The Moments that Make Us Fat

tim_fitbuilt4life Posts: 301 Member
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
(CNN) -- If you're trying to lose weight, close your eyes for a minute and imagine the moments that make you fat.

Think through your day, and you'll see them, as big and obvious as a hot fudge sundae sitting right in front of you. You've been good all day, and wham, your friends suggest you go to a buffet for dinner; or you've diligently worked out and wham, you end up at a cocktail party with an array of the most killer desserts ever.

Don't rely on your willpower to get you through these tough times, advises James Hill, executive director of the Anschutz Health and Wellness Center at the University of Colorado.

"Willpower is not inexhaustible," he says. "You only have a certain amount of it, and it's gone."

The key is to accept the fact that your willpower will run out at some point, and plan strategies to get you through fattening situations. Here are the top five moments that make you fat, and what you can do to outwit them.

On vacation

The problem: You're on vacation and you want to kick back, relax, and enjoy the local cuisine -- but you don't want to come home with pounds to shed.

The solution: "Go for it," advises Frances Largeman-Roth, a registered dietitian and senior food and nutrition editor at Health magazine. But share with others. If you're in Paris, for example, don't skip a visit to the bakery -- that would be tres triste -- but share the goodies with friends.

After a break-up

The problem: You want to bury your sorrows in a pint of ice cream.

The solution: "Instead of meeting your friend for a drink to dish about your ex, meet up for a power walk or run," Largeman-Roth advises. Also, sign up for a team that is training for a 5K or some other race to distract your self and meet new people.

A party with fabulous food

The problem: You're at a party and everything looks delicious. It's free, it's in front of you, and no one's stopping you.

The solution: Don't arrive famished, says Dr. Melina Jampolis, CNNHealth's diet and fitness expert. Eat a small protein snack before the party, such as a few slices of turkey, a half a cup of low-fat cottage cheese, or half a protein bar.

Also, limit your alcohol, and not just because it's caloric, but because if it's hard to control yourself while you're sober, imagine how much harder it is while tipsy.

Watching TV

The problem: You want to plop in front of the television with a high-fat snack.

The solution: Use a small bowl, Largeman-Roth says, or snack on frozen grapes or veggies with a yogurt-based dip.

At a buffet, or a restaurant with enormous portions

The problem: Buffets offer limitless amounts of food, and much of it has tons of calories. Restaurants with big portions of delicious foods make it hard to push the plate away.

The solution: Simply don't go to buffet restaurants, Hill advises. But if you really have to, sit at a table where you can face away from the buffet -- Jampolis says studies show people who face away tend to eat less -- and load up initially on fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins so (at least hopefully) you won't have enough room for the bad stuff. At the end of the meal, she suggests having everyone at the table get just one dessert and share, so you get a little taste of lots of things.

As for big portion restaurants, the trick is to get the doggy bag at the front end, not the back end. Hill suggests when you order your meal, ask for half of your dinner to be brought to you on a plate, and the other half in a to-go box.


  • MaryDreamer
    MaryDreamer Posts: 439
    GREAT article! I so miss my Hong Kong Chinese Buffet! But once I hit maintenance mode I think I'm paying that place a visit just NOT often :)
  • Katherine_Nelson
    Katherine_Nelson Posts: 70 Member
    awesome article! made me feel better knowing that its normal for will power to run out lol.... because mine sure does!
  • Very Encouraging! I know my will power is not enough. I need to make conscious decisions all the time. It's not always easy but I am focused and stayin on this path. Thank you, I needed this today.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    So very true. I hate buffet bars! My key is to eat until I am satisfied and push the plate really doesn't take much if we follow our bodies cue for "I AM SATISFIED"...but we tend to steam roll right past that until "I AM SO STUFFED UNTIL I FEEL SICK"...and at buffets that is way to easy a task to accomplish.

    Whew, had to say no to a chik fila sandwich this morning and that was tough way on buffets I say! :-)

    Oh I am going to Paris in June, which is why I am so very focused to get to goal by then...I will NOT be refusing a thing while I am there, but my bff who lives there is so health concious too and works out as well, so I am good to go!!!
  • msdominique1
    msdominique1 Posts: 65 Member
    I just got finished reading this article on CNN myself... Its so true...
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