

I have just been given a Carl Lewis Exersize bike! first off- good make? did i do good? (it was free)

also i am 223 and looking (obv) to loose weight, how far should i cycle each day and on what tension to start seeing results??
also if i do weights with my arms while cycling would this be good?




  • lishfen
    lishfen Posts: 6 Member
    I don't know anything about that kind of bike. But personally I would say if it was free it is good. As long as you are burning calories on it it will work. Good luck!!!
  • tinkerbell1964
    Hi i own a stationary bike too, i do 5 mins on low resistance then i gradually tighten , then i do 40 mins and then finish with the last 5 mins on low again .............. 50mins altogether , i work up quite a sweat as i really push the pedals in those 50 mins
  • manda511
    manda511 Posts: 24 Member
    I think you did great since it was free.....Don't know if I would cycle naked though...might get some sort of rash.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    I think you did great since it was free.....Don't know if I would cycle naked though...might get some sort of rash.

    Till i saw your post i thought i was just imagining the naked in the title *lol*

    I reckon naked cycling would be a might uncomfortable.
  • nibbynoo
    nibbynoo Posts: 250 Member
    just threw that in to get your attention... seems to have worked!

    pretty harrowing thought though... i wouldnt recommend dwelling on it!