
I am currently very close to the end of my weight loss journey. In early January, I joined a Biggest Loser competition and this coming Friday marks the 10th weigh in in a 12- week's my dilema.

My body is shutting down...or so it seems. I am at the gym 3-4 hours a day. Last night, I came home from the gym with a other symptoms, just the fever. Today, no fever, but VERY lathargic. I talked to a friend of mine that is a NP, she assured me that it is NOT the workouts, but probably a bug. I went to the gym today, the first hour was so I left. I went back tonight after resting and every time I got my heartrate up, I got nausous.

First question...any advice how I can help myself and my body get through these next two weeks? The prize is a HEFTY one and I am in 5th place out of these next two weeks REALLY matter.

Secondly, my daughter is scheduled to have surgery (tonsils and adnoids) out first thing Friday husband will be home to help but I am feeling tremendous guilt leaving her...what do you all think? She will be home with her daddy, who is 100% capable of taking care of her.

Any help would be AWESOME...Thanks!!!


  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Plenty of nutrients from clean, healthy foods. I know it seems like a simple answer but, the things that simply clean eating can do for your body are amazing.

    As for your daughter, she'll be fine with her dad, don't feel guilty at all. Focus on you and your goal!
  • maddiex_x
    maddiex_x Posts: 43
    I'm not much help. I just wanted to congratulate you on a job well done. Being 5th out of 125 is tremendous !! I do think that maybe you need to see a doctor.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    How often are you working out and are you eating back calories to fuel your body?
  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    That is A LOT of time in the gym. Are you eating enough? I would say that might be the problem.
  • Vkjanuary
  • Vkjanuary
    I am a personal trainer and 3-4hrs sounds like A LOT of working out. You could be OVER-TRAINING. And if you are you won't see any weight loss because your body is fighting you. You are asking too much of it and maybe not giving it enough nutrients and/or rest. Your body needs rest to recover from working out. You might need to ask a trainer near you for some helpful advice. Good luck.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,117 Member
    wow. That sounds like you are asking too much. That's very frightening that there is some contest out there with a big $$ prize that has inspired you to work out 3-4 hours a day to win. If you are not eating 2500 calories a day minimum, that sounds really dangerous.

    Whoever sponsors these type of "contests" better be ready for the big lawsuits when someone keels over.

    Biggest Loser (the TV version) is medically supervised and each contestant has personal training and oversight. This type of weight loss plan is crazy without that type of supervision.
  • brandi16
    brandi16 Posts: 56
    Thank you everyone for responding!!

    I do want everyone to know that I am under supervision of a trainer, one that has all his credentials and is pre-med. I have also consulted with my doctor who is 100% behind me, but this 'sickness' just appeared last night, so I thought I would throw it out there. It seems everyone thinks that a doctor visit is the best thing, so that is EXACTLY what I will do, so thank you VERY much!! I was hesitating since its barely 24 hours since the fever started, but won't wait now...

    The competition is not through a gym, there are strict rules, but they have no responsibility in what I, or others, choose to do to get there.

    My trainer, and doctor, were okay with my calorie eating, which I will not say now that it may upset some people, as long as it was considered a 'short term' plan. 12 weeks, they considered to be short term. I will go up significantly when this is over.

    My major concern is that the weight is very hard to lose at this point. I had my body fat taken on February 16th, it was 20%...that was with only 1.5-2 hour workouts. Now that I have bumped it up, I am concerned I just don't have it to lose...

    Thank you all, again, for responding...I really appreciate all that you have had to say!! It has helped alot!
  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    If you won't share your calorie goal for fear of upsetting people, I would say it isn't enough. Doctors and trainers are not always right. Even if it is just a short term program, your body may be having a serious reaction to it. I would STRONGLY suggest eating more. Keep us posted and good luck!!! I cant believe how many people on this site have started losing once they started eating more. Hard to wrap my head around at first but it makes sense.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Thank you everyone for responding!!

    I do want everyone to know that I am under supervision of a trainer, one that has all his credentials and is pre-med. I have also consulted with my doctor who is 100% behind me, but this 'sickness' just appeared last night, so I thought I would throw it out there. It seems everyone thinks that a doctor visit is the best thing, so that is EXACTLY what I will do, so thank you VERY much!! I was hesitating since its barely 24 hours since the fever started, but won't wait now...

    The competition is not through a gym, there are strict rules, but they have no responsibility in what I, or others, choose to do to get there.

    My trainer, and doctor, were okay with my calorie eating, which I will not say now that it may upset some people, as long as it was considered a 'short term' plan. 12 weeks, they considered to be short term. I will go up significantly when this is over.

    My major concern is that the weight is very hard to lose at this point. I had my body fat taken on February 16th, it was 20%...that was with only 1.5-2 hour workouts. Now that I have bumped it up, I am concerned I just don't have it to lose...

    Thank you all, again, for responding...I really appreciate all that you have had to say!! It has helped alot!
    I hope it is just a bug that you will get over; however if it is, you should be resting. You do not want to be sick when caring for your daughter who is having a T&A. As for that question earlier. I have had two of my kids have their tonsils and adenoids removed. I say you can go by your intuition as a mom. I can say for me I trust my husband completely, but I would rather there be two of us than one of us there in case of an emergency. I also had other children at the time. I don't know how many children you have but if it is more than one, I say stay home with your daughter. She will only have this done once. she will be in pain and uncomfortable. She will want her mommy. Daddys as loving and as caring as they are are not mommys,(sorry if that seem sexist) The other thing is you will need your rest and not getting yourself sick. Her immunity will be compromised due to the surgery, you don't want to get her sick.
    The contest, no matter how much money isn't worth it, but that being said maybe you think it is. Consider the fact that the other 4 people ahead of you are probably going through the same thing at this point too.

    Best wishes and get well soon.
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    Thank you everyone for responding!!

    I do want everyone to know that I am under supervision of a trainer, one that has all his credentials and is pre-med. I have also consulted with my doctor who is 100% behind me, but this 'sickness' just appeared last night, so I thought I would throw it out there. It seems everyone thinks that a doctor visit is the best thing, so that is EXACTLY what I will do, so thank you VERY much!! I was hesitating since its barely 24 hours since the fever started, but won't wait now...

    The competition is not through a gym, there are strict rules, but they have no responsibility in what I, or others, choose to do to get there.

    My trainer, and doctor, were okay with my calorie eating, which I will not say now that it may upset some people, as long as it was considered a 'short term' plan. 12 weeks, they considered to be short term. I will go up significantly when this is over.

    My major concern is that the weight is very hard to lose at this point. I had my body fat taken on February 16th, it was 20%...that was with only 1.5-2 hour workouts. Now that I have bumped it up, I am concerned I just don't have it to lose...

    Thank you all, again, for responding...I really appreciate all that you have had to say!! It has helped alot!
    I hope it is just a bug that you will get over; however if it is, you should be resting. You do not want to be sick when caring for your daughter who is having a T&A. As for that question earlier. I have had two of my kids have their tonsils and adenoids removed. I say you can go by your intuition as a mom. I can say for me I trust my husband completely, but I would rather there be two of us than one of us there in case of an emergency. I also had other children at the time. I don't know how many children you have but if it is more than one, I say stay home with your daughter. She will only have this done once. she will be in pain and uncomfortable. She will want her mommy. Daddys as loving and as caring as they are are not mommys,(sorry if that seem sexist) The other thing is you will need your rest and not getting yourself sick. Her immunity will be compromised due to the surgery, you don't want to get her sick.
    The contest, no matter how much money isn't worth it, but that being said maybe you think it is. Consider the fact that the other 4 people ahead of you are probably going through the same thing at this point too.

    Best wishes and get well soon.

    Very well said.
  • kwordo
    kwordo Posts: 2
    Brandi...20% body fat is awesome (isn't that in the athlete range?) and, you're might not have the fat to be losing significantly any more. That being may be scary to you to back off a bit...but maybe you need to back off a bit? I really feel that 80% of weight loss is what we are eating. Concentrate on clean, healthy foods and any weight that is left to lose will come off.

    That being said...I know how motivating that contest can be. Just a few more're doing awesome!
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    It would be interesting to see what would happen if you zig-zagged your calorie intake for a week. Ate what you're normally eating plus 250 calories one day and 500 another, maybe even 100 under. I've heard it is very helpful with stubborn weight but you might not want to experiment this close to the finish.

    Are you sleeping enough? How's your sodium intake-electrolyte imbalances can cause a lot of strange symptoms. Could it be blood sugar? I had a similarly scary episode the other day during my noontime walk/jog. I had to stop and sit down on the ground. That's never happened before-I chalked it up to blood sugar, had a bite to eat and felt fine soon.

    Keep up the good fight. You have as good a chance to win as the ones ahead of you. As a famous book says, "I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race [is] not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, . . . but time and chance happeneth to them all."