
Hello all! My name is Maureen and I joined this site about 5 days ago and was a bum and didn't post so I am going to post here now! Now my ambitions for joining this site is that I am a poor college student so going to the gym, going to weight watchers, or getting lipo are out of the question... though I wouldn't get liposuction anyway, but still, I don't have money for anything. A friend introduced me to this site and I am so very glad she did. I am a fashion major which, frankly, is the dumbest major you can take if you have any sort of body image and since I am repulsed by mirrors, I'd say I have some issues and my major wasn't my most brilliant choice.

Biggest reason for joining the site, however, is that I get healthy. At 5'10" I am nearly 300 pounds which takes a very sever toll on my joints and I am already having feet and knee problems. I need to get healthy and between finances and depression, weight loss is hard for me. Since this site is free, it takes the weight off of my shoulders about having to pay and I have already noticed a change in myself since joining. Even though its been 5 days. I don't feel so helpless and can already see changes in my complexion as well as my demeanor.

A lot of people say confidence is key, and never having much, I'm enjoying the sensation of being confident in my ability to lose weight. Here's to a journey to become healthy, fit, and happy.


  • Lilangel67
    Hi Maureen,
    I think you are going to do awesome!! I think just by looking at your picture, you are a beautiful young lady. You are very mature for your age. Awesome words of wisdom and support for everyone. I completely understand your "being repulsed"..as am I. Everytime I look in the mirror I just want to cry and I get mad at myself.
    I am happy that your demeanor has changed in such a short time...that in its self is huge. Keep goin girl...I am right here with ya every step of the way!!!
  • fullmoonhowler
    Thank you very much for the warm welcome and the instant friendship! I appreciate both greatly and also for becoming a support of me. I am of the mind that support is where it is at when it comes to losing weight because even if those around you aren't really being supportive, at least there is a place where you can log on to find other people fighting the same plight. Its much more inspiring than going it alone. As for mirrors... they are hard to avoid, but its where we have to look to search for improvement and notice change.

    As for the demeanor change, I think it really is because of the support I'm getting from my outside friends and new online ones that is making it better. We're getting healthy together which makes it an easier adventure. I look forward to being a weight loss buddy with you!