Turning 40- not so bad

Ldy_Rey71 Posts: 4 Member
edited 1:41AM in Introduce Yourself
Where to start... I'm 39 until 20July, when I hit the big 40. For the first time I had a physical come back that didn't say I was as healthy as a horse. Nope instead it said I'm WAAY overweight and my sugar and cholesterol levels are slightly high. On top of coping with that, my husband (of only 5months) and I have decided we want to have a baby. I'm starting or finishing, late in life and not in the best shape. I want to get to a new high in my life and make sure I'll be around for my kids for a long time. I currently weigh 227lbs and I'd like to eventually get to 170lbs. For starters I'd like to get to 190lb by my birthday. And that's why I'm here.


  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    Welcome! I'll be 40 in June so I'm just a tiny bit (very tiny!) older. Lots of support here to help you meet your goals.
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    I turn 41 tomorrow!!! my goal was to be fit by forty, and it was a wonderful day !!! Good luck to you!:drinker:
  • I hit 40 myself at the end of the year. The good news is I'm responding to the wake up call. No more snooze button from here on the rest of the way! I just joined 2-3 weeks ago. It's the best place to be even better than Facebook...well I mean it's very helpful. Welcome to your better self!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I started my journey here on MFP last May at 249 lbs. Currently I'm sitting at 197 lbs! :bigsmile: I was inspired to try to be "FAT FREE at FORTY" by Tamishumate's story. She is awesome! I have till October 21st to make it to my goal of 155 lbs. So...just slightly over 7 months to go! I had bad cholesterol & sugar was borderline high. I used to have a lot of water retention problems too. At one point I was taking 13 pills per day! Now I take ZERO! My doctor couldn't be more happier with my new changes. Good luck with your journey & welcome to your new lifestyle! :flowerforyou:
  • ok guys - I started at 45. Turning 40 wasn't as scary as I thought, although I did start to reassess some stuff around me....all sorted! The only thing still going is the journey for better health =) Hope to be at my goal by mid year. Weight isn't changing too much but my size is and my health/ energy is hooting! So far, an awesome trip! Have tried many things I thought I could never do...problem is with more confidence being added along the way, the list gets bigger! Whoo hoooooo!!!! (doin' the dance!) :D. All you guys on here are so inspirational and I really enjoy reading your stories and achievements as you move forward. Keep up the great work! :drinker:
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    I'll be 50 in May. Just wanted to say that for me life really did begin at 40. I had fabulous years from 40-47, then I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder that has messed with my weight a bit, but I'm back on track. I hope to be fit by 50! Enjoy the 40's - truly a lot of the worries and baggage of your 20's and 30's melt away in your 40's.
  • MichelleB69
    MichelleB69 Posts: 213 Member
    Welcome! I turned 42 in January and I agree...there was nothing bad about turning 40! If anything; it made me take stock of my life and start taking responsibility for how I wanted it to turn out! I just joined MFP last week and I wish I would've discovered it 2 years ago; it's a great site and you'll find lots of support here.

    BTW, I just met a 40 yo woman pregnant with her first (twins, actually) and she looked fantastic and was talking about her NEXT pregnancy...so it can be done! :)
  • tiggy73
    tiggy73 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi there and welcome!!! Looks like I'm not the only one who has a goal to be "fit by 40". I will be 39 this July and finally had an aha moment when I joined this site. I've been overweight for the past 15 years or so, and after many starts and stops I think I will finally be able to conquer this obesity demon. I feel totally optimistic and excited.

    This is a great community and the tools are so wonderful and user friendly. The people on here are amazing and so supportive.

    Even though we are all at different stages of our weight loss journeys, we all can empathize with each other.

    So welcome aboard!! You're gonna love it!!
    :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • outdoorsmom
    outdoorsmom Posts: 46 Member
    Welcome I just turned 40 in January. It's not that bad. But you have come to the right place. You will find so much encouragement and support here. Good luck on the journey.
  • Suebepinkydoo
    Suebepinkydoo Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome I just turned 40 in January. It's not that bad.

    Agree! I turned in Jan too..........
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I just turned 45 and I have to tell you, I'm glad you've made the decision to improve your health now. Turning 40 was easy but along with the new first digit in your age comes quite a few changes in your body. For me, at around my 43rd birthday, it was a need for reading glasses and a(nother!) decrease in my metabolism. I'm fighting harder than ever to keep off that extra weight. You're doing yourself a huge favor by making the changes now that will help you become a healthier you. Congrats and good luck on your journey!
  • crissa71
    crissa71 Posts: 27 Member
    I will be 40 in September and have decided there are no more excuses! I will be fit by fourty.....
    Good luck on your journey MFP is great, wonderful support! I just started about 15 days ago so send a friend request and we can journey together!!
  • Ldy_Rey71
    Ldy_Rey71 Posts: 4 Member
    Happy Be-lated Birthday! :)
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