I'm sure your sick of people asking..

But has anyone used the bodybugg and do they like the results they are getting from it? Does it seem accurate? Do you wish you would have bought another HRM? I'm in the process of buying a HRM and always thought I wanted a bodybugg but now I'm so confused at which one to get! I'm a big girl and I don't know if the chest straps will fit around me on some of the HRM's out there..Any advise or opinions will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!!


  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    hey dollface go to my friends list and ask Sumo. He uses it every day :)
  • girlofsun26
    girlofsun26 Posts: 140 Member
    hey dollface go to my friends list and ask Sumo. He uses it every day :)

    Thanks!! I will do that now!!! *hugs*
  • molls77
    molls77 Posts: 3
    I just bought a Bodymedia FIT, and I really like it. At first I was leary about the accuracy, but it seems to be good. It has definitely made me more aware and accountable!!