Is it really a good idea to excerise BEFORE breakfeast?!

PoAer Posts: 17
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok so I was watching a morning tv new program, and Dr.Oz was on on it. To sum one of the topics up was he suggested to excercise 30 minutes after you wake up and before breakfeast to burn more fat. My question is, is this wise and a healthy thing to do? And does it really work?


  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    I do it after day!!!
  • royam01
    royam01 Posts: 123
    I have always felt way to weak in the morning to do that. I need a little something in me... and a little coffee or else I will not be keeping up with that workout. I think its a personal choice. If you can do I say go for it. Probably would not hurt :)
  • it works for me - 9lb down after 8 weeks of pre breakfast gym sessions... plus when i get to the office i feel very smug :o)
  • DEE4560
    DEE4560 Posts: 139
    It's tough to do excersise in the morning if your not a morning person.
  • kswizzy
    kswizzy Posts: 15 Member
    I'm a runner and I've definitely done it... a lot. I try not to work out on a completely empty stomach, but for sure I would get up and try to eat half a banana or a small piece of a granola bar ... and then go to the gym or out for a run.

    There have definitely been times I've gone without even that little bit in my stomach.. many times. I dont think there is anything wrong with it. Unless of course you are HUNGRY when u get up - that could get distracting if your stomach is growling. My suggestion would be to eat something very very light and small... just so that ur stomach doesnt growl or if you intend for your workout to be very intense, so you dont pass out.
  • knelson422
    knelson422 Posts: 308 Member
    If I am working out for more than an hour, I eat half a whole wheat mini bagel with PB and 1/2 a sliced banana on it. If I have a shorter work out, I don't eat anything. Seems to be working so far.
  • kswizzy
    kswizzy Posts: 15 Member
    also, sometimes I may just have a little coffee rather than food.
  • kpower1983
    kpower1983 Posts: 103 Member
    I started it this week, just a 20 min run before breakfast, I'm loving it!!!!! :love:
  • Kforest0714
    Kforest0714 Posts: 93 Member
    I prefer to work out before breakfast because im not a bteakfast person...but I notice after I work out I get hungry so it actually helps me eat breakfast.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    This burns more fat, but if you goal it to increase performance i.e. training for a race it is best to eat prior to training.
    Fat loss, eat after
    increase performance, eat before.
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    Hasn't Dr. Oz also suggested the "fake being pregnant" diet? Where you shoot hormones into your body and only eat 500 calories a day? Doesn't seem safe to me...

    Everything I've ever heard/read is that it is really important to eat as soon as you wake up in order to kick-start your metabolism first thing. But I am neither a nutritionist or a trainer so I'd do your research :)
  • psugirl
    psugirl Posts: 3 Member
    I don't see any reason why not - as long as you are providing your body enough fuel every day, you should be okay to wake up and exercise (i.e. you should have enough energy stored up that your body is not dependent on your breakfast for immediate energy). I do morning workouts often, and I never eat or drinking anything before because it upsets my stomach while I'm working out. I do try to drink 2-3 glasses of water right before I go to bed as I find this helps me stay hydrated through a morning workout, and immediately after I'll have another glass or two. I am also more motivated to eat a healthy breakfast since I don't want to "waste" the workout that I dragged myself out of bed for....
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    I actually am hypoglycemic and I have found that for some reason I do better working out first thing int he morning on an empty stomach rather than later in the day a few hours after eating. If I eat right before I work out, I get cramps; if I don't eat, I get lightheaded and shaky due to blood sugar levels. I don't know why, but working out first thing before I eat anything just seems to work. I do sip water during my morning workouts (unless I am running) and have a protein recovery shake immediately afterwards. I lost the most weight while I was consistently working out in the mornings. HTH.
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Its usually 16-20 hours since my last real meal when I workout. I just have a protein shake prior to. Strength continues to increase while I lose fat.
  • aeryn69
    aeryn69 Posts: 35 Member
    I can't exercise after I eat, if I do I feel sick. If I don't exercise first thing in the morning then I have to wait at least 2 hours after eating.
  • I wouldn't be able to do it. I wouldn't be able to put my all into my workout, so I would be defeating myself. I have low blood sugar and blood pressure at times, which leads to dizziness. It would just be a bad idea all around for me!
  • mamara79
    mamara79 Posts: 20
    I used to be in the Air Force, and they reccomended it for ultimate fat loss. My suggestion tho, is not to do a Heavy duty work out in the morning........walk, swim, ride a bike for a bit........just some easy going cardio.

    Exercising on an empty stomach first thing in the morning MAKES your body use your fat reserves instead of calories already in your sytem from any food.

    Also, it boosts your metabolism the whole day! Wait 1 hour AFTER exercise for ultimate fat burning.

    Also, if you exercise first thing in the're good for the whole day! You may add another weight lifting or circuit training after work or whatever, but even if you are tired, sore, whatever, and don't feel like exercising, you've already done something that day!

    If you really NEED something on your stomach........drink a glass of milk.
  • PoAer
    PoAer Posts: 17
    OK thanks a lot you guys :D I have a couple of day before my springbreak ends, and I will try this method to see if it works for me. I'm excited to see if it's for me, haha we'll see. :)
  • afteil
    afteil Posts: 162 Member
    I work out at 5am and definately do not eat before hand- i find that i usually feel heavier and nauseous if i eat early. Normally I drink about 1.5 L of water while working out and eat breakfast after.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I wouldn't be able to do it. I wouldn't be able to put my all into my workout, so I would be defeating myself. I have low blood sugar and blood pressure at times, which leads to dizziness. It would just be a bad idea all around for me!

    Which is why your performance won't increase doing it that way. Try running a 5K without eating one day, then do the same thing about 1.5-2hours after you have eaten. Your times should be much better after you have had some food.
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