Elliptical trainer...

kimmysueneal Posts: 83 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Really happy w/ my endurance of 45 minutes on the elliptical, but my machine told me that I burned almost 900 calories during that time. When I logged my time on here, it said 569... Has my machine been wrong this whole time??? It's 6 years old, so maybe....


  • grumpz
    grumpz Posts: 30
    Does it have a heart rate monitor? If not that is the only way to work out accuately how many calories you have burned
  • determinedx3
    determinedx3 Posts: 26 Member
    Think it depends on your weight and strides per minute. I burn around 300-350 in 30 minutes where my husband in that same 30 minutes will burn 450 or MORE!
  • 900 calories is a LOT for 45 mins......but i guess it depends on what level you are on. I do about 30 mins and i burn up to 400 depending on the level. You may want to reprogram the elliptical if you can
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    Well, it depends on your weight and your intensity, but I'd say 900 is quite high. I weigh just under 150 pounds and work on an elliptical at a very high intensity for 60 mins and burn around 500-600 calories. This site tells me I burn 615, but my bodybugg tells me I burn 500. I don't have a HRM, so I'm not sure what that would say, so I figure it's somewhere between them. My rule is to never believe the machine.
  • h2onut
    h2onut Posts: 164
    Well... it is possible, depending on your effort and heart rate to burn those kind of calories in 45 minutes. You'd have to be going hard for those 45 minutes though... if you are, then you probably are burning that much - good for you, keep it up!
  • Buy a polar heart rate monitor. You enter your weight and age in the watch and wear a chest strap. You will get calories burned amount. Other members have had great success with this. Leaves out any guesswork when entering it in your diary.
  • homepage007
    homepage007 Posts: 4 Member
    First and foremost KUDOS for doing 60 minutes on an elliptical. No matter what number you believe for the calorie burned, you know you are so going in the right direction. GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I crank it up to 13 on the elliptical and burned over 900 calories in 45 minutes. You have to keep the intensity up, but also keep the RPM or "pace" above 61...
  • AnnOWar
    AnnOWar Posts: 4
    I train for 60 minutes on my elliptical and the machine suggests that I burn 420 calories. When I put in my workout here, it suggests that I burn more. So I used my HRM to determine the exact amount just to be sure.

    (I think I might also need to up the ante too...Hehe)
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