Really Scared

alysen2012 Posts: 71
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
I have PT tomorow at 10am MT, and i am losing motivation. I feel like i am going to fail in the push ups since i cant even do one normal push up and plus with the run i am afarid that i will not make time. I feel like i should just give up and not even go. I really need some help.


  • HollyRutledge
    HollyRutledge Posts: 250 Member
    PT with who? The military? If so, their tests are pretty easy, shouldnt be anything to worry about if youve been exercising.
  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    Don't be scared.. your working hard towards your goal.. go out and give it your all.. you can do this!!!
  • The PT is for a program at my school to get into the law enforcement field.
  • TashaP2011
    TashaP2011 Posts: 142 Member
    Not showing up is guaranteed failure. All any of us can do is show up and do our best! You won't regret trying!
    Best wishes to you!
  • PT with who? The military? If so, their tests are pretty easy, shouldnt be anything to worry about if youve been exercising.

    hah...depends on which branch...some are not that easy! (ie marines...)
  • tmthorn0927
    tmthorn0927 Posts: 155 Member
    Not showing up is guaranteed failure. All any of us can do is show up and do our best! You won't regret trying!
    Best wishes to you!

    agree!!! go and give it your best.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    not showing up is automatic failure. Just go and do your best. If you have been working out and training for it I am sure you will do fine. Go for it.
  • HollyRutledge
    HollyRutledge Posts: 250 Member
    Yea, law enforcement is not real tough either..(in the beginning anyway) so I wouldnt worry too much about it. If youve been exercising Im sure youll do fine. I always rested the day before my PT tests and it helped me do better...but thats just me. Dont worry YOU GOT THIS!!!
  • HollyRutledge
    HollyRutledge Posts: 250 Member
    PT with who? The military? If so, their tests are pretty easy, shouldnt be anything to worry about if youve been exercising.

    hah...depends on which branch...some are not that easy! (ie marines...)

    Ive done them all, but I assumed she was referring to the PT test they give you before you join, which in MY opinion was easy for any branch. Its nothing like an actual PT test you take AFTER you get in...those are the hard ones.
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    If your weight/not being in shape is stopping you from the career you want. That is MORE reason to go. My weight/not being in shape stopped me from wearing cute dresses and a two piece last summer. I refuse to let it stop me from anything I want again. I would most defiantly GO. YOU are in charge of your future and your health. Only YOU can make yourself get in shape to do push-ups. No one is born, with enough muscles to do a push-up. Everyone has to work at it. So work at it, and do it,
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    Worst case scenario: you don't pass. And then? You use the results as a baseline and work on improving!

    If I wouldn't take my horse to a horse show because I was afraid I wouldn't win, I never would have learned HOW to win. "Failure" isn't The End. It's part of making progress.
  • You might feel bad about yourself if you go and fail...but you'll DEFINITELY feel bad about yourself if you don't go at all.

    I've spent most of my life trying to avoid the things that scare me. I almost didn't make it through college because I had such bad social anxiety and a fear of failure. But eventually I had to start telling myself that I was truly destroying myself by never facing my fears. They defined me. Those fears told me what I could and couldn't do, where I could go and where I couldn't. Once I started to do the things that scared me, I realized the reward of doing those things feels much better than the false comfort of avoiding them. And that most of the fears were ridiculously silly in the first place.

    I like to use the story of the high dive. Summer after summer when I was a kid I refused to go off the high dive because I was absolutely terrified of it. Then one day, after hours of prodding by my brother and dad, I climbed the ladder and jumped into the sky. And was immediately ADDICTED to the thrill of the high dive. I never stopped, and even snuck out one night that summer to hop the pool fence and go night jumping on my new favorite high dive, hahaha true story!
  • TabbyJustice
    TabbyJustice Posts: 132 Member
    Worst case scenario: you don't pass. And then? You use the results as a baseline and work on improving!

    Love this! Fully agree. It really could not hurt but to try it. You may shock yourself on what you can do when you REALLY want it. Push through it. It's not like this is the only time you can take the PT for law enforcement. :)
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    go and do your best, if the worst happens and you dont pass, you know how much work you have to do when you re-sit. obviously i'm hoping that you pass.

    wishing all the best, from someone who failed her uk police fitness test twice
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I have several friends in LE and one thing that stands out about them is their "can do" attitude. Two of them have failed various tests along the way. They get all fired up about it and try harder! It's a competitive group of people, for sure. GO GET IT!
  • jeaniedev
    jeaniedev Posts: 117 Member
    Attitude is half of the go in there with a great positive attituude and kick some buttITYOU CAN DO IT!!:flowerforyou:
  • fitnezrox
    fitnezrox Posts: 41
    Go and give it your best, remember your body will not let you down, you must get your mind on the same level. It is usually mind over matter when it comes to achieving fitness goals. YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE YOU CAN AND WILL PASS THE FITNESS TESTS.............if your mind beleives it your body will follow, even if it FEELS like it won't, keep going and pushing through. You have a goal in mind and it is yours for the taking!!!! Best of luck tomorrow, I know you will shine!!!

    Have a healthy and happy day!!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Ask yourself how bad you want this. Then go and do your best!

  • Thanks everyone. I havent really been scared til now when it is so close but i will take everyone advice and put in affect. I am person that hates failure i just feel like if i dont do this i will turn out just like my mom and i dont want that since she is crack *kitten*(excuse the language) a person that needs a guy to make her happy. So i guess that is wat i am really afarid of though.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Not showing up is guaranteed failure. All any of us can do is show up and do our best! You won't regret trying!
    Best wishes to you!

    I 2nd this.

    At least you will see what the PT is like and if perhaps you don't make it this time you will know what to expect and what to work on for the next one.
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