Hi - from a very wet England!!

Hope6804 Posts: 4
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Signed on a few weeks ago but failed to have a good luck round. Have been very unmotivated just recently. But have now had a look around and am ready to go for it.
I'm 40 yrs old with 4 children 12, 11, 4 and 20 months. Have given up smoking (7mths) seem to have replaced them with anything I can get my hands on. Taught myself to run (couldn't do it at school!!) completed race for Life 5km, but have over 30lbs to shift.
My goal is to fully utilise this great site and to return to tihe gym on Monday and take it one day at a time instead of trying to have lost all the weight in the first week (have been yoyoing for 24 yrs - should really know better!!)

Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Diet Journal


  • Signed on a few weeks ago but failed to have a good luck round. Have been very unmotivated just recently. But have now had a look around and am ready to go for it.
    I'm 40 yrs old with 4 children 12, 11, 4 and 20 months. Have given up smoking (7mths) seem to have replaced them with anything I can get my hands on. Taught myself to run (couldn't do it at school!!) completed race for Life 5km, but have over 30lbs to shift.
    My goal is to fully utilise this great site and to return to tihe gym on Monday and take it one day at a time instead of trying to have lost all the weight in the first week (have been yoyoing for 24 yrs - should really know better!!)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Diet Journal
  • emorym
    emorym Posts: 344
    Welcome from Sunny Florida:smile: This site is great. Congratulations on your race. Just remember to take it one day at a time. You are gonna have god ones and bad ones just try to limit the bad ones.
  • Hello and welcome! I am from wet Stratford-Upon-Avon!! This site is great and the people here are very friendly and helpful :o) I wish you all the very best on your journey to a sexier and slimmer bod!! :o)
  • Ezzie
    Ezzie Posts: 665 Member
    Welcome from sometimes wet, right now beautiful:flowerforyou: Michigan, soon to be wet once again:grumble: .....you're in the right place for friendship, motivation and large doses of common sense, with a wee bit of humor here and there.

    Glad you're here.
  • johnsscarlett
    johnsscarlett Posts: 109 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome from California! A little cloudy, I'm loving it.

    You will love this site. It's very motivating and fun.:drinker:
  • Canelitas
    Canelitas Posts: 712
    Welcome :flowerforyou:
  • cupcake568
    cupcake568 Posts: 178 Member
    Welcome from Buffalo...it's not snowing here, yet.
  • Wynnie
    Wynnie Posts: 225 Member
    Hi back at you from the one freakish part of California that is almost always cold and wet!

    Glad you joined MFP. And it sounds like you have a good plan and great attitude - one day at a time; the patient, persistent plan! I only joined about a month before you and have managed to get a few of those pounds off I wanted. It is working, but some days are harder than others. And I'm starting to think "friends are fattening", because the days I go over on calories are always the ones when we "go out for a bite".

    At least your MFP friends aren't fattening! We're all there for you. Best wishes!
  • thanks so much for your welcome. Looking forward to getting to knowyou all and shifting some pounds!!
  • MrsDanceBartley
    MrsDanceBartley Posts: 78 Member

    I am originally from BIRMINGHAM, England but have lived in the US for 5 years now.

    Nice to meet you!

  • Theweebarrell
    Theweebarrell Posts: 100 Member
    :smile: Hi and welcome just joined myself today im from Scotland
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
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