more than curb your appetite, cos if it doesn't and you don't really have a problem with overeating then you probably don't need it.
  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    Did it years ago for 3months off for 1 again for 3 cost me 200 a month and the only side effect I had was dry mouth dry eyes and nose.I lost 30 lbs but its soooo not healthy quick fix .decided I could use the money for new clothes when I did it the healthy way.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I know all about amphetamines and amphetamine-related drugs and controlled substances. I would not advocate it. It's originally supposed to be prescribed for morbidly obese individuals who need to initially stop massive caloric intakes. I speak from experience when I say it's habit forming. Though, I may not have had Phentermine itself, I have abused amphetamines in the past. If you can actively move and literally control and change your diet on your own, there is no need for anything other than naturally solid exercise and healthy alternatives for food.

    It's up to you to decide, but it's something I would discuss with your physician first and foremost. Then make an informed decision.
  • Mst37parks
    Hello my name is Tara. I have used it and it does work,BUT it made me feel like I was on meth. I have done meth before and all the glory goes to God that I quit that a long time ago.
    But I did try the pills, they was effective, but after I quit I gained it back. Losing weight and staying fit is a habit and a lifestyle we have to learn. Out of everything I have tried watching my calorie intake and excercising works the best. Plus when you work hard on keeping healthy and staying fit, it becomes motivation, cause you worked hard for it.
    Hope this helps and God bless! :wink:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • klmeenan
    klmeenan Posts: 2 Member
    I am currently on a prescription for this. I am looking to lose 60 pounds. I have lost 14 in the last four weeks. I only recommend doing this if you are under a doctors care. They have to monitor your blood pressure (hasn't affected mine at all). they usually start you on a low dose. I am taking 40 mg in the am and 20 at lunch. I also have another pill 5htp which helps to counter my sweets craving. I have never tried pills before. I am taking these in addition to a 1200 calorie healthy diet with lots of water and light exercise. I started at a much lower dose and worked up to my current level. My best friend started at the same time and her dose is higher. If by the 3rd day you are having issues such as jitteryness then you call them and talk with them about it.
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    its evil. pure evil.
  • LWB77
    LWB77 Posts: 3
    I have tried it and had some success. It messes with some antidepressants as well, so you should be under the supervision of a doctor. I know several people that love it. I liked the energy and I could clean my whole house in 1 day. I really enjoyed that. However, all the weight I lost came back on.
  • meshellmybell76
    meshellmybell76 Posts: 139 Member
    I have a prescription for it and take it VERY intermittently as I find in very hard to tolerate the side effects (nervousness, heart palpitations, dry mouth, sleep disturbance). I find I am losing weight at a nice slow steady pace without it. It just feels safer doing it that way.
  • faeryluvr
    faeryluvr Posts: 34 Member
    I asked my doctor about this once a year or so ago and he told me it's habit forming and if a doctor prescribes it that it should only be for 4 months and then a break from it. Not just a break to attempt to keep from forming a habit, but also because of the many side effects it tends to carry in about 90% of the people who use it. He did say also that it's usually only a drug they will prescribe if the person falls in the morbidly obese area and not for someone who is healthy (not the weight obviously), can workout, and is willing to change their eating habits.

    I've had 2 friends who did take this and every single time they got off of it they gained it right back and one of them always gained back a little more than the other. I don't recommend it just from hearing about the side effects from my personal friends.... unless of course your doctor recommends it and you are needing that jump start to your weight loss.
  • brandi16
    brandi16 Posts: 56
    Same experience here...you lose weight super fast because you aren't hungry...EVER. But once I went off of it, I gained it all back almost as fast!! good luck!
  • ColeyCannoli
    Don't do it! This made my mother very sick after she lost the weight and now has continuing issues now. Also all that weight came right back after she got off of it. There are much healthier ways to lose it and if you really want to take something to help I'm sure people on here could recommend something safer. You only get one body so don't be too hard on it.

    In the end it is up to you, this is just my warning. Good luck in all!

    Edit: I should add here that this was years ago and she didn't get it from a reputable doctor. He gave her probably too high of a dose and even tried giving some to me cause I was a chubby kid (I was 10). So I'm not saying that anyone who legitimately needs that boost is going to suffer from it. Just be careful.
  • bmeggers
    bmeggers Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions! I think I'm just going to go about it the all natural way! may not work as fast but at least I know I can maintain my weight on my own and not have to use a pill.