Brides on a Mission: Week 11



  • update to weigh in: today is normally my weigh in day but will be not weighin in due to TOM and other wensdayw ill be weighin in....
  • I lost 1.2lbs in my weight in this morning! I just hope it's real. Since I have been super stressed and busy with school I have been making some bad food choices and not working out as much. I am somewhat back into the swing of things today and I am hoping for a healthy week ahead!
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 8 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: none...gained .6's my TOM, I hope it's just that :grumble:
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I got my dress! I was so nervous that I would hate the way I looked in everything but I really had a wonderful time. Also, bought the black feathers I am using in my bouquets.
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Another gain this week. I was so pumped last week when I finally had a loss and now up again, just a little but still frustrating.
    4. Give a re-cap of your wedding (style/theme, location, amount of people, what you are most looking forward to): It's an evening wedding and mostly black and white so pretty chic but I am throwing in a few unique fun things to show our personalities like a little bit of zebra print and feathers in the centerpieces and bouquets.
    5. Any wedding news updates: Got my dress and my veil
    6. State a negative thought, and then change it into a positive thought: I'll never be even close to where I want to be for my wedding. I will look and feel so much better than I do now.
    7. What is your plan to stop change the negative into positive: Ughh....I am bad at this.
    8. How did you do with the week 10 challenge (if you didn’t post a fav recipe post one now!): I'm not much of a cook
    9. Weekly wrap up: I'm getting pretty stressed about work. My school is closing in May putting us all out of jobs and no one has a job yet. I do have a summer nanny job which will help a lot and I can always sub...but I love teaching, it breaks my heart to think of not having my own classroom next year. Last year I was a sub and, it was stressful not knowing when I could work or if I would have a good pay check...and I gained a lot of weight during that year. I'm nervous.

    Let's see that dress!!! Give us a link if its posted online somewhere :-)

    I'm a wedding dress fanatic!

    And good luck with your interview! Remember... believe it achieve it! Envision yourself in that job and you will get it!
  • I thought I'd share pics of my wedding dress to try and cheer me up!! I apologize for the look on my face! I think I was crying when my mother took the picture.




    And that's my actual veil. Hopefully it will look even better after I've lost some more weight!! I still need to figure out shoes, but I love my dress. There's cap sleeves I can wear with it, and it looks a lot better with those.

    I always have to laugh because I got my dress in October. Well, I tried dresses on in March of last year....tried this one on and HATED it....and then....7 months later... I love it! So funny. :-)
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    I thought I'd share pics of my wedding dress to try and cheer me up!! I apologize for the look on my face! I think I was crying when my mother took the picture.

    And that's my actual veil. Hopefully it will look even better after I've lost some more weight!! I still need to figure out shoes, but I love my dress. There's cap sleeves I can wear with it, and it looks a lot better with those.

    I always have to laugh because I got my dress in October. Well, I tried dresses on in March of last year....tried this one on and HATED it....and then....7 months later... I love it! So funny. :-)

    i love your dress! and it is really funny how we can like one dress at one point and then do a total 180! I ended up buying two dresses and they were NOTHING alike... I thought I wanted simple with the first one but then realized I wanted so much more! You're going to be a beautiful bride!!
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    @greenpianokeys: Love seeing pictures of brides in that moment of finding THE dress. What an awesome experience! You look great and thanks for sharing!
  • elkmel
    elkmel Posts: 24
    Brides on a Mission: week 11
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: No loss this week :( Tempted to blame it on TOM's arrival, but not sure if that's the case. Either way, I have a new goal for Easter, so I am ready to watch that number on the scale go down!

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): FH and I got stuff over the weekend to start our garden for this year! We're going to start the plants inside and then move them outside once there is no danger of frost :) I'm excited/nervous, because we want to grow our own basil for our wedding favors (we're making our favorite pesto sauce and giving everyone a small jar of it). If growing it doesn't work out, I know we can just buy fresh basil, but it wouldn't be quite as special that way.

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): FH's car had been giving him trouble, so he's started the search for a new one. His car now has been a total money pit for the last year or so, so I will be glad to see it go, but trying to find a new (not brand new, just new for him, haha!) car is stressful!

    4. Give a re-cap of your wedding (style/theme, location, amount of people, what you are most looking forward to): We are getting married in a state park - we chose the park because we wanted a place where we could do everything (ceremony, reception, AND accommodations!) The ceremony will be in an outdoor amphitheatre, the reception outside in the park, and there are tons of cabins people can stay in. We're planning on around 150 people. The wedding is mostly DIY, and we are trying to keep things eco-friendly, as well. Our color palette is just a range of fall colors (orange, red, yellow, brown, gold), and the theme is kind of fall/nature. I am (of course!) looking forward to Scot's face when I walk down the aisle, but I am also really looking forward to our families all being together in one place and just enjoying ourselves.

    5. Any wedding news updates: Not really - been working on some decorations and still researching caterers.

    6. State a negative thought, and then change it into a positive thought: "I can not see much of a difference from 13 pounds ago to now..." "I can FEEL a huge difference from 13 pounds ago to now..."

    7. What is your plan to stop change the negative into positive: I am overall a very optimistic/positive-thinking person, so usually it's a quick response for me to change my negative thoughts when they start to creep in.

    8. How did you do with the week 10 challenge (if you didn’t post a fav recipe post one now!): spinach&artichoke lasagna = yum!

    9. Weekly wrap up: Not a terrible week, but not one of my best, either. Hoping to make this next week great!
  • elkmel
    elkmel Posts: 24
    I thought I'd share pics of my wedding dress to try and cheer me up!! I apologize for the look on my face! I think I was crying when my mother took the picture.

    I LOVE seeing other brides in their dresses :) The dress is beautiful on you!
    My dress is hanging in a closet at my mom's house - sometimes I wish I had it with me just so I could look at it, haha! I love it!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Usher gift update: I think the picture idea sounds nice for the usher (Dan’s brother in-law). Is it tacky to give him the frame and verbally let him know that we’re going to have a portrait done after we’re married? I was also pondering getting him a gift card for Walt Disney world, since we’ll be going there with Dan’s family in December. It’s not really a keepsake, though.*thoughtful expression* I know some of you said, why doesn’t my fiancé choose the gift? Basically, he doesn’t feel we need to get the usher anything. I think it’s rude not to.

    greenpianokeys – I lucked out with my photographer, since he was up and coming he didn’t charge a lot ($800 for a full day of coverage). But I went through many of the same emotions when I looked and selected a videographer. I kept thinking, is one really necessary? I got one for $900 which is a pretty decent price compared to what is out there, but I kept wondering if I was spending wisely. I finally determined that it was worth the splurge because we’re aiming for a shorter, three hour reception and stuff is going to happen very fast. I don’t want to be sad that I missed a minute of anything. Between the photographer and videographer, I’ll be able to relive the wedding, especially moments that I might not have had the chance to enjoy at the time.

    kalebsmama07 – I know what you mean about the fiance’s family being difficult to get along with. Dan’s family really wants a HUGE wedding because he’s a doctor and I think they want to flaunt his social status. I wanted a small, immediate family members only wedding at a small country church where my Mom got married. We compromised and are having a 150 people guest list at our church. My parents have also complained that the wedding is really getting inflated and out of hand. They believe I never would have purchased or done all the things I did if I didn’t have the pressure from Dan’s parents. Overall, though, I’m still happy. Three months and one day today!!!:-D

    JulieSue – Having someone steal your identity is super scary! Especially when you consider they can run up bills on you and completely ruin your credit score. I hope things get worked out on this soon. I’m nervous for you!

    Edrudge – I’m confused!? Why is your mom freaking out about the wedding? Is she trying to be controlling or is she just depressed? I’m the kind of person who hates seeing people go on medication if they really don’t need it. Has she tried yoga to distress?

    lilRicki – Did you receive the results of your cervical biopsies? I’m keeping you in my thoughts and praying that everything turns out okay for you. No one needs health stresses when they’re trying to plan one of the happiest days of their lives.

  • EHeadings
    EHeadings Posts: 50 Member
    (deleted by commenter.)
  • I got a job!!

    I'll be the lead teacher for the toddler room at the Primrose school. :-)

    I get to play with puppets and dance everyday!!

    Yay full time job!
  • update: HELP...i need a little reasurance.... first off sorry this is so long..& if doesnt make sense... so ive been stressing but not about my wedding...more of my friendship with my MOH....ive known her about 7 yrs or so...and ive never known her to freak out about anything...ive never seen it or heard her doing it... so she wa excited to be my moh and wanted to throw me a bachelorette party (i never wanted one may i remind you but she wanted to so bad) so i explained to her that my friends work one or more jobs and usually need 1 month in advance to get time i suggested that and she freaked on me in a sense...remind u shes not like as my moh and i have diffrent social circles n my friends live a state away...i thought that by tellin her this is could help her witht he callin i sent her this message as i just explained and the reaction i got back and wanted your opnion on i did anything wrong in letting her know of my friends...=( i just figured she had a bad day but after this situation ive had the worst week n have been so upset n crying n such im really close with her and it had made me angry .....idk im just in shock and its over something stupid but its important me...and as my best friend and moh ....her sister offered to make my wedding cake so if she was to stay mad or how ever she feels...i dont want her sister to back out but if she did i hope that she would tell me so i could continue with my orginal plan of making my own wedding cake...i dont want things aqward or tension that u could cutt with a these events arise with my bachelorette party in april and my wedding a month later.... i plan on not contacting her or seeing her till she comes to me or the time for my bachelorette party...theres been no other incidents but this one this is why im so shocked and unsure of things rite i said that im not even stressed about the wedding its self....just my friendship with my moh ....

    not tryin to push u but most of my friends need like a month in advance for time off....they work like 1 or more this is just suggestion to the invites n such n calling....=)
    yeah i no! one night something happened and i was busy till like 8:30 -9:00 and i figured that was to late and the next night i went out with zach and yesterday i had two birthday partys i went to and i didnt get home till 10:30. so i will get to it when i have a min at night if you want to do it go right ahead other wise let me handle it . i dont mean to seem *****y but i do have alot of **** goin on around here not saying i dont want to do this or that i dont have time but i need you to back up a litte. .

    im sorry if u having a bad day.... .

    r u mad at me???? i would hope if u were you would tell me...n not hide it .

    what are you talking about hiding it? in the message i sent you this morning i said i had alot of **** goin on and that i needed you to back of of hounding me on preparations. and that s exactly how i feel. there is nothing else to it. and yeah im agervated but only cuz im tring to handle drama around the house and i have a lot f kid birthdays with parties to attend and gifts to buyand ontop of all this i wake up this morning and the first thing i read is you telling me i need to get on calling people. that is why im upset and thats i! i dont understand what ur talking about HIDING IT! if i have an issue with something i will tell you just like i told you to lay off or take over. .

    relax i was just sayin id hope u tell me if u were mad at me for something mabe about previous stuff thats happend that sometimes u get stressed n hold stuff in...u told this to me the other nite when u were over.. n i said i dont know how u do it with out exploding on ppl... no offesnse far as callin ppl...i never said u had to start callin i just said that they usually work 2 jobs so it mite be hard in a sense to get a hold i just knew thier scheduel more than u would ...n i was only tryin to help cuz i knew u probley were chill out chicky....take a breather....n relax i WASNT hounding or pushing nothing i was just lettin u know my friends work more than one job if u wanted to kno....i know i take things the wrong way most of the time but i think u mite of took my above message wrong about pushin u to call ppl... i know if u needed my help u know where im at..i under stand ur situations with life....i do have one of my i know the same if not more...of daily stresses with life....i hope you dont take this message the wrong way harm in this message ethier...i hate talkin over computers n they become so far as i feel ...i think theres some tension in the air between us and is not good for our friendship or any up coming really dont need to do this for me...i know u want to but if its gonna cause more stress to u ...i dont need you stressin over me... i but appreciate the thought..... =) im here if u need to talk...where ur stressed out... .

    i also think fb is a bad idea for communicatin so if u need me just call me or text =) have a good week...

    so as ive been dealing with this all week...stressed to the max sounds silly but she means alot to me as a friend i just want things to be normal and okay for the wedding....=) where i had asked her to be apart of my sure shes stressed of the how the tension mite be....
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    Kalebsmama - I would just call her! And she really didn't sound upset with you in the third message (her response to you). She just sounded like she was telling you she was sorry she's been really busy and she hasn't forgotten. Just give her a call and say you really appreciate everything she is doing and you'd be willing to help in anyway that she wants you to. You definitely need to stop e-mailing though because it really does make a lot of situations worse.
  • agoessli
    agoessli Posts: 81 Member
    This is the link to a pic of my dress:


    Let's see that dress!!! Give us a link if its posted online somewhere :-)

    I'm a wedding dress fanatic!

    And good luck with your interview! Remember... believe it achieve it! Envision yourself in that job and you will get it!

  • Let's see that dress!!! Give us a link if its posted online somewhere :-)

    I'm a wedding dress fanatic!

    And good luck with your interview! Remember... believe it achieve it! Envision yourself in that job and you will get it!

    love the dress....
  • 1. Name: Lauren
    2. Age: 27
    3. City: Red Bank, NJ
    4. Occupation: therapist
    5. Wedding date: May 21
    6. Fiancés name: Oscar
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 4 years
    8. Heaviest weight: 148
    9. Goal weight and date: 120 by May 21 - reached my first and second goals so decided to shoot for 5 more lbs!
    10. Favorite type of exercise: cross ramp (eliptical machine with an incline)
    11. Favorite healthy food: hummus

    Brides on a Mission: week 8 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: half a pound lost
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): i found out my dress will be in very soon! and i found my shoes!!!!
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): my dog was trying to jump into my car but felt flat on her back :( poor baby
    4. Give a re-cap of your wedding (style/theme, location, amount of people, what you are most looking forward to): we are having our reception at a vendor on the marina with 150 guests. our colors are navy with light pink accents - the bm dresses are long flowy chiffon and we're using only pink roses.
    5. Any wedding news updates: invitations are stuffed and ready to be addressed - we will be mailing them out next week!!!
    6. State a negative thought, and then change it into a positive thought: negative: feeling super guilty because i ate some non diet friendly food during a work luncheon today and feel like i probably gained a lb.. positive: even if i gain a lb, i'm still down 23 from my original start weight!!! and the food was delicious!
    7. What is your plan to stop change the negative into positive: be mindful and remember not to take everything i have for granted
    8. How did you do with the week 10 challenge (if you didn’t post a fav recipe post one now!):
    9. Weekly wrap up: this week i made some to do lists and realized how much needs to be done within the next two months!!! time to get busy!
  • agoessli
    agoessli Posts: 81 Member
    Congrats! That is wonderful news! I worked in a toddler room throughout college and just LOVED it!
    I got a job!!

    I'll be the lead teacher for the toddler room at the Primrose school. :-)

    I get to play with puppets and dance everyday!!

    Yay full time job!
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member

    It's gorgeous!!! I can't wait to see pictures of you in it! You're going to look so beautiful on your wedding day!!!
  • I lost 1.2 lbs this week! Yah!!! I am almost to 165lbs!! And even better a BMI of 26...only a few more lbs until I get to the healthy 25 BMI!!!:tongue:
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