Help! I've PLATEUED!



  • eandskp
    eandskp Posts: 54
    Forgot to mention this about weight training- the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn overall. Weight training will release HGH (Human Growth Hormone) and also makes your bones stronger. You continue to burn more fat for up to 24-32 hours after weight training. All info I posted here is taken from and .
  • army_cobra
    army_cobra Posts: 136 Member
    Any suggestions for how much of a calorie fluctuation I should have? I currently am at 1200 calories/day.

    This all depends on your BMR and TDEE, height, age, sex, weight
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    1200 a day in my opinion is to restrictive to allow for any real fluctuation, if you are that low then I would be highly inclined to eat back all and I do men ALL of the workout cals, 1200 is the bare minimum and despite what you may think going that low will not equal faster fat loss unlike what many ppl will swear by. Fat loss will occur more rapidly with a good muscle building program coupled with feeding the body good wholesome foods, which is why I advocate clean eating as a lifestyle, I have had more success and a rapid weight loss using this method more than any other I have tried. Here is a great link for clean eating; eating from the top 2 tiers will give you the healthiest diet in terms of nutrition, anything below try to limit that.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    My goal is different than most (I'm adding weight), but it has been my experience that when I hit a wall, its time for a re-evaluation of my diet and routine.

    Not really eating a different amount, but trying new foods or adding/subtracting meals. Change it up, maybe five or six meals a day instead of four (just an example, I'm eating four meals a day currently) A solid week of 'active rest' works wonders for me. Long walks instead of short runs, basketball, tennis, fun things.
  • miabrown66
    I am wondering the same thing; oh, and what does it mean when you 'bump'?

    If you reply with "bump" it will keep the topic in your "My topics" so you can find it easily.
  • miabrown66
    You need to count your macros if you want to get good results. Also do alot of cardio

    What's a macro?
  • miabrown66
    Thanks for all the advice. I did just join a gym so I could start strength training; however, spring break interrupted this. Maybe after I get on a routine with this it will help. I also had decided to try and lower my carbs and up my protein to see if that would jump start. As far as eating more, I may try this if everything else fails. I don't lose weight easily so usually try to keep my calories at around 1200-1300 per day and sometimes lower. Thanks again!