Can't Run... Won't Run!!

Hollie_downunder Posts: 192
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey Guys!

Okay, i have taken the plunge and signed up to do a fun run on 22nd May in my beautiful city of Perth
i'll be raising money for my nominated charity diabetes.. my mum is my inspiration!

Only problem is... i have never ever been a runner! i'm doing the smaller 4.5kms run

I have no idea how long this will take me, or what i should do to prepare myself for this

I'm not completely un-fit, but have let my working out slide in recent months and figure this will also be great motivation to get my fitness addiction back!

Where do i start? eeekkkk!!

Any feedback will be GREATLY appreciated!

Wish me luck ;P


  • pontprennau
    pontprennau Posts: 20 Member
    gently :) thats where you start!!! do you have a smartphone? if so get along to and download their app which you can then use to track how far you run and how long it takes you.

    I started at the gym using a treadmill and loped along at 8 to begin with until i could do that for 20 minutes, then i upped it to 10 (back to 8 when i needed to) until i could do that for 20 minutes. then i started training outdoors using the app, i havent run much lately as the cycling bug hit me but i still track rides from time to time with the same app!!
  • yay! congrats on your goal!

    The "Couch to 5K" program is a great start. Just google it and it will give you running instructions for a 9-week train up. This link has tons of helpful tips! This link is the actual schedule you'll need.

    Good Luck!
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    C25k no hesitation recommending it FABULOUS

    Good luck and enjoy your running!!!
  • Marli13
    Marli13 Posts: 23
    Fantastic, it is great to have a goal. I did my first fun run last year that I have done in years. Felt so good after. I had my brother do it with me for confidence and was so much better as we talked and my mind wasn't always on runnung...
  • I'm 33 and although I love playing sport like soccer and volleybally, I have always been a "run? NO WAY!" kind of person. I never understood how someone could get pleasure from it - it (was) my idea of hell.

    Recently, I went for a walk. It was a beautiful crisp day and I had new running shoes that were quite bouncy & propelling me forward. For some bizzare reason, I thought I'd just "try trotting" for a bit (10 metres) and then walk again. That wasn't so bad, so II thought I'd slow jog for a bit. Wow, that wasn't so bad either. Then I started to become more aware of my body, and learnt that if I swing my arms a certain way they actually "pull" my body forward. Or if I lengthened my legs I'd go further. I was actually starting to have fun!!! I found myself setting little goals like, "just keep jogging until you reach that bin/street sign/bus stop 20 metres in front". I started doing this every day for small amounts of time (10/15/20 mins) and within 3 times it was noticablly easier. I found it easier to do it in the morning before I had a shower. And sometimes having a "purpose" for jogging like going to post office, to the grocery store etc.

    Actually, I think it was my attitude more than anything - I had to let go of my identify as a "non-runner" and be open to just give it a go for experimenting sake.

    So bottom line is: If I can do it, anyone can! Just start today, you don't need to research it before you start, no excuses, even just for 10 minutes! Make it interesting by approaching it with an open mind. And find someone to chat to and/or run with if possible.
  • I'm tentatively thinking about downloading these nhs podcasts called "Couch to 5k" to listen to as you train.

    this is the link to download them.
  • Kiwijay
    Kiwijay Posts: 216
    I have no pearls of wisdom to impart {my body ain't built for running...YET} but wanted to say what a great goal and GOOD LUCK!!!!
  • ha ha rhi-rhi i loved your answer :)
    i've been lucky enough to experience that feel before i hope it comes back again when i give it a go tonight!

    i do have an iphone so will look at downloading some running apps, and give this couch to 5k a go!
    thanks everyone for your answers so far, i'm getting excited to give it a go now, i think i'll take my dog as my trainer (he's more likely to drag me around the block without stopping!)
  • Wightvixen
    Wightvixen Posts: 117
    Hollie, if you have an iphone I definitely recommend the Get Running app for couch to 5k. Remember, if all else fails, 4.5k can be WALKED in about 45 minutes, so how bad can it be?
  • oneplusdog
    oneplusdog Posts: 5 Member
    I was a confirmed no runner, even as a kid I hated it. Recently a friend inspired (bullied) me into getting fit and I started a C25k program and can highly recommend it. I'm on week 6 of 9 and already doing over 5k each run and it's been easy peasey. It starts slow and gradually builds you up and then suddenly you are running distances you thought impossible. Good luck!
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    Don't leave it till the day, start walk-jog-walk-jog now! Start with say 60 seconds walk then 30 seconds jog, it will soon build-up!

    good luck!

  • Aylilth
    Aylilth Posts: 125
    Agreed Couch to 5k is tops.

    got my fatbutt running :bigsmile:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    C25K absolutely - I've gone from being a non runner to running 25 (or more) mins a few times a week.
    I'm in Perth too and wondering about that run - must read up on it :)
  • Hey Rubybelle... its the HBF fun run :)

    well this C25K looks like its winning! (and not in a charlie sheen way!) ;) hahaha

    Wise words Wightvixen - because it can be walked too, and that kind of gives me an idea on how long its going to take me

    Hopefully i can get my partner to meet me at the finish line and treat me with yummy breakfast somewhere in the city! (on 2nd thoughts i may be a bit too sweaty for that! haha)
  • salad37
    salad37 Posts: 30 Member
    great tips here, thanks guys, i have just looked up that site and will start it today, treadmill version xx
  • (anyone in Perth thinking of doing the fun run)

    I've just found they have an iphone app with week by week training guides... yay!
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