Under eating on my calories and don't exercise

Hi everyone. Im new here, found the app on my smart phone and thought it would help out alot in my weight loss. I have been given a goal of 2250 calories a day. I have been doing this for a week and I have never gone over my calories. Im also not starving myself either. I usually am under my goal anywheres from 700 to 1000 calories. The way I see it is that I don't workout, so the least amount of calories that I take in the better to drop the pounds. I have been thinking of starting to go for walks after dinner at night to help things out. Any imput on what Im doing would be great. If I do start walking how long or how far should I go? Thanks


  • mkcalvert
    mkcalvert Posts: 219 Member
    As long as u stay at no less than 1200/day you're okay....Anything less than that is STARVING...:) good luck
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    As long as u stay at no less than 1200/day you're okay....Anything less than that is STARVING...:) good luck
    This is dangerously inaccurate. 1200 NET calories is MFP's floor for women only.
  • mkcalvert
    mkcalvert Posts: 219 Member
    Yeah sorry about that,,,,I really should have done more research before saying that!! I have looked around and I'm actually changing my own goals if I can
  • hanna541
    hanna541 Posts: 32
    u have to work out or else u r not geting no wher try eating a day with meal and snacks up to 800 and something calories and u will be fine and try and burn 700 cal a day thats even better thats how iam doing it and see progress oh and iam also on slim fast