So far to go

I have 185 lbs to go.
I know I have 2 yrs if weightloss ahead of me and a life of changes but I am ready
I really want to make friends on here and connections so that I stay motivated.

I am student teaching and the students have been nice so far but I can hear when they do joke. I just want to be able to move around the classroom with not problems of squeezing through or avoiding a route bc I can't fit through.

But i don't want to be alone through this


  • cookiejones
    cookiejones Posts: 104
    You're not alone. You're taking the right steps in the right direction and when they see the progress you will be making, you will inspire those who previously made jokes.


    Welcome to the site!!

  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    Options of luck to you! Your in the right place! I'm kind of new here myself......but am loving it and I have to say it is pretty addicting! The hardest part is sticking with it...once you get yourself used to it, the diet and exercise become a way of life! Trust me, it does get easier, and it takes time, as you already know! I wish you lots of luck and success on your weight loss journey...and look forward to hearing about how your doing!
  • keb80
    keb80 Posts: 394
    Welcome!!! Having a support system DOES make a huge difference, and having others to go thru the experience with helps u stay accountable!! You can do it!
  • Kathy11174
    You are not alone! This is a great place to be during your journey. I started a little over 3 weeks ago and have lost 15 pounds. Just remember to ask lots of questions to everyone, there is great advice out there! Add me if you would like and I will support you along the way!
  • jesshasredhair
    jesshasredhair Posts: 46 Member
    Best of luck to you! If you think about it, you have two years ahead of you regardless of if it includes losing weight or might as well go for it!

    I know it probably seems like a huge challenge, but take it one day at a time, and suddenly the time will have passed :)

    You have tons of support here. Add me as a friend if you'd like :)
  • deema79
    deema79 Posts: 108
    You came to the right place! You will find alot of support here. Keep your head up and remember one day at a time!:flowerforyou:
    Feel free to add me if youd like!
  • Romeena
    Romeena Posts: 54 Member
    I love your attitude--on your profile--"I already look good". And you do! You will feel better if you lose weight. Feel free to friend me. We can do this together!

  • BecLee
    BecLee Posts: 31 Member
    Hey, welcome! Definitely in a good place. I joined the site last year but I am now in a better frame of mind to do this now. Doesn't matter how long it takes, it's just a good feeling to be doing it. I think its gonna be a great journey. :happy:
  • hwjssc
    hwjssc Posts: 194 Member
    Welcome and good luck:)
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    You can do this
    It will be a very worthwhile journey--make it a good one :)

    We are here for you
  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    You are doing a great job for starting.
    Feel free to add me!
  • monkeybuttsmommy
    monkeybuttsmommy Posts: 343 Member
    I have 140 pnds to go so I am pretty much in the same boat as you. I am ready for this. I am gonna make it happen! Welcome and add me if you would like!
  • DonaGail
    DonaGail Posts: 190 Member
    I understand!
    I have 150 to lose and am only into my second month.
    It feels like it will never happen, but seeing people on here who were in my shoes
    really makes me want to stick with it.
    I must say that logging your food is CRITICAL! And log it honestly, its
    tempting to tweak it if you go over, but dont.
    Find some good friends too.
    Its pretty shocking to see how many calories you actually do ingest. It was
    for me, anyway.

    I know what you mean about the comments and jokes. I drive a delivery truck
    and get a lot of that. Its pretty humiliating.
    Good luck!
    TNERNURSE Posts: 17
    Right there with you...I have over one hundred pounds to lose . You will be such an inspiration to the kids in your classroom. I never was any good at keeping a food journal and counting calories but at MFP it does the work for you. Good luck it will be worth all the hard work!
  • sleight119
    sleight119 Posts: 125
    then you are in the right place it is so nice to have people cheer you on and help you on the way of our weight loss feel free to add me if you would like
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    Part of losing weight, I have found, is enjoying the journey as much as the weight loss itself.

    I know you probably feel defeated already, knowing how long it's going to take. But you need to approach this comfortable where you're at now. Put aside all self-hatred. Embrace your body as it is now. Embrace yourself as you are now.

    And then enjoy life (and food) with limitations. I love the taste of food even more now that I can't eat everything I want anytime I want it. It makes it that much more special to eat chocolate, because I don't eat it everyday. And I love not experiencing that horrible stuffed feeling and all the guilt that follows!

    I'm excited for you!

    Some tips:

    Don't cut too much. Start off slowly lowering the amount you eat. Also, add exercise, but aim for low intensity stuff, like walking.

    If exercise isn't possible, no sweat (pun intended :)), just work on eating healthier.

    As a person who LOVES...I mean, LOVES food and hates dieting, I know you can do this.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I joined a few months ago, but just started taking it seriously. I feel a little overwhelmed sometimes too, but gotta start sometime, so it may as well be now. Feel free to add me, and good luck.
  • Daisygurl7
    Daisygurl7 Posts: 129 Member
    You are SOO Not alone!! I have a lot to lose also, and so do many others!! Take it one day at time, and celebrate small victories!! Not with Food - By some new nail polish, get a manicure, by a new phone cover, get some new earrings! Take pride and JOY in even the small victories!! Take pics through out and look at them side by side....Good LUCK! :)
  • Stormywinter
    Stormywinter Posts: 23 Member
    Hello and Welcome!

    I am fairly new on here too but have found a lot of support. The MFP Community are great. We are all in this together so you are never alone. If you want an extra friend you can add me, and good luck!
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    Please add me. I will be here along the way to support you as well. I have 200 lbs. to lose so its gonna be a long haul for me too.